Haha, yeah, I'm not always big for the towering buildings on vacation, though I have always enjoyed the visits I've had to New York City. I much prefer the more natural attractions, though. I'm sure I would be in awe with the difference in scenery where you are! Canada is high up on my list to visit. Vancouver for sure, but my paternal grandmother's side of the family has some origins in Quebec, as well, so that might be fun to explore. So many trips, so little time and money, haha. But I have faith I'll have plenty more adventures ahead when I can. :)
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B.C is definitely the place to be mountains, forests, humongous trees and all that beauty. In between I don't know what there is in the provinces but Quebec has quite a few things, then it's down to coast. Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, P.E.I all beautiful places. I never been anywhere to those places unfortunately. But maybe one day :)