Just a year?


practising this morning

Just a year has passed since then? No, it can't be true, maybe the "story" that my phone gallery offered me to watch this morning is wrong!! We bought this Redmi Pad just a year ago!?

It seemed as if I had had it for ages...

I don't know about your phones, but on mine, these photo stories pop up every now and then. I don't remember ever asking Mister Phone for that favour, but that is what I have. It would show me sometimes what I documented a year ago, and many times it does it on Thursdays! That is a good smart phone hahaha, knowing about the existence of the Throwback Thursday community here on Hive. That is why it gives me these reminders; very clever on his part.

Screenshot_20250313_091541_One UI Home.jpg

screenshot from my phone this morning

It wasn't exactly the 13th of March of 2024 when we bought it but a few days earlier. I took some photos, of the gadget in the box and when we were unpacking it I thought maybe my husband would be interested in making a small review of it, but we forgot about it and never posted any unboxing or review post about it. I did mention this new thing then back in time in this post.


We bought it with my husband as a shared tablet and he installed the apps. His intention was to use it when travelling light, without luggage and to take it instead of his laptop for work. I only wanted to use it for reading my music while playing the piano. Maybe I wasn't that enthusiastic about it at first; it took me a while to install the music reader app and gradually convert my paper music scores into digital format. However, now I realize that I couldn't be happier with this little device. 😍


Oh my, don't ask me about the technical characteristics of it... Maybe we can read together from here. Let's see: an 11" FHD + eye-care display. 👁 So, my eyes are happy, I guess it means that. 8000mAh large battery - yay, at the moment it has never left me down! Stylish metal unibody design - at least its body is stylish if mine is not hahaha.


It also has a case that arrived at the same time, to protect it from scratches and bumps. Also, a wireless keyboard and a little wireless mouse.



Today, a year after buying this tablet, I can say that it was one of the better investments. Of course, it was not a huge investment, many people change several mobile phones or tablets in a year, and more expensive ones, but this one turned out to be excellent for us. I took it with me last summer when I visited my parents and my dad liked it, so he bought himself one too. He uses it when we talk through a video call, so they can see me in a larger version than on the phone screen. 😅

When I opened the post I wrote a year ago, I saw my last paragraph:

I don't completely trust these gadgets and the app. What if it freezes down? The difference from reading from paper sheets is also that I could have two or three pages prepared in advance and see them and here you are seeing just one page. I will get used to it too, I am sure. The thing that worries me the most is that it is another screen that I use now. Is it good for my eyesight?

All the doubts and fears I had a year ago melted away over time because it has never frozen down or turned off, and it doesn't bother my eyesight at all. It is so much more elegant to play like this and practising new songs is not difficult. The only thing that surprised me was the time, that only a year passed. I got so used to this little device that I feel like I have been using it for years.


Do you ever have that feeling, that you think you have been using something for a long time because you like it and you are used to it a lot, when in fact not much time has passed? What is it in your case?



Supongo que a lo que mejora nuestras vidas nos adaptamos muy rápido, casi sin darnos cuenta, como si hubiera estado siempre 😉. Ahh...y si además luce "elegante", mejor aún 😂.

Por cierto, mi teléfono no me avisa de nadaaa, es un despistado 🤣🤣. Un abrazo 🤗

Sí, nos adaptamos rápido a las cosas buenas jajaja

Sometimes it is better if our phones are not so smart haha, sometimes I have the feeling it listens to everything I think about 😱😂

Answering your final question, yes it has happened to me with my game consoles hahaha.... I admire you for your musical knowledge and I admire a lot those who read scores and do it with a pad, that makes you look even more professional. The technical part is great so I don't doubt the good use you have managed to make of it during this past year. Dear friend, a big hug for you 🙌😀💛... by the way, that keyboard looks great 🔥🔥🔥... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥📸📱🎹❤️

Yay, you answered my question!!!! Thank you Don Fer 🤓
Well, to be honest, I didn't really investigate the technical part and its characteristics 😂, I let that part to my husband. We needed something basic that would serve its purpose, so that's it. The keyboard is tiny, 😇 suitable in size for this pad, so here the brand and model were not of great importance, once again - to serve well its purpose. ;) Thank you very much Don Fer for your visit 😎🤗

A very nice table, and if it's been useful to you, it's hard for you to ever do without it. It's obvious you've taken great care of it. The durability of any object depends on care.
Things are very complicated around here, the power outages keep happening. Hugs.🤗 😘Hi, @mipiano,

Oh, @mamani!!! How are you? I am glad to hear from you, I hope that you are well in health and mood, your days filled with laughter and joy, despite all those issues with the electricity! Take care, and hugs, I wish the situation improves in your country with those issues!! 🙏

I remember that publication from a year ago, yes I remember it and it is very good that it has worked and that it has been practical, I think that something similar has happened to me recently but it was with an appliance that had to be changed because it did not work and I said to myself ... a year has passed already? Time has wings!

Yes, it has worked out well, I don't regret switching to this form of reading my scores. Although I still preserve all my paper ones too hahaha, on the shelves :D

Time has wings!

Indeed 😁


Paper scores are memories! Time turns today's experiences into tomorrow's memories. I was just listening to a video of you!

really? 😱 which one? I usually try not listen to any of my videos after publishing hahah, I always feel it was not good enough 😂

Surprise! Surprise!!! hahaha you'll have to wait for me to finish my post hahahaha

Your videos are all excellent!

Tengo miedo 😱😱 jajajaja, broma, bueno... ay... estaré trabajando... o sea... no sé si me tengo que preocupar mientras estoy en trabajo... 😂

(Solo bromeo 😉, a la noche veré tu publicación y estoy segura que será bonito el post tuyo ✨️👋)

Trabaja tranquila, que tendrás tiempo de asustarte cuando regreses🤣

How much did it cost you? I want to buy a tablet or laptop too, which I can easily bring wherever I go.

Oh, a year ago it was something like... 150 euros (~165 USD) if I am not mistaken, but then the wireless keyboard, the case, the mouse, and a Bluetooth pedal that I also bought to turn the pages were all paid apart, additionally.
It is not a perfect thing if you need to use it all the time instead of a bigger screen, but for those short trips is great when you wouldn't take your laptop

Hey! We have the same model 😱 what a coincidence, even the same lining... I see that the memories are very clear that Thursday is the perfect day for it 😅 Mine is also a year old, I bought it and practically premiered it in Spain, and like you it is only used for sheet music and a lot of music (some Shakira eventually), and I have a keyboard installed, but only for tuning, nothing to play it with your great style. I liked very much this #TBT my dear...

Really, the same model? My son also bought one later, but a bigger one, he also uses it just for music scores and apuntes en las clases

some Shakira eventually


Good afternoon @mipiano. I think it's an age thing but time flies by for me. About recently purchased items, I think it's been almost a year since I bought this mobile for the camera and I'm also very happy, I don't think as much as you with your tablet. I'm glad to see the good use you make of it. The truth is that technology well used is always a great help.

Best regards.

Yes, technology well used is a good thing, and this little device for sure had its good purpose which in the end justified the purchase. I don't usually buy things just for fun hahaha. Good that you are also happy with your new (ok, a year old) mobile phone, I saw in your posts that it takes very good photos, but it can also be that you are paying a lot of attention and have talent :)

Best regards.

How do you mean best regards? Isn't it time for a good night? 😉😁


Good evening, @mipiano. Thank you very much for these words:

it can also be that you are paying a lot of attention and have talent :)

I notice the heat in my cheeks and see the red color in my cheeks.

Have a great weekend and keep enjoying the tablet.

My phone reminds me of things too, unnecessary things, but what counts is the intention haha 😂

I haven't been so used to something that I felt I had it for a long time, but this tablet has definitely made you lose track of time, at least the time it's been with you haha practical and beautiful 😍

Hahaha, the intention counts 😂

Yes, I can say it is practical and although I had some doubts at the beginning, I adapted to it and now I consider it very useful! 😇 I can import there some duet pieces too, for wings and hands 😁

I assume this option could be in my mobile(may be I have to check gallery's other options) but nothing like this pop up on my mobile screen. But Snapchat often reminds me such things.
Indeed it was a good investment. I am also very happy with my mobile. Previously, I was into saving money and saving but one in all I invested money in buying a new mobile because I wanted to capture moments more clearly without having tension of storage.

As I don't use other social media platforms just Hive, I assume my phone decided to show me these stories on its own! hahaha, just kidding, probably I can adjust these things in the settings. Greetings, @tahastories1 😇👋

Qué bueno tener esas habilidades. De pequeña quería aprender a tocar piano y leer partituras, pero no fue así.

Bueno, seguro que encontraste otras cosas interesantes para expresar la creatividad 😇 Pero tocar el piano sí que es bonito 😉

for me i just enjoy the moment and the item. Redmi is a nice gadget i wish to get some day

That for sure is good, to enjoy the moment ;)
