A pity. Then if you do not read and just scroll, this would be like a social scroll like and share for no reason kind of platform. And I would avoid it. That is why I loved Hive. I saw active reading and something that other platforms lack.
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I agree completely. I'm not on other social media and really dislike them and the whole thing around it. I'm a face-to-face guy, old school. I know how to communicate etc. I'm proud of that...Becoming extinct though I think.
I agree. I am the same. Holding up to face to face conversations is what matters after all.
Yep. What is it there, about 9:30am? Only just starting your day. Mine is winding down. Just off for a walk soon, then in a few hours will be thinking about food...Although I always seem tho think about food. Lol.
Mhmm foood😍 it is never too often to think about food. Nom. Nom🍲