A picture of pure love

in Caturday2 months ago

When I was in a hair salon in the neighborhood a few months ago, I saw and photographed two kittens at the door.
Don't think that I visit the hairdresser once every six months 🙂
It was only when I was getting my hair done for the last few months that I didn't see these beauties.

It is very cold today.
The fog and cold contributed to an icy coating on the cars and on the sidewalks.

It was not at all wise to leave the house and walk in such streets. But we had to go shopping.
And I had to go to my hairdresser.

And at her place, a gang of cats waited for me.

These are the same cats from the last post, fully grown today.
They hang around the hair salon waiting to be fed or petted.

I entered the overheated salon, sat down to wait my turn and on the hairdressing chair, I saw one of those cats dozing.

And what else would a cat do in such a warm space, except to nap.
When the hairdresser finished cutting the customer's hair, she approached the cat and woke it up.

The cat stretched, patted the hairdresser a bit, jumped on the floor and headed for the exit door.

The hairdresser understood what the cat wanted - food and took the granules to feed it outside the salon.
and I went outside with them.
Then several more cats appeared around our feet. She poured granules, and the cats started eating lunch.

They were so occupied with the tasty granules that they did not pay attention to us and to the fact that I was petting them.

I entered the salon and the arrangement of my hair began.
when I was done, I said goodbye to my hairdresser and left the salon.
There these beautiful black cats were waiting for me and with their movements they were asking for some petting.

I was kneeling next to them, and one of them was very persistent, climbing on my knees with her paws, pushing my hand with her head, all just to get another moment of caressing.

I hope you like it. And so on this cold Saturday, I warmed up a bit by petting a cat in the neighborhood and I present that moment to the #caturday community.