"Resting" :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (293/366)

in Daily & Fresh πŸ“Έ β€’ 4 years ago (edited)


A pretty photo for you.

I had this idea forming in my brain during the course of the day, and when I eventually got to taking it, it was already almost midnight.

Which was perfect. Darkness, and complete lack of disturbance for that creative peace was all I needed...

I spent a good 2 hours creating this image. Setting up the lights was perhaps one of the trickier parts. Dust was another problem. This surface seems to attract dust like no other. So I had to cut editing short and upload an unfinished photo. Oh, and I could have done a better job with the lighting, because there are some badly overexposed areas.

But even with all of its flaws, it's still a strangely beautiful shot.

See ya!

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This photo was beautiful! It was worth the effort. I love the composition you made. A big hug.

Very nice! The little mermaid! LoL

It's an absolutely brilliant idea & it works! Great photography!@gamer00,
