


Thank you 😌🌵

 3 years ago  

No, I don't know any apps. I often get cactus with names already. The ones I don't know I try to google, or compare with some cactus websites.

The first one you have there looks like Rebutia Sunrise :) Adorable little cactus!

On the second photo, the white fuzzy one is Opuntia microdasys.
The round at the bottom looks like some type of Gymnocalycium.
The big red flowers (so pretty!) is some type of Echinopsis. There is so many hybrids....

Disclaimer: That's my guesses. I don't have to be right :)

@ewkaw Thanks for the help. I'll ask you more about in the future about my cactus collection hahhaa. Thanks anyways ☺️


This one has another blooms. It's so beautiful 🥰🥰😍🥰

Thank you again!

 3 years ago  

It is much bigger than mine! Gorgeous :)
What is that round one on the right? I think it is time you make a post and show us what you have :D

Ask away :)

I should. Thanks for the encouragement. Will definitely post soon while it's blooming.

That one is this. It haven't bloom yet. I have 16 different cactus for now.


You mean this? I don't know it's name. I bet you do. Hehe. I have another one blooming soon. I can't wait .


Sorry for spamming! 😂 I'm quite excited to learn about these amazing cactus 🌵

 3 years ago (edited) 

It's not spam if it's awesome :D

I like when they grow in multiple balls like that :) Its looks like some mammillaria. The hairy one behind - Mammillaria bocasana. And that long one next to it - Mammillaria elongata.

The last one is Gymnocalycium mihanovichii. Pretty flowers on that one :)

Will keep that in mind. Those names so I will not forget. Haha. Does the hairy one also have flowers when it's matured? Love it actually as it's not spiky. Maybe it will bloom one by one so soon. As they are 2 years old kinda. I'm excited 😻😻😻 Woohoo! Can't wait to see more awesome flower blooms! So so soon!