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RE: A sharp new community

in Knives5 years ago

Yeah, this should be fun. Lookin forward to seeing those, I'm still figuring out where I'm going to start :D

I have a SOG that goes everywhere with me (although not on my boots, there's no pouch) but I was eyeing some of the Kershaws before I finally settled on it. It's got a spring assist for one handed opening, didn't realize the Kershaws used a different method for that.

 5 years ago  

SOG make good knives. I have one of their little key-versions on my keyring. Goes everywhere I go. It even flies with me...Looks like a key so goes though the scanning. 😇
I'm I'll do a post on it next.

A knife you can fly with, this I need. Looking forward to the post!

 5 years ago  

I'll get it up in a few days or so. Technically I can't fly with it, but it gets through, so I do. Lol.