You should definitely get the internet connection! Even when you don’t stay in the house long, it will still be very helpful for you, and convenient too. Netflix and chill is the way! 😅
I’ve lived alone too and it was the best time for me. I also didn’t cook dinner so much back then just because. 😂 But I learned a lot during my alone time. I get to do many things alone but of course like you I also long for some company. That’s why I spend my time with friends too. I hope you meet new friends there. And I was really looking for the new pad pictures! None? 🥲
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I should have gotten it soon but I'm laaaazy to get the papers sorted out so yeah still pondering if I should get an internet connection haha
I've met a few friends but none that I could invite on a whim 😂 I'm very sponty sometimes
Pad pics on part 2 just for you witty 😂
Can't be done online? 😅
Kainis kasi yang mga papers na yan hahahaha that's what I don't like too LOL
Nakuuu dapat mahanap na yang friend na yan, kahit isa!
Yey!! Will be waiting for the part 2. kahit ilang months mo pa sulatin yan hahaha antayin ko