One rock and the sun

This is my minimalist entry to this weeks @photofeed minimalist competition. It consists of just one rock and the sun.

Uluru Sunset.jpg

image.pngYou can check out and enter the competition here

here.If you would like to learn a little bit more about my background in photography you can read the interview @photofeed did with me

Robert Downie
Love Life, Love Photography

All images in this post were taken by and remain the Copyright of Robert Downie -


2 things? A little much for minimalism isn't it? 😛

It's really hard to grasp how Uluru is just ONE SINGLE ROCK until you get up close and touch it.

Great shot and entry!

lol yes you might be right

It's a decent sized rock.

I feel like that's the kind of view the Aboriginal flag came from.

How are your eyes after taking something like this? x_x

lol yes don't want to look though the viewfinder for too long on a shot like this. agree about the flag and yes it's a bloody big rock.