Early to bed, early to rise

in Lifestyle2 months ago

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Wednesdays are pretty hard for me. Our "church" times are 7:00PM to 8:30PM but by the time we get home and get Little Wookie to bed it's more like 9:30PM before I get to bed.

Given that I get up at 3:00AM, it gets pretty hard to get motivated in the mornings.

I could move my wake up time an hour later in order to get to work at 5:00AM, and truth be told I don't need to start work at 5:00AM either. But I love starting early in order to finish early and have the rest of the day to myself.

I need to set a limit for myself and be in bed by 8:00PM. This is easier said than done because Little Wookie won't move to go to bed at that time and Mrs Wookie doesn't like putting him to bed. But I need to get a minimum of 7 hours to be happy during the day. Otherwise I'm just running on auto-pilot and my day becomes a blur.

I never got a chance to post my Actifit report yesterday but there wasn't much to post. I literally just sorted mail yesterday ready for today and then finished off delivering stuff I hadn't finished on Monday. Hopefully I can smash out today but I've got two weeks of reports I need to catch up on.

I cannot get motivated to do paperwork, especially when it's really stuff that my team can do themselves. I think that's what I have to work on this year... delegation. I need to stop doing things for others what they should be doing themselves. I just take it on so that my team can operate better in other ways. But it's getting too hard on me doing this. Something has to change.

The team is slowly getting back on track now though. I'm still desperately down on man power at the moment but next week I should have two back. In March I'll have a new team member who's supposed to be awesome so I'm happy for that. That just leaves one team member who's just had an operation on his ankle. Hopefully he'll be ready in the next month or so.

My mood as of writing is optimistic but tired.

My goal today is to try and find one funny thing that happened and one thing I'm just thankful for so that I have something for my Actifit report tonight.