There is not enough money, enough goods, enough power, enough joy, enough love…
The truth is that there is enough for us to be happy, always. Because happiness does not depend on external factors. All the ingredients already exist within us. Happiness is different from person to person, each one of us needs a different stimulus to REALIZE which way to go to enjoy our happiness.
If we take the belief of scarcity off the table and embrace the notion that “there's enough,” we stop comparing what we have with each other. We begin to be GRATEFUL for what already exists in our lives and co-create based on a vision of prosperity, not scarcity.
This vision, therefore, brings us to the beauty of sharing, physical and energetic, the thriving light we hold. When we share with others a beautiful vision of prosperity, and even more, prosperity itself - sharing with the world not just the idea but the qualities we have available to help others - we make the idea of prosperity within us even more effective. . We give it support and allow us to reach more people with it and to be, who knows, the stimulus they needed to decide to vibrate in prosperity too, to decide to be happy.
Wherever we see, it exists. Where there is, there is no shortage. Where we place, we plant.
If I see prosperity in myself, and I believe I have enough to be prosperous, I co-create more prosperity as I align my actions and thoughts with it.
Remember, we are what we believe. We give what we sustain in us. You can make a difference in the world, starting in your world. 🙏🏻
I hope it made your day a little better.
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Of course you are right
Just as contentment certainly brings happiness to a person, and patience as well
A message we must remind ourselves, constantly.