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RE: How Fast Things Are Moving: 6G Communications

Yeah well we can agree or disagree with it but that doesnt stop the fact that it is coming.

Just like vaccines, we are going to see more, produced in less time, targeting whatever they desire to "vaccinate" us against.

This process will not stop with 6G either. I wouldnt be surprised if they start on the outline for the 7th generation around 2025.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


we can agree or disagree with it but that doesnt stop the fact that it is coming.

TaskNostradamus4450, are you sure that you're not under #MindControl and just repeating what you hear on TV?

Considering I dont have television I would say that is hard for me to repeat.

However, looking at what is coming out, it is hard to deny what these entities are doing and bringing out.

Do you disagree that 6G is going to be brought out? Do you disagree they will not keep rolling out vaccines? Are those all conspiracy theories?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you disagree that 6G is going to be brought out?

It depends on how we react. Making videos about how "inevitable" it is only creates a defeated mindset. If we keep doing that we'll be up to 12G by next year.

Of course isnt the point of mindcontrol to not let people know they are under it?

If that is the case, who is to know?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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