Hello again! Back so soon!
Since I'm catching up (again), I'm pretty much posting these in a batch. 😅
Yesterday I was doing some cleaning to my computer, so I took some photos from inside the computer.

I couldn't figure out what was causing the overheating on my computer. I wonder if I should get a beefier cooler for the CPU. It looks like one of my older coolers when I still had an AMD K6 processor.
Weird that I never thought of that before. But that said, there weren't any cooling problems earlier.
It might also be that the thermal paste has dried up or something.

Some dust in between the cooler fins. I need to get a can of compressed air and blow it out, the vacuum cleaner didn't help much.

I had to remove the front panel, because there was a huge deposit of dust right there in front, back and around the front fan. For some reason I didn't realize to check and clean it earlier, although I've been quite thorough otherwise.

The hard drives in order from top to bottom:
- 120 GB SSD for the OS filesystem
The HDD drives are all chained to create one 4TB partition for my /home directory.
When I was putting my computer back together, I tried out one of my older 6GB IDE drive by using this IDE/SATA to USB converter. The drive needed 12 volts so I took one of the idle power cords in the computer, and connected that with an old extender to give the drive some power.

Turned out that it sort of broke my computer. The first 1TB drive stopped working altogether, and my computer went into a halt. It took me a while to get it back online. It'd been a disaster if my home partition would've gone corrupt. Good thing the BTRFS is somewhat fault tolerant journaling filesystem, so nothing was lost after all.
In the end, I couldn't access the filesystems in the old drive, and I have no idea how to do it. The error message was that there was no recognisable filesystems, or the root block was corrupt. I don't recall the drive being broken, so either it has gone stale from not being used for so long time, or maybe the reiserfs filesystem has been updated so much the old partitions are no longer recognizable to the new software.
Too bad. I was kind of wanting to know if there was some treasures on that drive that I had forgotten there.
I've been using the computer for a day now, and there's been no remarkable overheatings yet. But I haven't really pushed it yet, so it may be just a matter of time.
Well, that's all for now.
See ya!
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Why dont you think about running a node or miner via this PC? I think it can do this very smoothly!
Yes that's a possibility, but I'm currently using it for my work.
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Provided the dust isn't caked on too bad and the fans seem to be spinning normally, then if you are still seeing overheating problems thermal paste is probably the issue. After a few years give or take, depending on use, it can dry out and become pretty useless. That's definitely an Intel fan/heatsink though. Looks like a stock one but still shouldn't overheat unless you are overclocking.
Yes I am pretty sure I haven't been overclocking, but it's been a few years since I bought the machine. When I did, it was a top of the line set up. Now I've already done one GPU upgrade and some HDD upgrades, but I'm already thinking of investing in a new machine sometime in the future. It's currently got an i7-4770 @ 3.4GHZ but I'm wondering if the motherboard (ASUS Z87-K) could do with a fresher CPU or if I should invest in a new mobo too.
I'm drooling over at the System76 offerings, but I got delusions of grandeur and suddenly the computers were over 40k€. Maybe I went a bit overboard there. Nope, I'm definitely not that rich yet.
The thermal paste may be the best option still. And maybe more HDD/SDD, as I'm running out of space.
That's a pretty high-end cpu for that motherboard. There's probably no cpu upgrade worth it. Haswell CPUs are still pretty expensive at the high end. You could probably get $75 on eBay for that 4770...more if it is the 4770K. That CPU is still good enough for modern gaming with a decent GPU but it all depends on what you do with your computer. I for one never sell old parts...I just keep building.
My use is currently mainly in photoediting and occasional streaming or videoblogging. I do light gaming with time constraints. After the cpu started overheating I haven't been able to play or stream.
I just checked it up, and it seems the Haswell is quickly coming to end of its limits compared to new processors. Well it was bound to happen. Maybe I'll upgrade one day. But for photo edits, it'll still do nicely for a few years.
Even my laptop, a Lenovo T500 from 2008 is still usable, while I guess it has similar kinds of problems with overheating, and the battery life is abysmal. Can't use it for photo edits no longer, but as a general purpose traveling office it has served me well.
Good thing it didn't T_T Based on the pictures tho I don't see any dust 😂 If that was me, I would've seen it full of dust cos I only clean once every 2 years LOL
I had already cleaned up most of the dust before taking the photos. It would've been just too embarrassing to upload photos with all that dust. But yea, I think I've done the cleaning at least yearly. It's just that I completely forgot to check behind the front panel.
Well done! Must have been a bit of a chore.
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