Considering that a great deal of what I have posted on COVID was part of a process of breaking stories months before the mainstream even started to concur (and which often got people banned from other networks for even mentioning them prior to mainsteam acceptance).. and also that I have regularly had thanks from professors, Doctors and many others for introducing key details to them that they had never seen anyone else talking about - for the most part the idea that my posts are stale and boring is absurd. They could only really be boring if you have no interest in matters life and death and if this is true then it says something about the emotional bodies of those involved.
When people have no rational argument, they tend to lie.
I am blown away by the threats from azircon. Like whoa dude why? You and @kennyskitchen is being proven more right each day about Hive. I mean what is our whales doing doxing people and making threats?