You really need to take that belief off your mind. This may be true to some people but does not mean it would be to you.
They falling for the wrong men depends on their choice and the qualities they saw in those men.
Having money does not mean you would not have the right man to marry.
You can definitely have both. Instead find someone who shares the same dreams or goals with you or if not someone who is ready to help you grow as you do for him.
Another thing, you don't need to have all the money in the world before you let a man in your love. You will end up developing problems or these situations you have stated.
Having someone in your life when there is little to nothing does not mean there won't be something tomorrow.
Everything is based on your belief and your attitude towards it.
You can definitely have both.
Of course, after reading this, there is no way I am going to have such limiting beliefs anymore.
I was created to live in love and abundance, it is my birthright, I accept it.
Thank you very much @starstrings01
Exactly… you are welcome