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RE: Brand new Irie music for the weary soul

in ReggaeJAHM4 years ago (edited)

What a powerful song and you can feel the pain and yet the positive mindset. He also has a nice smooth voice. Nice find.

And so true about the people wearing masks and not being themselves, only will suffocate them. I hope for a world where we don't have to do that anymore. I'm myself a very open person and share a lot of myself with the world and it's bitten me in the ass a couple of times now, but I still believe in goodness in people, even if it is a few I can trust.


I can relate, there have been times when being closed off or selfish would have saved me some pain and suffering... but in the larger picture I am grateful for choosing to stay open and sharing. It makes for better emotional, mental, and spiritual health, and it helps others to choose the same.

My favorite lyrics are from a Jimi Hendrix song, If 6 was 9. It says "I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to." At the end of this journey, I want to be able to feel accountable for all my actions, and that means being myself, and choosing love. <3

 4 years ago  

Same. I want to be myself and I want people to learn from me as I am learning from others, so that's why I share a lot and also to connect with people and find common ground.

So my brother introduced me to Jimi Hendrix, but it was to listen to how Hendrix played the guitar, so I never really listened to the lyrics 🙈. I'll definitely check out those songs again.