Morning measurements

in Lifestyle2 months ago

Today marks the first recording of body measurements for the year.

I've had two weeks off over the Christmas/New Year period due to summer holidays.

I'm using nothing more than a seamstress tape and a Nintendo Wii Fit Plus board to take my measurements. I am going to replace the Wii Fit board with a proper set of digital scales but I'm not going all out on a set. I kind of got bit with the FitBit Aria and I'd much rather just a set of normal scales.

I am teaching myself XCode on our new Mac Mini so I will end up developing my own body measurements app because at the moment I can't find a decent one that measures everything. I just have to learn how to connect to Apple Health data for things like age and height.

Anyway, I decided to share my body measurements on my blog each morning before I head to work and then I'll post my Actifit report at the end of the day once I've done stuff.

DateHeightWeightClothing WeightActual Weight
NeckChestWaistHigh HipHip
BMIBody FatLean Body MassPonderal Index

Not a bad start to the year really.

I've got a good chunk of data to back up my hypothesis from last year. What you eat doesn't make a lick of difference. How much you eat certainly does. Take that with how much you exercise and you'll see that losing the fat is a little more attainable than we think.

But the experiment I want to test out this year based purely on my own data is how much of a difference does our mood make? To do this I need to record accurately how I feel at the start of the day and how I feel at the end of the day. Luckily I do have those tools built into my iPhone.

I'll write up a proper post about this experiment in the next couple of days.