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RE: "whale" you help me understand? 😏

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago

Okay but that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that if it was just about downvotes on Marky's post it would make him an asshole in this case, but xeldal and enki did the same thing to his autovote curated list of authors he was supporting. I don't know who started it but I think it was them as marky says he hasn't been able to curate authors in forever. Now that he's doing the same thing I don't think it makes it fair to paint him as the bad guy here and forget that he had the same thing done to him and many authors were probably affected then too.

It's the same issue just in the other direction now and the fact that xeldal's votes were mostly used on bad content/authors in the past makes it seem that these votes now are manipulative in trying to paint marky in a bad light especially if they did the same to him back then. Of course it's all bad for the platform and newcomers and we need to come to a solution or for other stakeholders to step in, but just want the truth and turn of events to be known.


i really don't think people are saying marky is a bad guy.

i think they're saying - be the good guy that you always have been and stop using downvotes in a manner that suggests you aren't even reading the content.

if you are manually downvoting, you are there ON the post and can see it doesn't deserve a massive downvote to remove curation.

everything else is smoke and mirrors.
the point is - be responsible with your downvote regardless of who has hurt you.

EVERY SINGLE user is told to deal with the downvotes.

A $42 downvote to a whale is the same as a $2 downvote to small user.

When they get hit with those $2 downvotes - for no reason, who is that helping?

that is the only issue at hand here.

Sure but in some comments she stated that "xeldal is just trying to help" and didn't mention that he has been doing the same thing that also affected authors at some point. My point is, this author could easily have been someone on marky's autovotes getting xeldal downvotes some time ago so it's something readers need to understand and be aware of. Xeldal could just be using his upvotes now to make marky be the bad guy while others don't realize that maybe xeldal was the one who started making things "ugly". I don't have all the facts and downvote history available but I doubt marky would be lying about getting his upvotes on the 200+ authors he used to curate canceled just because he was using his downvotes to counter some kind of abusive, spammy, sockpuppety posts as mentioned somewhere in this thread.

The way I'm seeing this unfold is:

xeldal votes on a lot of what many would consider "undeserving posts".
marky (and some others) intervene.
xeldal lashes out and starts downvoting marky and things he upvotes, but there it's not "undeserving posts".
Marky starts doing the same while instead voting for hbdstabilizer posts.
Xeldal starts to shift to more "deserving posts".
Marky continues.

That said it doesn't make this situation any less shitty.

The best outcome here would be for Marky to stop downvoting "deserving posts" as long as xeldal keeps the same voting pattern and doesn't go back to his old ways. Then marky could continue to support authors rather than hbdstabilizer and it'd be a win for the community.

totally agree about the murkiness.

that's why I'm not paying attention to the other stuff - cuz it just isn't what we're talking about.

we're talking about stopping the collateral damage.
If Deraaa came to me when xeldal was doing it - I'd say the same thing to him.

It doesn't matter WHO it is. what matters is - whales need to take a stance at NOT PARTICIPATING IN COLLATERAL DAMAGE simply to hurt another whale that is hurting them.

that's it. lol

that is the ONLY issue on the table. no he said she said matters.

I personally don't think that marky is a bad guy AT ALL. and xeldal - again - an enigma to me that is probably a lot more nuanced than he appears to be. (or she??)

but the thing is. If Marky is really not using some kind of automation on his votes - then its pretty easy to just leave deserving posts alone.

I think that is the thing that has everyone a little perplexed. Because I really can't see someone manually sitting by their computer and manually following every upvote 24 hours a day. but hey - if he says he's doing that? ok. then just leave the deserving posts alone, since you're reading them. right?

lol... right

again - not a bad guy - but... hey. i was born at night but not last night lol and i think we all feel a little silly being asked to believe that Marky is manually downvoting posts 24/7. but - it is what it is.

stop the collateral damage lol

Yeah, don't think xeldal is a bad guy neither, one thing I wish he'd understand is that while people have downvoted some of the things he's been focused on upvoting in the past, he should be okay with the lowering of rewards if they're not "bringing as much value to the ecosystem" or at least get them to try to do so and provide some data and discussion as to why those votes keep happening.

Just ignoring reasonable requests and going on the offensive while remaining silent isn't reasonable and will most likely just get you misunderstood more. I get he prefers to reward a certain niche and there's nothing wrong with that but that niche/community need to be bringing some value to the table longterm else who knows what could be happening behind the scenes. Is xeldal even the one voting with his account, are those influencers even the real ones, are they aware of the benefits of hive other than just earning some rewards cause xeldal values them, etc, etc.

Discussions would help in this case and some compromises.

as far as whale issues - i mean, you know that we all really have no say in that.

We don't have the clout, we don't have the voice. I wish it weren't true - but the fact that people are talking about this on my post is just an anomaly LOL

Whale issues definitely have to be discussed - but getting Hive-at-large involved only makes this place very unpleasant to be.

Because we have NO power, and NO say - but we have to deal with the politics and the unsavory feel of it. This is a place where people have joy to write and connect with others. and just look in the comment section.

I asked for chill and that lasted for a day. LOL and then people are just freaking out and its just BAD for Hive.

so its best to just keep that stuff to the whales, and deal with it. We expect the whales to have the best interest of Hive - or else its all doomed anyway. But we also realize - you're human beings. with flaws. you are not heros. you're gonna make mistakes.

but airing out all this dirty laundry and "well he did this and she did that" - seriously. people need to have some PR people to vent to and let the PR people hush it. hahaha

But you know what? I get that Marky is angry that he's been the "sheriff" for a while when supposedly "no one else had the balls to." LOL hey - i don't know. I'm not checking balls, ok? hahaha

but you don't get a medal for that. really. if you sign up to be the sheriff - expect a shootout. expect pain. expect to go unthanked. expect that its gonna be tough.

don't give up a year later cuz you're tired of it. continue. cuz that's what being the sheriff is all about. and i'm not saying he's the only one!!! i'm saying - you're ONE of the sheriffs?? DO THE JOB.

I personally liked what Marky always did. He went dark for a bit - but so be it. people need a break. but the collateral damage is no bueno. and no matter what you did in the past - if you're going postal on people now and trying to justify it with "what I did before" nope.


be the sheriff if you're wearing the badge, dude.
no excuses. be the sheriff.

Can't disagree with that.