Bloom Where You Are Planted: The Garden of Colors

in Lifestyle7 months ago

Hello everyone! Happy Thursday, For today's article, i will be sharing to everyone our colorful plants and garden. Gardening and planting has been a big part of my life ever since.

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"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all." ~ The Emperor from Mulan language


A Healthy Lifestyle
Gardening is indeed a favorite pastime and leisure moment for us. With our busy and concrete lifestyle. dealing with different phases of our chaotic life, gardening is the only way that keeps us connected to mother nature. Gardening gives us immense joy and sense of satisfaction, as we can see the shrubs and the colorful flowers growing right from their tender stage till it completely shoots and lush into their green life.Gardens are a good and enjoyable pastime.


Ever since, i was a child, it has always been a dream of mine to plant different flowers and make a beautiful garden. I grew up having a love for mother nature and taking the importance of it. I know from the very beginning that this is something i look forward to doing in life together with my Grandparents. I have always imagined myself and living my life in a home full of colorful plants.

The excitement of watching a seedling emerge from the ground and then caring for the developing plants and flowers through maturity can generate a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction for us. Many people asked me why plant flowers? Of course, the answer is simple, they add beauty to our gardens and landscapes, but also flowers did evolve merely to satisfy our thirst for beauty.

Planning Matters


Gardening can be very fun and at the same time very challenging and time- consuming. It can get the best of both world from you. Our garden of colors started during the pandemic.It was a tough times as locked down happened. Many of us were affected by the sudden pandemic. That's why I and my grandmother decided to plan on renovating our backyard into a flower garden. It is something that has been in our plan for a very long time but it was the best thing that happened during the Pandemic.


Planning for your flower garden is the first step in fulfilling that beautiful lifestyle. Starting a garden from scratch as a beginner can seem daunting and difficult. One of the best ways i have to ease into gardening is to break your project down into manageable step. Difficult at first but mind you, gardening is a very rewarding hobby.

Plan what type of Garden

Before you so much as break the soil, you should decide what kind of garden you want to grow. In our case, we decided to plant flowers or flower garden.Growing flowers in our backyard is such a great stress reliever. This activity develops a love of beauty, improves our daily mood. Planting a flower garden is health for the environment for multiple reasons. The first reason being, flowers undergo the process of photosynthesis to produce chlorophyll and second it is good for pollination creating a balance between nature and ecosystem.

In general,flowering plants and garden are a wonderful addition to any garden bed or community garden especially for empty background. Not only do they add beauty and color to our surroundings, but they also provide numerous benefits to our health and environment.

Choose the ideal location and sun exposure.


For me, this probably one of the most important factors in your flower gardening. The location of your garden is your make or break to the plan.A shade loving plant that gets too much sun will be more susceptible to pests and diseases and these are some of the consideration.Some of the important question you need to considered is that: Is it sunny enough? How do I know if the soil is okay? What else do I need to think about?


Based on our experience, we should avoid places that receive strong winds that could knock over your young plants and destroy leaves or keep pollinators from doing their job. Nor do you want to plant in a location that receives too much foot traffic or floods easily. The area where soil is healthy is needed,the soil feeds our plants. We’ll have poor, unhealthy plants if we have thin, nutrient-poor soil.



In our case, we decided to really clean the area get rid of weeds and sod in the area you plan to plant. We also built some installation and net that will served as protection to the plants from direct sunlight exposure and and even the wind direction.Another important things to remember, specially if you're living in a tropical country like me, here in the Philippines. You’ll need to make sure there’s plenty of space for the plants you want to grow, as well as access to water.

Plant your new garden


Here comes the most exciting part, the planting season. Now you need to indulge the moment after taking everything in consideration. From the type of flowers, to the decision whether you put in pot or plant in directly in a soil.Place the plant into the hole and cover the roots with soil. Gently pat down the soil around the plant for a stable base.

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In our case, my grandmother and aunt decided that we need to plant variety of flowering plants, from her favorite to some of the most rare flowers in our town.Every plant should be strategically placed. Every flower is blooming in radiant health. My grandmother taught me that always make your home or garden a joyous and bright place to be by planting flowers--nature's own way of showing genuine happiness. Also some plants, such as leafy greens, prefer shade. If you have a sunny location, you can create shade for your plants by planting them under trees or by using shade cloth materials.

Caring for Flowering Plants


Plants are like babies and pets that we need to put extra care and effort. Just like us, flowers need proper care which is essential for the health and longevity of flowering plants in our garden . This includes watering, fertilizing, pruning, and pest management.It always advisable to remove any dead leaves and set up any necessary structures that might compromise the growth of the flowers.


In many instances, my Grandmother also put new soil or changes the soil of the flowers. According to her, the new healthy soil will add nutrients and boost essential for plant development and flowering.Putting a bit of slow-release food for flowers (similar to fertilizer) will surely help new plants to grow quickly.


Lastly, the most important and crucial step in maintaining a healthy garden is proper watering. After spreading the mulch, give your plants a good drink of water. We should all remember to water our flowers in the right time as this might damage the plant if done poorly.How often you need to water depends on your soil, humidity, and rainfall are good things to be considered. Taking extra care is like watering the plants before they wilt. Pulling weeds before they go to seed. Get rid of dead, dying, and diseased plants is crucial. Banish destructive insects by picking them off the plant and dropping them into a bucket of sudsy water and maintaining a healthy and clean surroundings.

The Garden of Colors


There is nothing ever more satisfying than seeing your handwork and plan finally came to reality and become successful. Seeing in full that our plan came in full bloom is just so impressive.
One of the reasons why our flower garden are so beloved by people is their beauty. Flowers come in a wide range of colors, from bright and bold to soft and delicate.



Here are some of our product. A product of hard work, dedication and effort. Indeed! These flowers bloomed gracefully where they are planted.





By just looking at these beautiful flowers, we can really put a big smile on our faces.There are many things in nature for which we should be thankful and grateful for. One of them definitely has to be flowers.

From the nature to the different human use, they are important. They can feed insects, birds, animals and humans and is an essential part of the cycle. . Further, they provide natural medicines for humans and some animals.


Flowers increase levels of positive energy in human being . Moreover, they also help us feel relaxed and secure whenever we see one.

In general having a flower garden is a great addition to our lifestyle.It is always the sense of purpose and accomplishment. There are immense rewards in planting and nurturing a garden. Watching tiny seeds break through the soil to display verdant greenery or colorful buds is worth- appreciating.Gardening, including flower gardening, has been shown to have stress-reducing benefits. The act of tending to plants and gardening , being outdoors, and connecting with nature can help reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve overall well-being.


This gardening lifestyle helps us be connected with nature.Flower gardening and planting in general allows us to connect with the natural world and observe the cycles of growth, change and development over time.One thing for sure is that it can help foster a sense of appreciation for the environment and a deeper understanding of the connection and relationship of all living things.Flower gardening can also bring people together through shared interests and a love for plants and gardening lifestyle.

Flower gardening is a creative outlet that allows every individual to fully expressed themselves.Thus, we must all plant flowers or vegetables at homes and in our neighborhood to beautify the place and bring happiness and joy for everyone passing by.

Thank you ao much for passing by, comment down your thoughts on Gardening lifestyle guys.
Until next time.


How beautiful that you have such a colourful garden. It always brings joy to see a place so full of life. Congratulations on your great work 💕.