I took this photo in the spring while walking along the beach on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. It was still cold. There was a lot of ice near the coast. It was still too early for the bright green spring leaves. The bare silhouettes of the trees looked interesting against the sky and I took some pictures. Looks pretty good.
Nikon D5000 + Sigma AF 17-50
I strongly recommend to open the photo in a separate tab to appreciate it.

Quedo muy bien la toma, felicitaciones feliz domingo. Te mostrare mi post cuando se podía planificar los viajes antes que existiera esta pandemia, en nuestro país, el transporte fue suspendido en todas las ares.
Publicado en mi cuenta, feliz domingo
Really nice use of light and shadow.
Thank you very much
Nice capture! Even if you wrote it was still cold I kind of feel warm when looking at it. :-)
Thank you!