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RE: Czechia 1991

in TravelFeed3 days ago

The marker on the TravelFeed map is not Prague, but you probably marked the place where your train was standing (or was going) :-).

Otherwise, it's interesting to see photos from 34 years ago. At that time, it was three years after the fall of communism. Everything was still "running the old way".


Ah Yes I just had the location set as Czechia, it must have pinned the middle of your country. Don't think I can change it now. Prague would have been more accurate. Hopefully I can see it again one day running the new way.

That would almost agree :-)

If you still manage to get to Prague, I recommend contacting @godfish or @krakonos. Both live in Prague and know the city very well.

Sure, let me know when you're around :)