A beautiful tribute to the defenders of my people (CCC's Street Art Contest)

in StreetArtlast year
Como están los amigos y seguidores de esta maravillosa ¨StreetArtCommunity¨: Que alegría estar nuevamente en compañía de todos, y poder enseñarles unas hermosas fotografías que hemos hecho hace algunos días mientras caminábamos en la ciudad. Se trata de tomas de un hermoso mural de mucha importancia en la historia de nuestra ¨Provincia¨

Source: Family Álbum

How are the friends and followers of this wonderful ¨StreetArtCommunity¨: What a joy to be in everyone's company again, and to be able to show you some beautiful photographs that we took a few days ago while we were walking in the city. These are shots of a beautiful mural of great importance in the history of our “Province”

Los correntinos tuvimos que pasar por muchas cosas para ser quienes somos, en varias oportunidades tuvimos que defender nuestra tierra de invasores. Este mural es un homenaje a los héroes que han defendido nuestra ¨soberanía¨ en la ¨Guerra¨ de la ¨Triple¨¨Alianza¨: muchos hermanos correntinos dieron su vida para defender la ciudad donde vivimos

Source: Family Álbum

We Corrientes had to go through many things to be who we are, on several occasions we had to defend our land from invaders. This mural is a tribute to the heroes who have defended our “sovereignty” in the “Guerra” of the “Triple” Alliance ¨: many brothers from Corrientes gave their lives to defend the city where we live

Esta hermosa obra está en la entrada del ¨Parque¨ ¨Mitre¨: un enorme predio ubicado en pleno corazón de la ciudad; en aquella época aquí funcionaba el ¨cuerpo¨ de ¨batería¨ que defendía este punto estratégico de nuestra ciudad, dado que por aquí podían ingresar los invasores. Este hecho es el que vemos personalizo en este colorido y hermoso mural

Source: Family Álbum

This beautiful work is at the entrance of ¨Mitre¨ Park: a huge property located in the heart of the city; At that time the "battery corps" functioned here, defending this strategic point of our city, given that invaders could enter through here. This fact is what we see personalized in this colorful and beautiful mural

Como se trata de una obra muy grande que no me permite hacer acercamiento sin perder detalle del mural, voy hacer diferentes tomas para que se puede apreciar los hechos que personaliza esta obra. El creador del mural es un artista que les he mencionado en varias oportunidades ¨Jose¨¨Kura¨:  un ¨muralista¨ de mi ciudad que tiene el compromiso de embellecer cada rincón de nuestra amada tierra

Source: Family Álbum

As this is a very large work that does not allow me to zoom in without losing detail of the mural, I am going to take different shots so that you can appreciate the facts that personalize this work. The creator of the mural is an artist that I have mentioned to you on several occasions ¨Jose¨¨Kura¨:  a ¨muralist¨ from my city who is committed to beautifying every corner of our beloved land

Este mural es un bello homenaje a los defensores de mi pueblo, la colorida obra deja ver el accionar de los soldados defendiendo nuestra tierra, y creo que por su importancia en la historia de nuestra ciudad, no podría faltar en este ¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨:  que organiza nuestro amigo @digi-me. Las hermosas fotografías las hicimos con nuestra¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ y deja ver que tan apasionados son nuestros artistas sobre la historia de la soberanía de mi tierra

Source: Family Álbum

This mural is a beautiful tribute to the defenders of my people, the colorful work shows the actions of the soldiers defending our land, and I believe that due to its importance in the history of our city, could not be missing from this ¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨:   organized by our friend @digi-me. We took the beautiful photographs with our “nikoncoolpixb500” and it shows how passionate our artists are about the history of the sovereignty of my land


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Poxh compartido en mis redes sociales

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for all the enormous support you always give me.
I wish you all a great dayHow are you dear friends brumest @qurator good afternoon

Wow that's a cool mural, I like the cutouts too, it gives it more interest.

What a joy to know that this street work has been to your liking, dear friend.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
have a great day

beautiful art

Thank you very much dear friend for this pleasant visit and appreciate the mural of my city

welcome bro.

Curated by Blessed-girl


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I wholeheartedly appreciate the enormous support you give me.
I wish you all a splendid day

Beautiful works. Jose Kura has really done a lot of work for the city. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a great Thursday

Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind
Have a splendid day