My dear friend, I will start with the last thing; in my case as a child I always wanted to be a video game programmer, but in my country there was no such thing, the closest thing was computer science, but that idea faded as I grew up and when I turned 14 years old I decided to become a psychologist, after great experiences that showed me that way. Currently I practice psychology but not on a regular basis, but sporadically, I love my profession and I know that it is my life mission until the last day, I discovered the vocation and I finished corroborating that, when I attended very particular and complex cases... I just know that I was born for it.
When music appeared, I said, I also need this in my life and even though I have no academic training, I make music, not at a professional level like you, but as you well know, I have been in the past on stages with rock.
No doubt genetics is key, on my dad's side there are musicians, politicians and poets, that has to do a lot in what we decide for our life path. And yes, the professional musician as is your case, has an immense level of pressure and stress for various reasons, it is something you live daily even if you don't want to, but when you are born for it, like you, there are no barriers that stop you .... A big hug for you, I loved the reading 🌹💖..... You Pianistically Rockkkk!!!! 👍😎🔥🎹🎄❤️
Mi querida amiga, empezaré por lo último; en mi caso de pequeño siempre quise ser programador de videojuegos, pero en mi país no había tal cosa, lo más cercano era la informática, pero esa idea se desvaneció a medida que crecía y cuando cumplí 14 años fue que decidí ser psicólogo, luego de grandes experiencias que me indicaron ese camino. Actualmente ejerzo la psicología pero no de forma habitual, sino esporádica, yo amo mi profesión y sé que es mi misión de vida hasta el último día, descubrí la vocación y terminé de corroborar eso, cuando atendía casos bien particulares y complejos... solo sé que nací para ello.
Cuando apareció la música, dije, esto lo necesito también en mi vida y pese a que no tengo formación académica, hago música, no a nivel profesional como tú, pero como bien sabes, he estado en el pasado en escenarios con el rock.
Sin duda la genética es clave, por el lado de mi papá hay músicos, políticos y poetas, eso tiene que ver muchísimo en lo que decidimos para nuestro camino de vida. Y sí, el músico profesional como es tu caso, tiene un nivel de presión y estrés inmenso por diversos motivos, es algo que se vive a diario así no se quiera, pero cuando naces para ello, como tú, no hay barreras que te detengan.... Un fuerte abrazo para ti, me encantó la lectura 🌹💖... You Pianísticamente Rockkkk!!! 👍😎🔥🎹🎄❤️
Dear Don Fer, I think your profession is awesome in many ways. And not everyone can be a good psychologist, just those with a huge heart and willingness to listen, to understand, and to help. And also to learn, as I am sure you can learn from your patients in a way. And as you say, one has to be born for this. Music is also part of your life, I see you also as a musician, it is so cool to be good at more things. You rock, in more ways than I, gracias por tu comentario, siempre un placer leerte!!! 😊
Tus palabras alegran mi noche más aún, as you say, you learn a lot from each patient, I dare say that in practice those of us who are trained in this area, learn a lot, well this applies to other professions and life hehe. Music has been a lifesaver for me, when I play the guitar is to enter another dimension and that is what I have always sought to convey when I present myself on a musical stage. Thank you for being so great, my admiration and respect always for you my querida amiga 🌹💖.... You Absolutely Rockkk!!!! 👍😎🔥📸🎄🎹❤️