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RE: Getting All Worked Up Over Imaginary Conversations

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

Wow, I've been facing the same issue. I tend to be defensive and react rather than respond.

The issue occurs mainly with my Mom and with my wife.

Sometimes I'm in a situation and in my mind the situation is taking place with my Mom present whose across the globe actually. And I'm arguing with her and getting worked up.

Seems like I took "Imaginary" to another level!


Thank you for sharing. I actually looked this up (getting worked up over imaginary conversations) and a lot of articles came up, which helped me feel less alone! Apparently it's a defensive mechanism to help us feel protected, like we won't be "blindsided" by a conflict. To stop this endless back and forth in my mind, I remind myself that it's impossible to predict every single thing and furthermore, most times it turns out better than what I expected (as was the case with my mom).

youte welcome. and thanks for that info. I should read up myself ad well as I never did. was actually thinking of seeing a professional about it.

Glad it helped!