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RE: The Best Hive Marketing EVER (By A Guy Who Hates Marketing)

this is kind of how i feel really. I don't feel like this project blows other social media out of the water at all. Its slightly difficult for me to comment because I just don't really like social media, it all feels like hard work to me, but my feeling is that to have success as a social media platform you need to have a lot more shiny aesthetic vaccuousness, comedy, youth, and 'coolness'. The cavalry is not coming. The 'cool' people are NOT on their way.
But wait!
Who cares?
@starkerz is right that what we really want is to pull more platform developers to integrate hive in to their ecosystems and whatnot, so that we continue to fortify ourselves in the INTERNET 3.0
Forget marketing an awkward social media platform full of crypto nerds and blog geeks and just enjoy the fact that we've got a great place to hang out and be super cutting-edge UNCOOL while the new paradigm is building around us.
Its always going to be a bit clunky in a community led thingy right? Lots of argument and indecision and meandering around while the lambo's speed past us in the fast lane.....WHO CARES? This is what we are, and then suddenly you look round at leofinance and youre thinking, hold on, this is actually pretty amazing...somehow we've got a platform that is embracing the newest trends in defi, on OUR blockchain! I sure there are others but i dont bother to look around much....
Ive been here since august 2017. Its pretty much always been amusingly crap in a frustratingly promising sort of way, but Im still here. No-one else who ive ever got involved has ever stuck it out. No-one, in 4 years. I cant even convince other crypto friends to join, let alone normal social media people. Why am I still here? Because of me. It takes a very specific person to actually keep kicking around here. I don't think thats going to change very fast so honestly @ryzeonline I wouldnt bother harboring any delusions about this platform. Its the equivalent of walking in to the science club at school, seeing a few genius kids with their high IQ's giving in-depth explanations about the power of quantum to a few slightly unhappy looking kids who just wanted to play with butterflies and thinking...hmmm....this would be an EXCELLENT place for a party! Lets make posters!
My advice is just keep enjoying doing what youre doing until the moment youre not enjoying it, then stop and do something else that feels right. If you like making posters, keep making posters. But dont imagine your actually going to be helping anybody. If the cool kids ever do turn up, the geeks will probably just move to another room and change the name of the club.
deepest acceptance, effortless furtherance


...Its pretty much always been amusingly crap in a frustratingly promising sort of way...

This is it. The best description of Hive I have seen so far

Why don't we make this our marketing tagline?

It's beautiful!


Social media that's amusingly crap in a frustratingly promising sort of way

I can see it now... Farcebook, Twitter, YouTube ads, bus stops, billboards, magazines!
TV! Radio promos! Infomercials! Celebrity endorsements! Skywriting over the cities of the world!

This is the future!

A !PIZZA and a !BEER from me

Thanks for the laugh

haha. nice idea!
Somehow I feel that might actually appeal to a certain subsect of disillusioned folks trying to camouflage themselves against the high resolution nightmare that is modern life. Damn it, it just might work! XD

I appreciate your perspective, and mostly agree with it. :)

My advice is just keep enjoying doing what youre doing until the moment youre not enjoying it, then stop and do something else that feels right.

Fantastic advice that applies to just about anyone and anything, and advice that I live by.

What I enjoy doing is teaching, and a room full of geeks who know little about 'cool', marketing, or how to gain mass-adoption seems ripe for the teaching I've offered in this post... wouldn't you say? Perhaps some of them will realize it's a science-lab full of geeks and actually make a change, perhaps no one will. Either way, they can't say no one swung by Hive and spoke some real truth about branding, rapid-growth, and mass-adoption.

deepest acceptance, effortless furtherance

Deepest acceptance and effortless furtherance as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and wishing you a great day. 🙏

hey I never got round to seeing this reply until @focus.folks just added to the thread.
Hows things going with raising the marketing knowledge?
I think its great that you enjoy teaching, and I fully encourage you to keep doing what you love and what you feel is right, even against the odds! hehe. I actually love to see people so passionate, sometimes I just get worried when I see so much enthusiasm coupled with too much expectation or emotional attachment, because I know how much I have suffered because of this combo in my own life, and how it can sometimes compromise the actual good work that we are doing. It sounds like from your reply that you already understand what I was concerned about and you're already aware of your role (rather than hopelessly consumed by it!). Teaching is tough work.... it requires superhuman patience and compassion, and levels of consistency that I can only dream about! I forget the quote from The Art of War but its something like 'lead from behind, and when you guide the people to victory, they will believe they have done it themselves'. Holy crap, thats a powerful, humble sacrifice for the ego to have to make! And yet, when you come to know it is truly right, there is no better feeling.
Big love x x

Well, the founder of PeakD recently interviewed me to discuss improvements to their UI, my collaboration with SPK seems to have launched, and the advice I've been giving keeps going forward as well, so... progress? Plus all the chatter in the comments of this post inspired me to write a sequel, too. :) Thanks for asking!

You're right about enthusiasm often being at it's best when tempered with emotional detachment, especially in teaching... and I've been burned by that in the past, so now I do my best to practice such things.

Whether that's the direct 'Art Of War' quote or not, the principle is fairly sound, and worth aiming for, I'd say.

Big love indeed! Wishing you a great day!
-J 🙏

excellent work my friend : )
The community is blessed to have your input x

And yours! x 🙏