here if you're keen.I was scrolling through my feed this evening and came across a post by my mate @deadspace announcing a brand new community he created, and showcasing a sweet little knife he acquired, and I thought it would be cool to help promote the community a little. You can see his post
So, you may be wondering what my 5.11 boot is doing on this post...Well, it's sort of relevant to the community...Sort of...No it's not a community about boots...But see that black thing in my boot? That's a knife, and is exactly what the community is about. It's a community about Knives!
As a hunter, camper, off-roader and someone whose out and about in the outback and wilderness a lot I rely on knives all the time. I have many, and each one suits a specific purpose. I'll probably talk about a few in the future, but today I wanted to talk about one that pretty much accompanies me everywhere I go. The one that you see here slipped in my boot, which is where it lives!
I use my knives, meaning they're not for show. I buy them for utilitarian purposes and they need to perform their given task; They have to hold their edge, be robust to take the beating they often get and they need to stow appropriately.
This Kershaw knife is one of my favourites. It's a manual-opener meaning the operator has to open it rather than simply flicking a button; Spring-loaded knives are not permitted in my neck of the woods. This knife has a tricky little secret though and is actually incredibly quick to deploy.
The operator can open it one handed as there's a small lug on it that permits the operator to swing the blade open with the thumb as soon as it's pulled from the pocket. Further to that it has a little lug on it which is designed to catch the edge of the pocket on the way out and drag the blade open. So simply by pulling it from one's pocket in the right way will have it locked open and ready to use. Tricky huh?
Below you can see the closed knife, and you'll note the thumb-tab and little pocket hook I mention above. It's to the left-top of the knife.
Here you can see the blade locked open. It's not a huge knife of course, I'm not Crocodile Dundee you know! It's designed to be stowed in a pocket, hence the size. It's sharp though and can be used for a multitude of purposes and due to the strength in the hinge and handle it does a remarkable job on various tasks; It slashes, slices and stabs.
As I said above, this knife lives in my boot and as I wear these boots a lot the knife goes everywhere they do. Of course, when wearing a suit at work these boots wouldn't work so well and in that case I have a different knife which I'll talk about in another post.
I know there's a lot of people out there who don't carry knives, know how to use them or even like them I guess. But for me a knife is essential kit and it's truly amazing how many times this particular blade, or my smaller work-option one, has been required for some task or other...Has anyone got a kni... and before they finish I've got this thing in my hand offering it to them. G-dog saves the day.
I like to be prepared, to feel self-reliant and confident that should certain things happen I have a way to mitigate the impact, risk or implications. An example? I have a seat belt cutter/glass breaker in all of my vehicles, a first aid kit and go-bag in each also. Why? Because bad things happen and I like to be prepared. Laughable you think? It won't be if it's your life I save after a vehicle wreck. I like to be prepared.
Having this knife with me, the other option-knife I have also, means I am a little bit more prepared and that brings me a feeling of confidence.
Being prepared isn't all about spider-holes, 150,000 rounds of ammunition and a water purifier...It's a daily thing. First aid, situational awareness, fire-evac plan, extinguishers and a fire blanket at home, a home security plan...That's all prepping. The same as having a small knife on one's person and, if a lady in the handbag, for instance...You never know when you may need it, even if it's to cut a thread off your work suit!
Anyway, that's about it. I'm glad someone started a knife community as it works in counterpoint to the firearms community I started a while back called THE PEW a community for all things firearms, archery, hunting, airsoft, paintball and prepping.
You might want to go and check out the Knives community and if you have something you wish to add, a knife or other bladed object to share like an axe or sword, then read the rules and get involved.
Thanks for reading y'all, have a good one.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
This one should be an interesting one!
I've been actually thinking of getting one for myself lately so this should help me as well! :)
It's a niche community, much like my firearms one, but should attract a few posts I think. What type of knife are you thinking of getting?
I go camping a lot, so I thought of getting one to satisfy the needs. Honestly I do not know much about them, and I could actually use some help here. What do you think? What type of knife would be best for me here?
You just can not go wrong with a Kershaw knife. I have a couple, and I'm not a big knife guy, but I have a buddy that is. A big knife guy.
I almost always have a knife on me. From the little toad sticker that lives in my pocket to a little more substance in my backpacks and such. And a couple in the tank bag on my motorcycle. At least one of those is a leatherman type tool.
Knives sounds like a great place for the knife guys. I'd like to get my buddy involved, but there is a small technology problem involved :) Maybe I can get his kid involved a little and he could get his dad in...
I think people feel a person with a knife is all about sticking it into someone but that's not the case at all. Sure, having a knife could offer some degree of personal security although so does a simple key a sun glasses or a mobile phone if one knows how.
There's a myriad of uses for a blade in every day life and of course for those times when a knife is essential: Hunting, fishing, camping etc.
I don't need to convince you though. Maybe you'll share one or two of yours with us.
I've been waiting for an opportunity to show off my WW1 bayonet that fits to the end of my .303 SMLE rifle, also from WW1...Now I've got a reason. 🙂
I just always hated the idea of 'bayonet'. That is down and dirty for a fact.
I knew a guy that carried a 12 inch flat blade screwdriver in Vietnam. Claimed it was much more damaging than a knife when needed.
I'll try to remember to talk to Rogers about sharing some of his knives. I'll bet we can work something out pretty easy. Most of mine are real working class tools. The only real fancy I have is my caseXX pocket knife. And it's starting to show some pocket wear.
That bayonet of mine is a cruel looking thing, especially when it's mounted on the end of the SMLE...They used it to good effect in the trenches though.
Hopefully to can get your mate involved, or mate you can showcase some of his knives in your posts?
I like utilitarian things, there's little room in my life for showpieces. My knives reflect that. I even have a 12" screw driver...Which I agree would so some serious damage. I use mine for opening paint cans mainly though.
I'm not very fond of the idea of trenches, either. Fighting holes yes, but a trench just has way too much taint of permanence for my tastes. 😂
I doubt I can get my buddy directly involved, but I'm thinking I could do a post featuring his knives and let him read it.
I know the first knife.
Yes, the trenches in France and Belgium seemed like a good idea at the time, a way to get ones head out if the maelstrom of fire, but years later...Not so much.
I think it's a good idea to maybe do a post on one of his knives if he can't.
tokens.How do you enjoy that thumb disc? I've always thought that's kind of a weird way of opening your knife over a flipper tab or the Spyderco style thumb hole for flicking your knife open like your nutsack.
@galenkp Enjoy that spiffy new flair, babyyy :)
Hey mate, it's never really bothered me to be honest. I tap out a little graphite powder on the mechanism every so often to keep the action smooth and it opens really easily. Hold the knife in my palm thumb on the tab thing and one smooth movement locks the blade open. Simple. I should do a video of it I guess.
tokens.Wow, I've never thought about the usefulness of carrying a knife about, it has never occured to me until now. Now I'm curious, I will definitely check out community.
I guess it all depends on what one does and where one lives. I have always found a multitude of uses for a knife and so I carry one everywhere.
Awesome, you're a man of many skills. It looks perfectly suited for that boot
I have some skills yeah, at my age it would be pretty sad if I hadn't learned something. 🙂
Hahaha correct! The more skills the better
Thanks for the pointer, will be subscribing! I like knives as well as pews!
I know right? I thought of you right away as I know you like knives.
Awesome, thanks for the heads up on the new community! So is Kershaw your preferred knifemaker or are you just fond of that particular blade?
Yeah, a good community huh? Niche and specific, but could be a bit of fun.
I don't only have Kershaw knives, no. I liked this particular one, the one hand opening and blade shape as I knew I'd need it to perform different jobs. It was also perfectly sized for that boot pouch where I keep it. There were cheaper and more expensive options but this one seemed right and so that's what I got. It hasn't let me down.
My hunting knife is a Buck knife, a military one, and I have a hand made drop knife also, made in the States. I'll do a post on them over time I guess. My wife carries a knife too so, I've got plenty of options for posts. I'm looking forward to doing a post on my WW1 .303 SMLE and bayonet combo. Been waiting for an excuse to do one for a long time. 🙂
Yeah, this should be fun. Lookin forward to seeing those, I'm still figuring out where I'm going to start :D
I have a SOG that goes everywhere with me (although not on my boots, there's no pouch) but I was eyeing some of the Kershaws before I finally settled on it. It's got a spring assist for one handed opening, didn't realize the Kershaws used a different method for that.
SOG make good knives. I have one of their little key-versions on my keyring. Goes everywhere I go. It even flies with me...Looks like a key so goes though the scanning. 😇
I'm I'll do a post on it next.
A knife you can fly with, this I need. Looking forward to the post!
I'll get it up in a few days or so. Technically I can't fly with it, but it gets through, so I do. Lol.
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A knife, a seat belt cutter, a glass breaker..... are really prepared for anying emergencies... Yea at first I was wondering what a boot was doing in the thumbnail of the post and I saw a black stuff around but I thought it was just designs... But I know now. You've got skills Uncle G-Dog.
I call people that don't prepare for life's eventualities victims.
Vehicle accidents and medical emergencies happen. House fires, crime, terrorism, civil unrest and natural disasters too...People thinking it can't or won't happen to them are delusional. Just my opinion.
Yea, you are correct but where I stay, carrying knives around could do more harm than good. Being a rural area and everyone always on the lookout for cultists and jungle justice, we'd think twice before taking such risk - especially if one isn't on uniform.
Carrying knives might be problematic, but being prepared isn't all about knives...Learn first aid mate, you might save a life.
Hmmm... That very thoughtful. How come that never crossed my mind? I only know little of it but not sure the little I know is enough yet
It never crosses the mind of many, which is why so many people experiencing medical medical emergencies don't get the attention they need fast enough. Being prepared is a choice.
You are correct Uncle G-Dog. Thanks for the enlightenment.. It is very helpful and may come in handy someday
It sounds like a pretty exciting little community. I remembered back when my dad used to take us off-roading into the wilderness, he'd always have a Swiss Army knife in a cute leather pouch by his belt. Not sharpish, but good enough to stab a monkey of it starts attacking. I guess carrying an extra machete would help, too.
I don't know anything about knives, but I think my video game exposure had thought me a thing or two. Here's something interesting that I'd love to see come to fruition, a collapsible sword. I don't know why one would need this, but if you're ever surrounded by a gang of angry monkeys, I guess it would help, eh?
I've got a few machete's, one in the shape of a Roman sword, a gladius. I'll do a post on it eventually.
I'm not sure how a collapsible sword would go, I mean on a video game it might work fine, but in real life? Who knows.
I guess it would be a bit flimsy, seeing how the mechanism supposedly works. A Roman sword however, now that's pretty fab. Not sure how a machete'd Gladius would work, but the real things are pretty effective tools for dispersing barbarians and Caesars alike.
Well, think less machete and more straight up fucking sword. It was sold as a "machete" for specific reasons and I call it a machete, for specific reasons.
Here it is my brother. I'll post about it someday.
Oakleys for size perspective.
Nicely weighted, sharp as fuck and black which assists when used in night operations.Not a true gladuis of course, but good enough for the G-dog. He takes his edged
weaponstools seriously.Jesus, I didn't realise its legal to own a sword! I mean, erm, "machete". It looks I might want to warn Bruce's cousins the next time he tries tossing G-Dog. Looks like you could slice a Roo or two :-|
Machetes are used here in the same way as they are elsewhere, for clearing foliage, and they're readily available. A good tool to have when one has stuff to cut down, coconuts to open etc. 🙂
Given how much you travel into the brush, having a machete would no doubt be rather helpful. Alternatively, if one wishes to tempt fate with death, then a machete could also be helpful in cutting open a durian.