I think I should foster kittens from the local animal shelter. Because I absolutely adore kittens! Then they grow up into big, lazy, old cats that just lie around and take up space and eat endlessly. Annie will keep me company when I feel unwell, but she will haul off and bite or scratch for no reason, which does nothing to improve my health or my humor. Clarence is a really nice cat, except for when he sharpens his claws on the sofa. They have apparently become too staid to get their heads stuck in a box or to play in a paper sack. Maybe I should put a paper sack out for them, just in case.
Fostering kittens sounds like a bag full of fun, for real! I have thought about doing that, but then I end up getting animals foisted on me. There always seems to be a young cat or kittens showing up round here. I need to get the two latest additions in to be spayed, or else I might have more kittens around than necessary!
Hopefully the paper sack initiative yields cat craziness for your amusement lol!