¿Cuántas veces te lo has pensado antes de desprenderte de algo? ¿Crees que es fácil dar cuando tienes muchas limitaciones?
How many times have you thought about it before giving something away? Do you think it is easy to give when you have many limitations?
The action of giving is taught to us at home from our first months of life. We see this in our children when they have a piece of bread and we ask them for some and they are generally reluctant to share, but as they grow up and understand the value of life, we teach them that they should share with their sibling, a cousin or a friend, until the child becomes aware that they should give so that others can also share with them.
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From one point of view, this teaching is not entirely wrong, but we should not limit them to the fact that they must give in order to receive, i.e. if you want something, you must give something. In short, it ends up teaching that if I give to you, you are obliged to give to me.
On the other hand, God teaches us something else in His book par excellence, which is the Bible, He teaches us in the book of Acts 20:35, that it is better to give than to receive "In everything I have taught you, that in so doing you should help those in need, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, who said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive".
Many will think how easy those words are to say, but how can I give if I have little? Well, I would like to tell you that also in the bible, there is an example of a widow who, having little, gave what she had to the prophet Elijah and God blessed her greatly. From that moment on there was no lack of flour in his jar, no lack of oil in his bottle; you can find this story in the book of 1st of Kings chapter 17.
En esta historia podemos ver que la bendición es doble, Elías fue alimentado por la viuda, pero resulta que Dios bendijo a la viuda por medio de Elías. Enseñandonos que cuando damos, no solo somos de bendición, sino que también Dios nos bendice a nosotros.
In this story we can see that the blessing is double, Elijah was fed by the widow, but it turns out that God blessed the widow through Elijah. Teaching us that when we give, not only are we a blessing, but God blesses us as well.
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La viuda dio con fe lo que de gracia había recibido porque ella sabía que su proveedor era Dios. No dejes que las circunstancias de la vida te hagan perder la bendición que Dios tiene para ti. Debemos aprender a romper con nuestras limitaciones porque Dios se manifiesta en tiempos de crisis, es allí cuando clamamos, creemos y Dios se manifiesta.
The widow gave in faith what she had graciously received because she knew that her provider was God. Don't let the circumstances of life cause you to miss the blessing that God has for you. We must learn to break through our limitations because God manifests Himself in times of crisis, that is when we cry out, we believe and God manifests Himself.
Sabemos que la mayoría de las veces nos condicionamos por nuestras limitaciones, y no vemos más allá de nuestras narices, tal es el caso de Lucas 9:13-17 en donde Jesús manda a los discípulos que den de comer a la multitud y estos responden "No tenemos más que cinco panes y dos pescados". Sin embargo vimos el milagro que se generó luego. Esto nos deja grandes enseñanzas que como creyentes debemos poner en práctica cada día.
We know that most of the time we are conditioned by our limitations, and we do not see beyond our noses, such is the case in Luke 9:13-17 where Jesus commands the disciples to feed the multitude and they respond "We have only five loaves and two fish". Yet we saw the miracle that followed. This leaves us with great lessons that we as believers should put into practice every day.
Es importante recordar lo siguiente:
2 Corintios 9:7. Cada uno dé como propuso en su corazón: no con tristeza, ni por necesidad, porque Dios ama al dador alegre.
Filipenses 4:19. Mi Dios, pues, suplirá toda necesidad vuestra, conforme a sus riquezas en gloria en Cristo Jesús.
Mateo 10:7-8. Y yendo, predicad, diciendo: El reino de los cielos se ha acercado. Sanad enfermos, limpiad leprosos, resucitad muertos, echad fuera demonios; de gracia recibisteis, dad de gracia.
Allí vemos que la dádiva no solo es material si no también espiritual, debemos llevar las buenas nuevas de salvación a todos aquellos que no le conocen.
Espero que haya sido de gran utilidad estas palabras de reflexión. Debo decir, que me motivé a escribir este artículo en agradecimiento a Uds, MCGI Cares y a sus administradores @fatimajunio y @hiro-colmena por esta iniciativa de apoyar y bendecir a otros. Creo que han entendido muy bien los beneficios del dar y sé que Dios les va a bendecir rica y abundantemente. Gracias por incentivar la lectura y el estudio de la palabra de Dios.
¡Hasta una próxima publicación!
It is important to remember the following:2 Corinthians 9:7. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Philippians 4:19. My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 10:7-8.And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
There we see that the gift is not only material but also spiritual, we must bring the good news of salvation to all those who do not know Him.
I hope you have found these words of reflection very helpful. I must say that I was motivated to write this article out of gratitude to you MCGI Cares, and its administrators @fatimajunio and @hiro-colmena for this initiative to support and bless others. I believe you have understood very well the benefits of giving and I know that God will bless you richly and abundantly. Thank you for encouraging the reading and study of God's word.
See you next time!
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