They are really beautiful flowers, aren't they. Didn't know they were edible.
I recently read an article about some guy who let the gorse go on his property, against the wishes of his neighbors, who thought for sure this would ruin their land as well as his. But it turned out that the gorse provided a protective overgrowth for beneficial plants that had disappeared, and they were able to come back when he let his gorse go. All things exist for a reason. Nature provides for her own. Only man is judgmental about these things, and he/we are usually wrong when we condemn anything.
So perhaps any plant, when it becomes invasive, is really doing us a service.
Oh that is such cool story!
They are invasive for us, that's for sure. In nature it's their way to survive. And everything has its own predators and eventually gets sorted when unbalanced.
They are pretty though!