Greetings full sports community, today I want to present a conventional routine, which will help you strengthen every muscle in your body, perform 5 exercises with different variants focused to work upper, lower, and abdomen, in 4 sets of 25 repetitions, are basic exercises combined with weight, to have a little more demanding, is a routine that can be performed at home, I invite you to see my training I hope you like, so join me
To condition my body, I performed dynamic lunge in 2 sets of 50 repetitions.
Primer ejercicio, realice sentadilla y con apoyo de potes con agua trabaje mi parte superior, elevando mis brazos de manera frontal junto con la sentadilla,por 4 series de 25 repetición.
First exercise, I did a squat and with the support of pots with water I worked my upper body, raising my arms in a frontal way together with the squat, for 4 series of 25 repetitions.
Segundo movimiento, realice estocada con press de hombros, durante 4 series de 25 repetición en cada pierna.
Second movement, perform lunge with shoulder press, for 4 sets of 25 repetitions on each leg.
Adductors + opening
Tercer movimiento: realice aductores movimiento efectivo para fortalecer partes del tren inferior, acompañado de apertura buscando enfoque en mis brazos, hombros y espalda, lo realice en 4 series de 25 repetición.
Third movement: perform adductors effective movement to strengthen parts of the lower body, accompanied by opening looking for focus on my arms, shoulders and back, I did it in 4 sets of 25 repetitions.
Cuarto movimientos: realice plancha con sentadilla cuadrupedia más elevación de brazos,excelente ejercicio para trabajar el abdomen,brazos y espalda lo realice durante 4 series de 25 repetición.
Fourth movement: perform plank with quadruped squat plus arm raises, excellent exercise to work the abdomen, arms and back, performed for 4 sets of 25 repetitions.
Quinto movimiento,realice abdominales combinado con press hombros,perfecto para trabajar todo el abdomen completo,hombros y pecho,durante 4 series de 25 repetición.
Fifth movement, perform abdominal crunches combined with shoulder press, perfect for working the entire abdomen, shoulders and chest, for 4 sets of 25 repetitions.
I say goodbye sharing, this effective workout to work your whole body, with varied and very easy exercises, is a routine that you can work from home in a span of 4 sets of 25 repetitions, I hope you like it and see you another time.
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El calentamiento antes de empezar la rutina y sumamente importante. Excelente la rutina, cada vez aprendiendo más sobre el trabajo físico y los beneficios que esto nos trae para nuestra salud.
Una ruta de cuerpo completo bien movido, las botellas juegan un papel importante en la potencia de los ejercicios 💪
Sin duda pusiste a mover todo el cuerpo amiga 💪💪