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RE: Drones don't like Cold + Fog Weather?

in Drone3 months ago

Poor drone. I wish I could help, but zero mind for technical stuff. Maybe stay in? Have some mulled wine instead? :D (you. Don't give the drone wine under any circumstances.)

And it is funny that sometimes when it hits the ground it bounces and continue to try to fly.

don't we all? ;)


Maybe stay in? Have some mulled wine instead?

i think that was the same thought of the one random guy we met that morning (with some other thoughts like these two people are not right in their heads :D )

i think even the animals were thinking you people are probably not ok (except the dog, dog wanted to eat us, and if the fence was not big enough he probably would be able to :) )

you can see the judgment in that look 😂

1105(6) copy.jpg

don't we all? ;)

i must admit i didn't expect philosophy of life on this post. but that was spot on 😄