I appreciate the fact checking here. Though this story doesn't hit as close to home for me. Good to have some model fact check requests so that the rest of us can author them. There is a lot of conflicting information coming in regarding Ukraine/Russia that I'd like some balanced analysis on, but I don't know where to start! I guess true fact checks depend on enough information being available to check with.
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Yes, the more information, the better the analysis. Hive allows anyone to have their say internationally, so it is possible/likely that new information might be added to the subject as it is discussed here. If you pick a specific claim that you have found made publicly, then people can look into the evidence that is available for/against it and provide it in the comments. We can all then make up our own minds. The 'professional' fact checkers are generally only journalists who ask questions, source information and then often just reach a conclusion that may or may not reflect the true evidence that is available. We can all help to do better than that.