Awesome, thanks for the heads up on the new community! So is Kershaw your preferred knifemaker or are you just fond of that particular blade?
Awesome, thanks for the heads up on the new community! So is Kershaw your preferred knifemaker or are you just fond of that particular blade?
Yeah, a good community huh? Niche and specific, but could be a bit of fun.
I don't only have Kershaw knives, no. I liked this particular one, the one hand opening and blade shape as I knew I'd need it to perform different jobs. It was also perfectly sized for that boot pouch where I keep it. There were cheaper and more expensive options but this one seemed right and so that's what I got. It hasn't let me down.
My hunting knife is a Buck knife, a military one, and I have a hand made drop knife also, made in the States. I'll do a post on them over time I guess. My wife carries a knife too so, I've got plenty of options for posts. I'm looking forward to doing a post on my WW1 .303 SMLE and bayonet combo. Been waiting for an excuse to do one for a long time. 🙂
Yeah, this should be fun. Lookin forward to seeing those, I'm still figuring out where I'm going to start :D
I have a SOG that goes everywhere with me (although not on my boots, there's no pouch) but I was eyeing some of the Kershaws before I finally settled on it. It's got a spring assist for one handed opening, didn't realize the Kershaws used a different method for that.
SOG make good knives. I have one of their little key-versions on my keyring. Goes everywhere I go. It even flies with me...Looks like a key so goes though the scanning. 😇
I'm I'll do a post on it next.
A knife you can fly with, this I need. Looking forward to the post!
I'll get it up in a few days or so. Technically I can't fly with it, but it gets through, so I do. Lol.