Travel. Such a loaded word in 2020. For much of this year, leaving our own homes, cities, states or especially countries has been by and large out of the question. Some have been lucky to still have some freedom of movement, while others have been driven mad by the same four walls for days on end. Perhaps travel is still quite taboo for many, but for others modest movement beyond our usual sphere might just be possible again.
Though I find it challenging myself to plan time away (chalk it up to a career with no paid vacation time), I still very much enjoy getting away when I can. Each year we usually try to plan at least one quick reprieve from the usual daily routine, even if it is just staying an hour away for a few nights. I've never traveled far abroad, though I do have plenty of places on my bucket list that I hope to check off some day. Even just in the United States there are tons of new places I would love to see in person!
As much as you can't actually beat the travel portion, sometimes the planning and anticipation is just as fun! I've known people who plan vacations a year or more in advance just to know they have something to look forward to on the calendar. This year, even that was challenging as planning anything in these uncertain times has been nerve-wracking, to say the least. However, I for one think it can still be quite enjoyable to either take a trip down memory lane to reminisce about some of the fun places I've been already or daydream about the places I want to visit for the first...or second...or third time...
intro post for more information on how to join the contest with your own entry!Good thing our monthly @yourtop3 contest is giving us all a chance to do just that for September: go on a virtual vacation by choosing our top 3 travel destinations! Whether they are places you have already been and truly loved, or lists that are total dream-worthy retreats, I think we can all enjoy a little getaway. The fun thing about sharing is that we can take our Hive pals with us! Because of course that's much easier than trying to find an AirBnB with room for yourself and all your blogging pals...and this introvert is picky who she'll share her rare time away with anyway.😉 Check out the

I have to say I'm feeling pretty lucky in that after almost 2 years without travel (I am not counting a stressful 48 hour girls trip getaway that was a bit of a disaster last October), I have a few quick weekend trips not far in the distant future. No airports or passports for my plans, but if I didn't put something on the calendar soon I was just about at my breaking point. My dear friend and client, who also happens to be my psychiatric support system, insisted I plan SOMETHING, so I was just complying with my homework. Mental health is just as important as physical, and after working nonstop lately, it's time for a break. Past time, really. Given that bucket list travel may still be a ways away, my choices for the contest are pretty simple and based on where I've been and where I would like to go again. I'm a simple gal, and my toes in the sand or head in the trees appease me just as much as visiting the most well-known tourist attractions. Perhaps sometimes even more...

My Nominations are:
Nomination Number One
My Reasons for the Nomination
Oregon or Maine, take your pick. They are both on my list to visit again! I was actually hoping to be able to hit both this year when 2020 first began, but maybe 2021 will be the year. If not there's always 2022. 😂 I equally adore New England and the Pacific Northwest for vacationing, despite not having had nearly enough time to explore either. They're like many other places in the world, I'm sure, in that you can experience so many different adventures in one trip. City to country, ocean coastline to inland rivers or even mountain ranges all in a short drive making it easy to make a worthwhile and varied vacation experience.
I'll start with Oregon as it has been a longer time since we have been there, and it probably ranks higher up the list on where I'd like to visit again first. My cover photo was from our visit back in 2014, as is the photo above, which coincidentally I just had a memory pop up that it was this actual day when we arrived (September 4th). I had so much fun when we went out to see some friends who live right in the city of Portland. We were able to see quite a bit right in the heart of the city. So much walking and hiking, and we hit it at the perfect time of year when the weather was absolutely gorgeous.
Multnomah Falls was a highlight, but so was the hike up to the fantastic viewpoint of the Columbia River. I loved the trees as the forests are so different than they are here in the Southeastern part of the country. After spending a few days in the city, we rented a car and drove out to the coast for a few days. Growing up watching The Goonies, I had to see Cannon Beach. However the hike down to Crescent Beach was the best part of our quick visit to the coast. We had to hike down a quiet trail just to get to the secluded beach. I think we were there on a weekday, so it was mostly just myself and @dksart for most of the hike.
We have some more friends that moved out that way last year, so a big draw to go visit again. I would love to actually hit Seattle, Washington and maybe even Vancouver next time, as well. Though I might need a few weeks to see everything I would want!
We had the pleasure of visiting Maine more recently, although that was already three years ago, as well! This time of year is a common time for us to travel (the benefit of not having kids--you can travel in non-peak times), so I saw those pictures pop up recently on my memories. I've had the pleasure of hanging out in Boston a few times in my life now, which is a great spot to start out and venture further up into that beautiful part of our country. One of my former clients, turned friend, moved back up to New Hampshire almost four years ago now. She was the one we stayed with when we visited last time, along with an old high school friend of mine in Boston.
So many cool spots really close to her town like the park above, but we also spent a full day just driving up the coast from Portsmouth, New Hampshire all the way to Portland, Maine. The lighthouse shot from the rocks was somewhere in Maine, but I can't recall exactly where as we just stopped here and there along the drive. I would love to make it back up and check out more of Maine, especially further north to Acadia National Park. Plus, now I have an extra incentive to finally gab in person with my blogging pal @traciyork who hails from that part of the world!

Nomination Number Two
The Mountains
My Reasons for the Nomination
Since I cheated a bit on my first nomination and picked two places, I'll go super generic on my second and third choices. Plus I'm a panel member and my choices don't count for the contest anyway. 😉 Given the choice between the mountains and the beach, I think the mountains take a slight edge. Getting up in the trees and seeing those views where it feels like you could reach out and touch the clouds. Man, that's just a slice of heaven. I always feel like I get that perfect mix of relaxing and enjoying some hiking when I've visited the mountains before. Most often it has been up in the Blue Ridge area of Georgia, but I'm not opposed to checking out some other spots. My parents also used to take us to the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania when we were kids growing up in New Jersey. The love of that type of vacation was instilled in me early on! So early, in fact, that it is family lore that those are quite "fertile" grounds. My sisters and I might all have been conceived in those mountains...🤐 It would be fun to head back up there and visit as an adult, though no intentions of making my own babies there, haha!
From where we live, we can drive just a short ways and hit any number of spots along the Appalachian Trail (Preacher's Rock pictured above is right near the Georgia start of the AT) or further off that popular path. Asheville, NC is high up on my list, both for the hiking and vegan restaurant scene. Plus I seem to recall just learning that a certain duo I met on the ol' blockchain might not be far from that 'hood...

Nomination Number Three
The Beach
My Reasons for the Nomination
Ok, ok, I know I said the mountains edge out the beach, but there is also just something soothing about toes in soft sand and the sound of the waves lulling you to sleep. My dear @dksart and I have been able to hit a few beaches during our 10 years together, though most often in Florida since we can get to spots both on the Gulf or the Atlantic in about a 5-5 1/2 hour drive. I'm definitely more of a Gulf of Mexico gal myself as the beaches on that side of Florida tend to be more of the soft, white sand and the waters can be as clear and vibrant as if you are further down on a Caribbean island.
The beach is one of those spots, though, that I'm good for about a 3-4 day trip. Too much more than that and I get a bit tired of laying around on the beach unless there are other attractions close by to check out. I have an aunt who lives down in Sarasota, Florida, so we grew up heading to Siesta Key Beach, which is still my mom's favorite spot to relax. She can stay on the beach for hours on end. It is a beautiful place, but I enjoy checking out all different spots if I can.
We'll be hitting up this particular patch of sand shortly, but I won't tease you too much until we actually head down there and get to enjoy it. I have big plans to pack a few books and unplug for a long weekend away soon. I do love to get out and run on the beach since the scenery is totally different to my usual runs at home, but the beach provides some major chill time for those few days before I start feeling too lazy!
So many other beaches in the world that I would love to hit, Australia and New Zealand are soooo high up on the bucket list. I've never been to Hawaii either, or even California to check out that part of the country. Man, this list just gets longer and longer! Not to mention plenty of non-beach areas. Copenhagen has always been on the list to see where the Danish side of the family came from, along with Poland to see where @dksart grew up. Ok, probably need to stop now before I just list everywhere on the planet...

We hope you all will take a trip with us! Down memory lane or to actually look forward to being somewhat mobile again. I'm sure there will be some epic choices to add to my ever-growing list. Now if only Hive would moon so we all have plenty of funds to check off more of those boxes...
Delegate to @yourtop3:
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I don’t know jack about the US but isn’t Portland that place where they are rioting so much? Looks very beautiful everyone there should totally go out and enjoy nature and forget about all this fighting! Having a backyard like that, surely you’d be more zen and stoked to live there
Lol yes you need to get out of The US or like one US tourist I met called it non-America! We don’t bite we just want your dollars
Yes, Portland, Oregon is one of the places here in the US where there have been consistent protests. Perhaps another good reason why it might not be the best for a vacation at this very moment, but then again there's protesting going on in a lot of places here right now, most of it peaceful.
I really do want to get out of the US more, just need some $$ to give you, haha! Saving up all my pennies where I can. Especially now that I have so many people in different countries I would be stoked to meet in person. The hardest part is figuring out where I really would want to go first...
Well hopefully it quiets down and everyone gets their cake eventually, I would like to visit the US someday simply out of curiosity, to see if its "like the movies" lol
Lol, I feel you, it's funny how we all seem to get along even though we have these different backgrounds and upbringings, oh crypto it's such an amazing way to meet cool people.
Haha, well just depends on which movies you're basing your opinion on whether or not you'll be disappointed! ;) I think it's like anywhere, though, there are spots that are absolutely amazing, some that are underwhelming, plenty of bustling cities, and lots of rural gems. At least you probably have met plenty of us crypto peeps to give you the lowdown on what to hit or what to miss whenever you do finally get to come for a visit!
Lol that's the fun part, we all have our preconceived ideas of places so its always cool when you see what "real life" is like, same when people come to Africa, it's not like I'm riding Elephants to school.
Exactly and hopefully the crypto gets to pay for all of that too, I feel I deserve it for HODL'ing since 2017 all the way down lol, when's my big break
Shoot, I haven't taken out any of my earnings myself, so I'll take a chunk of that big break, haha!
Keep stacking, this cheap HIVE might be our last so I grab all I can while I can same with BTC! I refuse to FOMO this time around
I'm a gulf'er, too, Plants. Do you remember when I was telling you how there's just a few letters off with you two and us two? Thought about it yet? Weird, right?
New Hampshire is also on my list, one of the few states I haven't been to yet. One more thing... I almost forgot.
That sure is a small tree holding you up. 😉
I'm sure we'll come across plenty more interesting coincidences given enough time. 😉 What's a few letters among friends?
Highly recommend NH from the small portion of it that I have seen. If for nothing else than to spend a little time in all those wickedly awesome New England states. And since you're interested, and I know you are a connoisseur of street art, check out this rad art I snapped in Portsmouth...

Happy Sunday to you and Pura!
You know, there is a lot to be said about being a tourist in your own back yard. My overseas trips, bar one, have been work related, and to destinations I'd visit again...
I am spoit for choice with this topic!
Love that photo of the two of you!
I think sometimes we do take for granted what we can so easily access. I know my aunt down in Florida rarely goes to the beach. Especially in these days, I'm trying to really appreciate what I have so close. Though that doesn't mean I don't want to wonder a bit farther away at some point! Too many amazing places to see and experience.
It really is a topic with no wrong answers. And thank you for the compliment. I believe that photo was in Mexico about 4 years ago. Luckily taken at the beginning of the vacation, as it turned out not to be the most relaxing of weeks away, but that's a full story on its own...
I just want to see the whole world - especially bits of it - and my back yard!
Posted using Dapplr
You have so many great parts of USA to visit, you can probably spend your life there! The Rocky Mountain range and all the national parks in those Western states are incredible. I've been fortunate enough to visit 14 states and found a lot of awe and wonder in the road trips there. I'm going to have to revisit my USA travel blog series that got to a whopping number of 2 before I stopped haha!
Agree with you on Florida as well with their clear water bays (there's actually an area called Clear Water Bay 😜) and the sands were definitely fine. We did some canoeing and snorkeling with the manatees down there and a couple of days later, did some powerboating in the Everglades, you'll love it. Perfect combination of adventure and chill time!
Needless to say, I'm an advocate of Australia and New Zealand and they are still on my bucket list even though I've already been there haha!
Definitely more of a mountain bloke with the hiking and love the views but I still love the coastal hikes and the sounds of the waves on the beach so yeah, can't fault your choices there! Looking forward to my trip away next week now 😊
Q has picked an absolute gem of a topic this month, I'm feeling a bit warmer reading everyone's travel posts already!
Truly I will probably never see even a small percentage of what is in my own country! We are quite spoiled here in the vast geographical features and different types of climates you can hit from north to south and east to west across the entire country. I would definitely love to see more of what spots you got to experience while here! You may very well have seen more than I have, though I am pretty well-versed in the East Coast at least, haha.
I definitely lived vicariously through your NZ/Australia trip. Though I'm sure it's nothing compared to actually living it yourself. Beggars can't be choosers, though, so I'll take what I can get. I would love to get over there one day to take surf lessons from @riverflows, though. ;)
I think the mountain/shore combo was why I liked the Pacific Northwest so much. Down here in Georgia and into Florida it is more one or the other. Well, no real mountains in Florida anyway, haha. Given that I don't often get a lot of time away, I really enjoy those spots where I can experience it all and make the most out of that short time!
Haha yeah I never really travelled too much in the East coast other than Florida when I was with my parents in the teenage years for trips. A couple of weeks in a villa down in Clearwater and Tampa Bay/Naples if memory serves right!
I couldn't meet up for a bush party with @riverflows when I was over there last year, maybe next time I'm out travelling in Aus we'll get the barbies going! Heard she can throw a few shapes lol!
If you can getaway for a nice relaxing weekend in your own country and it has what you need then you may not need to venture too far afield unless you really get bored and want to plan for a bigger trip so do what you can and if you enjoy it, that's awesome!
Wow look at those places! You are so fortunate to have traveled there. No mountains in site here for hours in travel, and no coasts to dip your toes in. Well we do have lakes but I have not seen any sandy beaches like this. We also don't have towering buildings like that in the area. Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal can keep those :P
Haha, yeah, I'm not always big for the towering buildings on vacation, though I have always enjoyed the visits I've had to New York City. I much prefer the more natural attractions, though. I'm sure I would be in awe with the difference in scenery where you are! Canada is high up on my list to visit. Vancouver for sure, but my paternal grandmother's side of the family has some origins in Quebec, as well, so that might be fun to explore. So many trips, so little time and money, haha. But I have faith I'll have plenty more adventures ahead when I can. :)
B.C is definitely the place to be mountains, forests, humongous trees and all that beauty. In between I don't know what there is in the provinces but Quebec has quite a few things, then it's down to coast. Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, P.E.I all beautiful places. I never been anywhere to those places unfortunately. But maybe one day :)
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Awesome stuff P2P
It's not really a surprise to learn that the majority of US citizens don't own a passport! You have so much diversity in your culture and terrain that you haven't got the time to see everything there, let alone outside.
I've had a fascination with the States for a while, especially the sport but other things too. I've managed to clock up a few places in my time. Green Bay, Chicago, Washington DC, lots of Maryland, Williamsburg, Sarasota, Tampa, Orlando. I also had a Philly Cheesesteak in Philadelphia airport if that counts!! 😂 I love the food options you guys have. The rest of the world is only just catching up!
I would definitely like to visit New Orleans, The Grand Canyon, Vegas, The whole of the west coast, The Rocky Mountains, New York and of course Atlanta! One day!!
The Mountains are my first choice too. The French Alps are absolutely majestic and hard to put into words. I know you've got some pretty major ranges over there too.
That shot of Siesta Key looks just like I remember Longboat Key. I guess they are right next to each other.
There is definitely a time for beaches but mountains should be all the time.