I remember that publication from a year ago, yes I remember it and it is very good that it has worked and that it has been practical, I think that something similar has happened to me recently but it was with an appliance that had to be changed because it did not work and I said to myself ... a year has passed already? Time has wings!
Yes, it has worked out well, I don't regret switching to this form of reading my scores. Although I still preserve all my paper ones too hahaha, on the shelves :D
Indeed 😁
Paper scores are memories! Time turns today's experiences into tomorrow's memories. I was just listening to a video of you!
really? 😱 which one? I usually try not listen to any of my videos after publishing hahah, I always feel it was not good enough 😂
Surprise! Surprise!!! hahaha you'll have to wait for me to finish my post hahahaha
Your videos are all excellent!
Tengo miedo 😱😱 jajajaja, broma, bueno... ay... estaré trabajando... o sea... no sé si me tengo que preocupar mientras estoy en trabajo... 😂
(Solo bromeo 😉, a la noche veré tu publicación y estoy segura que será bonito el post tuyo ✨️👋)
Trabaja tranquila, que tendrás tiempo de asustarte cuando regreses🤣