Gorse bush (or Ulex is you wish) is an evil plant. This bush looks like a messy pile of very sharp thorns! It looks like it doesn't even have any leaves, just thorn after thorn along the stem.
Many times I tried to walk between them to get to some spot, but it is only up to them if they let you. Better forget it or go around. They can grow to almost a human height all the branches are so thick and tangled it is impossible to pass.
But when they bloom...
Boy oh boy.
All the nasty mess turns to a yellow cloud. Millions of very intense yellow flowers pop from between the thorns. They are totally loved by bees and other insects and when they are in full bloom you can hear all the buzzing round.
Fun fact: the flowers are edible :)
I shot those in early spring when most of the buds didn't open yet. All the maturing buds were almost shining in the sun.
I like when my Sigma catches those nice bokeh bubbles. She is pretty good at that I just don't often pay attention to this. Just hope for some nice surprise at home.
I didn't notice before that the buds have those tiny spots. Looks like some darker hair on the outer petals. When the flower opens they are basically invisible.
And one little bugger as a bonus. Looks like a trip. I freaking hate trips! Little beasts love my orchids...
Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

I waited for Suzi to appear in the post... :D
Well, also, a guest, a small one, but not so beloved by you, I see :)
No time for posing today. She is busy sleeping on a new blanket.
It is a sign that winter is coming.
Noooo, winter is coming? We are still with air con. on 😅
But, cats are better at predicting the weather, we better trust her :)
Haha for her year... She doesn't go near blankets in summer. It must be getting cold :p
Such pretty meanies!! Have you ever eaten them?
Sometimes I can get the bubbles when I shoot flowers with my 300mm at full zoom at closest focus range and lowest f-stop... I learned this because I didn't want to switch lenses while birding!
No I did not try :D
I have a friend who was making Ulex flavoured ice creams. Using the flowers only. Apparently they were very good!
My Tamron is 300 too. It can do some nice bokeh as well. I just use it too often. Always pick the Sigma.
That's why I don't have many birds shots I guess :p
It's all good. You do bubbly plants and I'll do the birds. ;)
Deal! :D
They are really beautiful flowers, aren't they. Didn't know they were edible.
I recently read an article about some guy who let the gorse go on his property, against the wishes of his neighbors, who thought for sure this would ruin their land as well as his. But it turned out that the gorse provided a protective overgrowth for beneficial plants that had disappeared, and they were able to come back when he let his gorse go. All things exist for a reason. Nature provides for her own. Only man is judgmental about these things, and he/we are usually wrong when we condemn anything.
So perhaps any plant, when it becomes invasive, is really doing us a service.
Oh that is such cool story!
They are invasive for us, that's for sure. In nature it's their way to survive. And everything has its own predators and eventually gets sorted when unbalanced.
They are pretty though!
Very beautiful photos!
Thank you! They are beautiful plants!
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