Condemning someone inevitably imposes an unfair burden for several reasons. We know very little about those we know well. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand all the reasons behind other people's decisions. As discerning judges, we have to realize our own limitations in correctly perceiving all the circumstances of an event.
We have to be humble enough to recognize in our analysis that our frustration, pain, fear and selfishness are too influential. This robs us of clarity of thought and deprives us of a perfect sense of justice. When we limit ourselves to judge an individual fact without taking into account the whole content of the person, we analyze a part without taking into account the whole. We must not forget that in each person there is more life than our imagination can encompass.
For those who expect trumpeting angels to come to announce divine messages, or who expect an amazing prophecy to be revealed that will lead to a "planetary transformation", I want to give you some late news: Prophets have been with us for a long time, and what's more, so have we. The messages are everywhere and are available all day long. No one can speak to us with the mouth of another, and messages are everywhere. Therefore, the true prophets are sometimes in ourselves.
The link between the visible and invisible planes is continuous and has an infinite number of channels.
The truth is manifested in the details of each situation experienced. The beauty and truth of life are to be found everywhere. In the song of the birds, in the murmur of the stream, in the enchantment of the sunrise and in the music that touches our heart. We must find the same truth in the sad eyes of a child, in the broken body of an old man, in the sweaty face of a worker. In the hopeful prayer of a mother, in the strong embrace of a father, in the joyful laughter of every child. In the tears of all the men, who seem insensitive, and in the firmness of the women, who seem fragile.
The truth is also found in the deafening noise of engines, in the polluted air of big cities, in damp corners, in dark rooms, in dangerous streets, in the silent cries for help from those who reject us, in the fear that leads to the desire to dominate the will of others, in the ignorance of those who believe they have found happiness in doing evil. In war and in peace.
In any situation, we must find reasons to admire, even if it is on the opposite side of the traditional and virtuous path. In any situation, it is important to see where the light is hidden. We should never insist on brilliance, which is usually a hasty message sent by the brain with neural ramifications shaped by the fears and prejudices of ancestors. Conditionality is so ingrained that we hardly perceive it.
To admire beauty and purity when they are open to the common eye requires little effort. The whole point of their existence is that no one doubts their existence. Loving someone who loves us, no matter how wonderful, does not make anyone virtuous. Even for the weak and foolish it is easy. Love as a virtue is like lighting a lantern in the darkness of a terrible night. You have to find the beauty that hides in the thick, opaque walls of shadows. Before you stand up against the madness of others, a valuable reminder: do not hesitate, there is much suffering and incomprehension in the heart of those who make mistakes, even if unknowingly.
If the highest point of the supreme law is to love your neighbor as yourself, then you must find some admirable qualities in all men. Even if they are hidden virtues, hidden qualities, germinal qualities that can motivate the beginning of the development process. Often they are only waiting for recognition as an incentive to change. Admiration for others reveals great personal talent. Not perceiving the light in the other person shows how dark their heart is.
It should be noted that this does not mean that we ignore faults or tolerate evil. On the contrary, evil must be stagnated, just as error needs guidance.
Boundaries in interpersonal relationships are important to maintain individualism and individuality, without which there is no healthy relationship. Believe me, setting boundaries is a subtle but necessary art.
While permissiveness is harmful, excessive rigidity is not welcome in the world either. That is why love is indispensable. Otherwise, there will only be decentralization, which will lead to unpleasant retaliation.
Every decision must be educational, without which there can be no justice. Just as there can be no progress without increasing the capacity to love, there can be no progress without understanding the true meaning of admiration. This is the art of life.
But we must be careful not to confuse brightness with light, nor idolatry with admiration. Admiration is the ability to find merit in others, even in those who are still potential. Idolatry is the complacency in the illusions and shadows of others. It happens all too often when we let ourselves be carried away by fear or ignorance.
The inevitable consequence is continued suffering until the oppressed man realizes the consent he has given to free himself from the yoke. In extreme cases, he worships himself to the point of arrogance. A serious existential disease that causes the suppression or almost total annulment of the soul, the Christian and sacred part of the being. In these cases, due to the inability to maintain this position for a long time, it will reach extremes of aggressiveness or sadness.
Just as it is necessary to promote virtues so that the light manifests itself and is perceived by others, it is important to broaden our awareness in order to understand both the light hidden in the shadow and the darkness disguised as light. Otherwise, the blind will lead the blind into the abyss.
We will be blind and led by the blind if we avoid thinking outside the box or going out of the cave into the sun.
Examine, disassemble and recreate in your own way. Seek your own truth, find your inner teacher and align yourself with the virtues. Live well with it, but don't be lulled into complacency. Every day, without haste and without enthusiasm, expand the limits of consciousness.
This is having a free mind. If you apply it to your choices, it creates fullness of life.
In short, be aware and receptive. Not everything that shines is light. On the contrary, at the bottom of all darkness there is a light waiting for a flame to ignite it. Although each one illuminates himself, we can show how matches are used, revealing the sincere admiration we perceive in all people. In the simplicity of it all lies the truth of life. The ability to admire the ordinary allows us to perceive it.
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Love, Johnny