The Best Hive Marketing EVER (By A Guy Who Hates Marketing)

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago (edited)
UPDATE: Here's a sequel with 3 more campaigns targeting devs, influencers, & the deplatformed.

I'm going to make a bold statement:

Zero hivers here are first-rate at branding, marketing, PR, copywriting, or design.


Some of them are decent, but none are noticeably above-average in these areas. Especially not all 5 at once. Not a single one of Hive's 200,000+ 'active users' has demonstrated a high degree of skill, experience, or wisdom in these.

I'd love to be proven wrong. I'd love someone to call me out and show me god-tier talent in these areas. Because if they do so, we'll have at least one more Hiver who understands persuasive communication and audience-building.

I've met some hiver's who are great coders. I've met some who are great economists. I've met some who are great investors. Great writers. But so far, I'm the only hiver I know who's above-average at the skills I mentioned above.

And the funny thing is, I hate marketing.

I'm a bit like Leonardo Da Vinci. A renaissance man. I'm good at many things. But that doesn't mean I love to do them often.

I just... like being good at things. So I make a point of being so.

For instance, I can cook and do dishes well, but I'd rather let @cynshineonline or restaurants do those for me, so I rarely do them.

And because I don't list my credentials every two seconds, or parade my testimonials around, or self-promote my talent... people often underestimate my abilities, or write me off, or cling to their egos, refusing to admit I know more.

For example, when I first joined Hive, I created some buzz about Hive's (subpar) marketing with my articles "Is Hive Selling Sizzle... And Stakes?" and "Hive Is Invisible, Just Like Me." In one, I suggested brand-messaging possibilities that might help Hive. I wasn't pushing for any specific marketing direction. I was simply offering options. And it was clear from that post that I knew more about branding than anyone who commented. Period. And you know how people responded?

Not super positively. One of my suggested taglines --'Social That Pays,'-- triggered some of the more vocal commenters.

Instead of commenters discussing the superior marketing I was clearly outlining, they hyper-focused on one suggestion ('Social That Pays') and...

...did their best to convince me it was bad idea.

And it's ironic because the fact that that message got people talking is a testament to it's value. The fact that they ignored most of my post and literally couldn't help themselves from 'discussing' the message is something a true copywriter or marketer would leverage. The fact that what I wrote was so polarizing to people is a strong indication that it's a 'buzzworthy' approach. When you're aiming to make a splash in the market, polarization is something to aim for, not something to avoid.

You can't create true fans without also creating true haters.

You can't have light without dark. And if Hive truly intends to shine, they need a message that resonates with a clear target audience, ideally consumers. Which means a bold 'controversial' message will generate the most word-of-mouth & mind-share, which if you know anything about branding, is literally the most valuable thing a project can get.

No one is going to pay attention for messaging like this: "The Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Developed For Web 3.0" -- You couldn't pay me to join a platform that presents itself like that. Ugh.

It's like a foreign language. Long, wordy, meaningless, and valueless to almost everyone. But 'Social That Pays?' Or 'Social That Rewards?' Or 'Social That Earns?' Dang... that is fire. That gets people talking. That's newsworthy.

That is a scoop that journalists will write about for free.

And it's literally what Hive is. To a casual user, Hive is pretty much identical to other social platforms, with the most glaring difference being that they earn crypto while using it.

For consumers the selling point of Hive is earning for consuming.

And focusing on this point is basically all you need to get people to join. That is the main value-proposition for consumers.

Now, if you're targeting the 10 million-strong 'banned communities' who recently got ejected from Facebook, you'd want a much different message. You'd want to focus on being 'censorship-resistant' for them. But the average person doesn't wake up and shake their fist at the sky thinking 'I'm sick of Facebook's censorship!', they just wake up, click 'like' a bunch of times, go to work, come home, sleep, repeat. They consume. They curate. Consumers see no reason to switch from Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Censorship & decentralization does. not. matter. to. most. consumers.

But a chance to earn money? To be rewarded? To gain crypto just for clicking 'upvote'? That's juicy AF.

We live in an attention economy, flooded with billions of messages.

And if people are passionately discussing your product or service, they're amplifying your visibility, and you're literally growing in value. If people aren't talking about you, they're burying you in the other messages out there, and you're invisible.

Do we want Hive to be invisible?

Because right now, it might as well be.

Many Hivers understand that the value of Hive's token will increase, when more people are buzzing about Hive, discovering it, joining it. And I'd like to highlight @nonameslefttouse here because he, more than anyone, seems to 'get this.' (But he also resisted the tagline 'Social That Pays'). He's been incredibly vocal that Hive has enough content-creators, devs, and investors hanging around. He knows that consumers are the word-of-mouth amplifiers who decide whether a project lives or dies. And he knows that the only message consumers need is this: "Get paid (in crypto) for doing what you already do on other social platforms."

So, to that end, I have created a mock landing page for (@starkerz has kindly pointed out that I actually meant HIVE.BLOG here,) with hugely elevated branding, messaging, copy, PR, and design.

You'd have to pay a designer thousands of dollars, and a copywriter many thousands more, (and possibly a brand consultant) to come up with what I'm offering here for free. Ready?

Here is my next-level landing page mockup:

00140 - UX, UI, Hive Onboarding.png
Click To Enlarge

But if this goes anything like my last post on Hive's marketing, the comment section will just be a bunch of small minds who are scared of 'public reaction' chirping up about how this marketing approach is a bad idea. Then they'll take Hive's marketing right back to:

'blah blah blah censorship, blah blah blah blockchain, blah blah blah.'

Which again, no consumer gives a single f**k about.

Effective brand messaging is a balancing act.

It's like playing with fire: a good chef masters it to create an amazing result, a bad chef just burns the kitchen down. This is why bad chefs just stick to the microwave, and balk if you suggest they grab a blowtorch and whip up a flambé.

For the average marketer, it's tempting to play safe with brand messaging. Average marketers are scared of controversy, scared of 'legalities', and scared of 'misunderstandings'...

...but talented marketers use these tools masterfully to create buzz and visibility.

Is my landing page mockup here perfect? Of course not, I made it in 5 hours. It may need a nav-menu. Or a footer chock full of useful links. Maybe you have to pitch the press for a week or two to secure credibility badges. There's plenty of details to nitpick. Zzzzzz. Whatever. It'd be missing the point. The point is this has got most of the persuasion-levers needed to actually persuade people to try Hive.

00140 - UX, UI, Hive Onboarding____LABELED.png
Click To Enlarge

And I'm telling you straight up... The marketing approach I've created here will get vastly better results for Hive-adoption by consumers than anything else I've seen from anyone on Hive. It'll also get a few more haters too. But that's the price of all successful offerings in the market.

All successful projects gain many fans and a small chunk of haters.

If you try to avoid taking a stand, polarizing people, and creating at least some controversy... you're literally avoiding buzz. Avoiding success. And your project will die in obscurity due to lack of visibility.

I'm not saying you have to stand on the rooftops and praise the holocaust or something, but you can't rest in obscure fluff and timid approaches. People are on auto-pilot in their lives. They need to be woken up to new offerings in the market, like Hive.

And your message is the alarm clock.

And your volume is way too low. That's why your marketing fails. The volume of nearly all early-stage brands is way too low. Quiet copy. Quiet messages. Full of fear of 'repercussions' or 'saying the wrong thing.' Fear, lack of knowledge, low levels of marketing talent keeps a project small.

A real marketer errs on the side of 'too loud', then turns it down if necessary.

A real marketer plays big with their messaging, without turning into hyperbolic clickbait. Every product you love, recommend, and talk about has created a buzz with their messaging and stepped fearlessly into the market, poking their head above the noise rather than blending in with it. Netflix, Uber, even your favorite book or video game has pissed people off and refused to play safe with their message.

Hive can either join them or die slowly over several years.

And as an example, this post you're reading is controversial & polarizing to some degree already. I can think of a few people who may take this the wrong way, even though it's a) true, b) helpful, and c) valuable. Still, people's egos may get riled up, downvotes may fly. But if I'm going to practice what I preach, I have to be okay with that. Because it's a sign that at least my message made people feel something, got a reaction, and generated some buzz.



Ultimately all that matters is that I took a stand, offered insane value freely on this platform, with a focus on helping all of Hive, and if any haters wanna hate, let 'em hate.

OK, that wraps it up. Thanks for reading, I appreciate you.

I'll tag some hivers I'm pretty sure will get value out of this: @abh12345 , @meesterboom, @grampo , @joshman , @dandays , @intothewild , @focus.folks , @guiltyparties , @marc5 , @dalz , @acidyo (may not like this cuz it increases likelihood of Hive 'abusers', but tagging anyway :D), @jackyvergara , @crosheille , @katerinaramm , @phage93 , @mattclarke , @thoughts-in-time , @juanvegetarian , @starstrings01 , @brutalisti , @regenerette , @nevies , @theycallmedan , @starkerz , @eddiespino , @mynima , @finguru , @paulo.sar , @barge , @ausbitbank , @streetwize , @kobusu , @wesphilbin , @brittandjosie , @glecerioberto , @dwinblood , , @mimismartypants , @vikisecrets , @traciyork , @discovery-it , @ybanezkim26 , @deanliu , @asgarth , @gtg , @aliento , and @louis88 . These are also people I believe will get the point and contribute constructively to the discussion.

P.S. Please share this with anyone who is passionate about Hive. They don't have to be marketers. Everyone who loves Hive can benefit from superior messaging when they talk to others. Every hiver has the power to make a splash when they converse & share, but not if they're timid and play it too safe.

Hive could shine bright everywhere
And explode with every share
Every word could cause a thrill
If marketer's were not so scared
Take my advice, never frown
Just accept I know the tao
Only thing that's on my mind
Hive's gonna run this town tonight
Hive's gonna run this town tonight
Hive gonna run this town

All copy, images, and design done by me. Hive logo taken from and a few fonts and stock images are from my favorite stock marketplace,, highly recommended.

There are 2 pages

Centralization of focus on ONE PAY mechanism which is 1. finite 2. Speculative 3. Not controllable by the creator and 4. will never be capable of supporting thousands of full time content creators let alone hundreds of thousands.

PERHAPS when the day comes we have a decentralized system where talented creators have multiple features which are not finite in nature then we can go down this road.

  • Tips

  • Recurring payments

  • Paywall content/payments

  • View count based ad money

  • Other reward pools (vote based or some other systems)

  • Etc

  • Dependence on ONLY the Hive Reward Pool is a very silly idea.

And thus branding as "Social that pays" is just a BAD IDEA... maybe we'll get to that point where we can market that and come through with some really solid stuff.

A little feedback I have done polling of dozens of full time content creators from youtube and the hive reward pool is perhaps the thing they are LEAST interested in. So I can understand what you're saying in some parts... but the reality seems to be different than what you're assuming.


The problem with 'Social that pays' is that Hive fails to deliver on that promise. It sets expectations that they will make money here, and they are disappointed when they don't. We compound that disappointment by only giving half the advertised post reward to the author, and then locking half of that up in Hive Power (whatever that is).

Droves of people have come in on that promise and left bitter and disappointed.

The truth is, Hive pays some content creators, it pays investors and developers (sometimes). It doesn't pay ordinary users who are not "content creators" aka longform original content bloggers.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Thanks for taking the time to comment. And I appreciate your perspective here.

And I agree with you, that is what happens.

But if you tally up the numbers, that past bold value proposition is the reason Steem/Hive has 200,000+ active users. And the only people Hive loses for "failing to deliver on the promise" (<-- not true, Hive doesn't promise 'easy money' in my pitch) are tirekickers & abusers looking for a quick buck.

It works like this:

  1. Strong message attracts new people.
  2. Hive grows.
  3. Tirekickers get pissed and leave.
  4. Hive is stronger and more well-known because of it.

Exact same thing happened with Uber.

Want Uber-level growth? Do this.

Want to stay small while you fear a few disgruntled tirekickers? That's fine too.

Whatever Hive wants is fine with me.

Wishing you a great day. 🙏

And the only people Hive loses for "failing to deliver on the promise" (<-- not true, Hive never promised 'easy money') are tirekickers & abusers looking for a quick buck.

As someone who's been here for 5 years and seen the user waves, that's false. We lose the ordinary users, every time. I have known dozens/hundreds of people in Steem/Hive personally who were not "tirekickers & abusers". Content creators do usually give it a longer go, but the reality is that normal people can't just use Steem/Hive as a social network and get financial value from it. As a consequence, they go where they get more of the value that they can get, be that interacting with their actual friends and family, or the best stream of cat videos and random interesting stuff that come up on their feed.

This is correct ⬆️. I have witnessed same thing

I've addressed this in other comments, but thank you for sharing! :) 🙏

You are reading comments left b4 we talked. You explained it well to me. These are from b4

Yes, it's my bad, I apologize, I'm dealing with a lot of comments and writing thousands of words to different people... it's a bit tricky to sort it out. Thank you for clarifying, I appreciate you. 🙏

Sounds good, then Hive can ignore all the advice I've offered here :)

I'm not saying that your point is wrong. It is the most compelling marketing we have. What we need to work on in my view is actually delivering on "social that pays". What we deliver on is more like "blogging site that pays if you adhere to our concept of quality content".

All good. Like I said, I'm here to offer wisdom and insight. People are free to take it, apply it, and win with it, or disagree with it and go a different direction.

From another comment I made:

Fiverr markets itself as a way to make money, but most people fail on Fiverr. Fiverr still grows. Uber markets itself as a way to make money just by driving around, but most drivers fail on Uber. Uber still grows. YouTube markets itself as a place to earn money for posting video content. Most YouTubers fail. YouTube still grows. Hive can, and should, do the exact same thing.

But if these massively successful examples don't resonate with you or others on Hive, and people aren't comfortable marketing with the brand messaging I've suggested here, I fully encourage whoever is spearheading Hive's marketing (or the community at large) to go in whatever direction resonates most with them. 🙏

There is a difference between using stake holder votes and community funds to reward ppls content (which has been tried for the last 5 years And is not economically sustainable without huge jumps in user numbers and a lot more wide spread curation / reward mechanisms) and using a sustainable external money source which pays for a service such as all of the above example you site. If hive used external funds to pay users for providing a service, it would be more like the examples u site above. Presently hive does the equivalent of uber paying its drivers in ever inflating / diluting Uber stock. Uber sustains and grows partly because it does not pay out its drivers in its own stock and partly because venture capitalists love govt backed tax payer seed funded companies that serve elites. Hive is not those things

I think you have it backwards on those other platforms. Most users don't go to Fiverr, Uber or Youtube to make money. They go to get jobs done, get a lift and to watch videos. I don't think I was even aware for years after starting to use Youtube that it shared ad revenue with larger channels.

In all cases there must be a circular economy. There has to be someone paying, not everyone can be paid.

In theory we can get users by having the best content on Hive, just as Youtube did and all the other successful social platforms. In reality we are terrible at that, although we have improved in recent months/years compared to Steemit past and present.

The main point I want to make has not been that the money for posting is poor marketing, I absolutely think it's the best we have. The point I'm trying to make is that our problem is much more fundamental than marketing - it doesn't matter how well you market a product that fails to deliver. We have to make our product actually deliver value to the masses.

That's right.

Even if a couple of dozen people are successful on hive, it will attract more and more people. And keep the current ones working harder/smarter to achieve more success, to reach to the top!👌

Not all. Just/only advertising the platform with the money earning opportunity. That will mostly attract selfish and greedy people. A perfect example for this is Steemit. They made that mistake. Hive should not.

I've addressed this in other comments, but thank you for sharing! 🙏

It doesn't pay ordinary users who are not "content creators" aka longform original content bloggers.

This marketing attracts mostly selfish and greedy people, who are not really content creators. Steemit made a mistake (advertised its platform with the money earning opportunity), and looks like the Hive blockchain is about to do the same mistake. Not good. Absolutely not good.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Thank you for your input @xplosive & @geneeverett .

To be clear, this marketing attracts everyone who is being turned into a product by Facebook and Instagram as they swipe, by showing them they can be valued and rewarded for their activities.

Everyone wants money, not only selfish and greedy people.

From my other comment:

Fiverr markets itself as a way to make money, but most people fail on Fiverr. Fiverr still grows. Uber markets itself as a way to make money just by driving around, but most drivers fail on Uber. Uber still grows. YouTube markets itself as a place to earn money for posting video content. Most YouTubers fail. YouTube still grows. Hive(.Blog) can, and should, do the exact same thing.

I hope this clarifies things, wishing you a great day. 🙏

Everyone wants money

That is mostly true.
But will they get anything? There is no guarantee.
There are already a lot of people, who do not earn anything with their posts, simply because their posts are being ignored or overlooked so much that the pending payout does not reach the payout threshold ($.0.02) on their posts.
My earnings are also low, and I am here for more than 4 years (since 2017.05.17).
This marketing is almost a lie.

This marketing is almost a lie.

If so, all 3 of those companies are lying and everyone should hate them. But guess what? They all do quite well, and only a few tire-kickers who joined them think they're liars.

Because real people, decent people, know that no company can 'guarantee easy money'.

These huge brands know that it's fine to market themselves as a money-making OPPORTUNITY, because that is 100% truly what they are. Money-making opportunities. And they know only tire-kickers will get upset and leave, and that real users who stick around are the ones they want.

The exact same thing applies to Hive. This isn't rocket science it's been done by many brands to achieve rapid growth and mass adoption.

What I've explained here is like a simple recipe for making grilled cheese, use it and get a sandwich, or don't, I don't really mind. :) 🙏

Fiverr markets itself as a way to make money, but most people fail on Fiverr. Fiverr still grows. Uber markets itself as a way to make money just by driving around, but most drivers fail on Uber. Uber still grows. YouTube markets itself as a place to earn money for posting video content. Most YouTubers fail. YouTube still grows. Hive(.Blog) can, and should, do the exact same thing.

I understand your point on here. Though one thing to understand is content creators benefit more from developing followers and building a brand on main social networks than spending time here on HIVE. HIVE fails to deliver followers to content creators and paying content creators, it's the nightmare of every social network that is trying to reach the mainstream.

If other social have reached mainstream, like TikTok, snapchat... It is because they deliver some type of experience on the web different from the other socials.

The main argument we have is that what you post is going to a blockchain to be there forever. And access it from whatever web you want that integrates with HIVE.

What hive really needs is a developer friendly environment, so that some developer gets that different social network that delivers a new level of experience on the web. That will mostly go with video, as is the general trend, that's why the speak network is one of the things more important here.

Hope that clarifies the direction we are going.
The rewards are just a thing to keep some users here, to not lose relevance while we continue to build.

The end goal is not to deliver a social that pays, that already exists with Instagram, youtube, etc. If you don't earn, well, you need to work harder my friend.

The end goal is to deliver a social network where content creators and general people can be confident to put their content or opinion as it won't be removed and will be accessed from multiple sites. Also if you don't like that an A.I. chooses the content (the current way mainstream social networks work), or for privacy concerns, you can go to another web that does it different but still access the same content.

Now i ask you, how we get there? Do you have ideas for a good, new experience of social? Because that is what we really need.

HIVE fails to deliver followers to content creators and paying content creators,

My suggested campaign is 100% focused on getting consumers ('followers') on to Hive. This is literally the nightmare my campaign would be solving. I've written thousands of words here, focusing over and over on the power of bringing consumers to this platform, the same way Uber attracted drivers and YouTube attracted directors/editors. Incentivized behavior. Just apply it to consumers, and voila, Hive gets more 'followers' on their platform.

The main argument we have is that what you post is going to a blockchain to be there forever.

There are millions of consumers/followers on the planet who are happy to 'swipe all day for free'... not one of them gives a f**k about how long content lives. This is not appealing to them, and that is why I am not focused on Hive's blockchain longevity, to do so, would be terrible marketing for consumers/followers.

Hope that clarifies the direction we are going.

I've been far clearer than literally anyone who's replied, lol. Clarity and understanding are my obsession. :)

The rewards are just a thing to keep some users here, to not lose relevance while we continue to build.

That's fine, if you don't want to use the rewards to attract consumers, then don't. My post is simply a guide, ideas, brainstorms and a call towards superior marketing.

If you don't earn, well, you need to work harder my friend.

What? I've earned more in 2 months here, starting with 0 followers than anybody else... what are you referring to?

Do you have ideas for a good, new experience of social?

I have thousands of ideas, you're the first one who's asked for them. :)

Thanks for your comment, and wishing you a great day! 🙏

There are millions of consumers/followers on the planet who are happy to 'swipe all day for free'... not one of them gives a f**k about how long content lives. This is not appealing to them, and that is why I am not focused on Hive's blockchain longevity, to do so, would be terrible marketing for consumers/followers.

Well, then you maybe need to revisit social psychology. Because before the internet people built 'books' of photos to share and to keep for longevity, or diaries, or blogs we call today. That still applies today.

Maybe not consumers, but content creators they do care. And they do care to show what they've been producing to their followers. There are a lot of angry youtubers with the 'algorithm' for example.

Content creators do care of what they write/produce/whatever you do. It's who they are, they are artists.

People do give a f**k about what is from them, maybe not so much from others(family and friends yes, that's why people follow other people in the first place :) on social) but from them yes, when we get older we like to see what we've done with our lives and to remember memories or compare how much we've grown and changed. It is a basic human need and a wonderful experience.

The marketing we need to do needs to appeal to this. As you may know the best marketing is the one that appeals to emotions.

Not to say that FREE-SPEECH is the other point on here. Society is becoming everyday more censored, and less things can't be said, we are turning into very sensible creatures, and that shows on the policy on twitter for example.

Joe Rogan is another example.

I recommend you do more research on this topic, you'll be surprised of the amount of things you don't know.

Rule for life: "Accept that with who you talk knows something that you don't."

Have a great day. You are rocking on hive nonetheless.😉

If anyone else on this post mentions 'content-creators' to me again, I honestly am not sure what I'll do, lol.

My post mentions consumers 13 times.
My post mentions creators 1 time.

This was a subheading from my post:

For consumers the selling point of Hive is earning for consuming.

  • Creators, which Hive has plenty of, requires one marketing approach.
  • Consumers, which Hive has few of, requires a completely different one.

Guess which one my entire post is all about? Guess which one this particular suggested marketing is targeted at?

I am extremely wise, smart, and talented. I have decades of experience building businesses, brands. I clearly understand the difference between the two, and how to secure growth in either demographic. I'm fully capable of marketing to creators, as you seem so enthusiastic about, but Hive's entire population is predominantly creators. They are not needed right now. The creators who are here, need followers, commenters, upvoters. Hive needs consumers. So, that is who I chose to target with my example marketing campaign.

I've written and explained this 1000s of times now, so hopefully it's clear enough, but if not, I'm happy to just agree to disagree. Either way, I thank you for your input and sharing here, and wish you a wonderful day. 🙏

As long as im breathing and have a say, that will not happen.

"Social that pays", while certainly not true for everyone, is our USP and ace that sets us apart from other, possibly bigger, web3 blockchains. Not using our USP in a marketing campaign would be a big mistake in my opinion.

I agree. My point is not that it's bad marketing, but that we need to start delivering.

People are pointing out charts of active users, but the times we were growing, we were also better delivering on the USP than we are now (particularly since we nerfed author rewards in favor of curation rewards).

We don't want people coming here to get easy money. Our main issue is we're still seen as a "make money online from home" scam and that's why we're not taken seriously.

The best thing about Hive isn't making a few bucks but having somewhere secure to store your content if you're a content creator and somewhere to build on if you are a developer. Most blockchain-based ecosystem aren't accessible to developers because opportunity is tightly controlled by a centralized group. And if they are, there is no way of knowing whether the opportunity will be unequal, whether a huge investment will be required, if they'd get screwed over by a founder, or if they wake up to an exit scam. Hive solves all of these through real decentralization.

We already have marketing but we are global and marketing platforms/solutions are not. If we get our press releases put out in the States they won't be picked up in Nigeria. What that directly translates to is all marketing efforts being subjectively viewed.

Other than that line about the monetization, everything looks good.

So let's get to the actual part of this where the barrier to actioning your plan lies: how are we supposed to get those 'credibility badges'?

Also, we're not responsible for 4 years of Ned manipulating and sabotaging. We are responsible for the 1 year we had to set things straight and start from ground zero.


I see everyone still commenting focusing on attracting and marketing to the blog post and earn content creator types.

I think folks are missing the real purpose and what should be most important for content creators which is to get eyeballs to the content that is created. Eyeballs who will then engage, vote, share it via Twitter and other venues with friends and family. It is something they are already doing and with Hive can earn a few cents or dollars while doing it. Many have no interest in creating content, just consuming and curating.

Right now we are a self licking ice cream cone.

THANK YOU! thank you for this amazing comment. 🙏❤️

You have gotten to the heart of my post, thank you.

  • Hive is a stage full of performers. (content-creators)
  • It desperately needs eyeballs from an audience. (consumers)

Right now we are a self licking ice cream cone.

This is spot on, and what I aimed to change with the teachings in my post. If we judge by the comments, I'm not sure whether I succeeded or failed, lol.

Anyway, thank you for understanding my point and sharing your input, I appreciate you, and wish you a great day! 🙏

Again, technically, I think you are referring to about 10% of the dapps on hive. But hive the protocol (which u are referring to) is definitely not for content creators. You don’t go to hive to post. You go to a small number of the apps to post. The marketing message you propose above would be great for a hand full of the dapps built on hive, but it really confuses ppl as to what hive the protocol itself actually is. This same message as previously applied to steem has caused huge damage and obscurity to the hive protocol brand and knowledge of its uses far and wide

And Google is not just a search engine.

What I’m trying to say is the masses just see it as a search engine but it is much much more.

Attract the eyeballs to the content to curate and share. They will then attract the attention of those who will want to get in on the action of the rest of Hive has to offer with regard to games, Wordpress plugin integration, payment processors, etc.

Then others will be like wow, maybe I can actually develop something using that protocol and do well…etc

Rinse and repeat

Imo, post and earn is a marketing campaign for a small number of content dapps on hive. But it has nothing to do with hive the protocol itself. It’s like saying google is an advertising platform. Google ads is an advertising platform, but google is not. Google ads needs google to run in the same way a hive blogging dapp needs hive protocol to store blogs to chain and distribute rewards

Content produced using the Hive protocol attracts eyeballs who search for content. While searching for content they eventually find other apps...

Eventually, someone who is a developer and/or works in or owns a business looking for content, or notices the eyeballs running to the content and other apps, also sees that Hive protocol offers more potential. The business people then will use those tools to in turn innovate and create things.

Rinse and repeat.

The focus should not be marketing to more content creators, more developers, more business owners, or more investors. It should be marketing to more content consumers and curators who share what they find and share their experience outside of the blockchain. The rest will come.

Addressed all this in another post.

It sounds like you're under the impression I'm suggesting this as marketing for the Architecture (Amazon's AWS), but this entire post is dedicated to marketing Hive.Blog's Public-Facing Social Platform ('Netflix').

If I had my way I'd re-name and re-logo these things so there is no room for confusion. Or I'd market PeakD in this manner, but since it requires a Hive.Io account and can also be accessed through Hive.Blog, here we are.

but it really confuses ppl as to what hive the protocol itself actually is.

Nearly everything about Hive is confusing, so far. :) Probably something somebody somewhere should address. Maybe one day. ;) 🙏

Hehe. I would agree that the names and are almost as misleading as steemit inc, and steem the blockchain protocol. Like I said, it’s taken some of us years to try to get ppls minds to this point so that there is a clear separation between the blogging portion and all the other things that hive can do. Even now from the comments u can see the majority of hive blockchain users still do not make this distinction. Post and earn really has siloed hive into a rewards system even to this day, after a fork away from steem blockchain.

For avoidance of doubt, u clearly state that u propose this be the landing page on above. U also clearly took the existing layout and modified it. It is clear that this will result in the hive protocol being marketed as post and earn. We will get there. Ur a great talent. I hope our chats here have helped u see things, even if from a slightly different perspective

For avoidance of doubt, u clearly state that u propose this be the landing page on above.

Yes, one mistake in 1000s of words, by a newbie. I apologized multiple times. But it's a mistake that's easy to read past and see my true intentions by someone who made even a slight effort to read and understand.

Getting caught up on a mistake anyone could make (writing instead of seems weird, but I guess that's on me. 🙏

(Also, I did NOT take's existing page and modify it, this was made from scratch.)

Forest for the trees, forest for the trees.

Well said, good sir.

Personally, I make it a point to see things for what they are as much as possible. Hopefully others follow suit... lol. 🙏

I absolutely agree with this. We need content consumers. Nowadays there are a lot of content creators, but only a few content consumers on the Hive blockchain.

I know the whole "get paid to post" has been used to marketing this technology. The reason being is it works. The best way to attract new users is for them to think they will get a reward they wouldn't on another platform, just look at Defi. - With that said, it's been done badly in the past and wasn't handled well. It did work some. Plan for success in all that you do, so you're actually prepared to handle it when you become successful.

I've never been one to dismiss this approach; I've used it myself in various ways back before Twitter banned me to great effect, reaching viral tweets for offering to reward good content. The key is to do it right.

@nonameslefttouse says it better than any I've seen. The way you market "getting paid" isn't by just coming here and expecting crypto to rain down on you just because. Instead, we can frame it such that, "Hey, you spend how much on content every year?" - Let's say, on avg a user spends 3-5K+ a year (some much more) to enjoy the content you see. Whether it be behind a paywall or a virtuous tip, content is now coming in bite-sized chunks that can be paid for in bite-sized ways.

Well, instead of just giving 5k USD to your favorite creators, and then that's it, you're out of money. Why not buy Hive (or tribe token) and power it up, and now you can upvote 10x a day, forever. Oh, and guess what, that 5k you powered up, it's still there, and you can power it down and sell it to gain back your initial money. But the best part is you get paid to pay your creators! That is a real mind fck tbh and hardest to get people's heads wrapped around. But basically, you're 5k USD turns into an investment, and now you can reward more for longer for less cost. If people understood this, were buying up Hive and urging their creators to move over, the price would appreciate. What happens when Hive goes up? It means everyone's upvotes are worth more. Higher upvotes to reward creators means it would make sense for more people to get in, as they see the value loop in effect.

Ayyy, thanks for swinging by and offering this perspective, @theycallmedan :)

You seem to understand that rewarding and incentivizing consumers is a totally fine approach done well by many, but not by Hive.Blog/Steemit in the past, which is my understanding as well. I'm thrilled you don't dismiss this approach. :)

Instead, we can frame it such that, "Hey, you spend how much on content every year?"

This is a similar, but slightly different approach to the one I outlined, and one which I'm totally open to. If that's how Hive.Blog wants to promote their social aspects to consumers, it's certainly an acceptable framing. Will it outperform the examples I've shown from Uber, YouTube, and Fiverr's marketing, messaging, and incentivization... not sure, but I'd love to see it. :)

Why not buy Hive (or tribe token) and power it up, and now you can upvote 10x a day, forever. Oh, and guess what, that 5k you powered up, it's still there, and you can power it down and sell it to gain back your initial money. But the best part is you get paid to pay your creators!

Yep, I totally get it. It sounds like a fairly similar approach to the 'Patreon' or 'Kofi' thing @blueberry404 mentioned in another comment here, but more fleshed out, and targeted more at 'content-supporters', I'd say.

If people understood this, were buying up Hive and urging their creators to move over, the price would appreciate. What happens when Hive goes up? It means everyone's upvotes are worth more. Higher upvotes to reward creators means it would make sense for more people to get in, as they see the value loop in effect.

I totally see that, and if Hive wants to push such a 'hard to wrap ones head around' message, I applaud it. Personally, I'd choose the vastly easier message I outlined in my post.

Either way, hugely appreciate all you've offered here, it makes a lot of sense, and I'd happily support someone who was spearheading marketing in such a way. :)

Wishing you a fantastic day. 🙏

Btw forgot to say the graphic is awesome, thanks for making it and sharing your ideas! I do think the approach can be done successfully if done right.

Thank you! I really appreciate it! A kind word can go a really long way. I hugely appreciate all you do for Hive and the community, whether it's 3SPK, SPK, posts, updates, and even swinging by here to drop some insight.

I'm open to most approaches that are done right, from the one I've proposed, to the slight pivot you and nonames offer, or something else entirely. 🙏

I agree completely that the graphic is awesome. And I enjoyed your perspective, like J said it reminds me of Patreon.

Plan for success in all that you do, so you're actually prepared to handle it when you become successful.

This. Yes. 100% agree.


Trust me, you really dont want to devolve the message to "make money here". You and other investors arent ATMs for those that want to make a few $$$ and get out. Hive is the future of the internet, it solves a real societal problem. A BIG ONE.
Think about it... You as an investor, did you buy Hive to share inflation with those that want to make a few bucks, sell their Hive, and hurt the value of your investment?
Ill make a leap here and say that you didnt. You invested because you believed in the true value of Hive. The problems it solves.

This guy here clearly doesnt care about that, as he openly makes it clear in this post and wants other to not care about it. He wants to attract those that like him dont care about it.

Hive user numbers should NEVER be dependent on the Hive price and we have been doing a really good job in making the world understand that Hive has so much more to offer since launch.

We need to maintain that.

Reducing the Hive message to this puts us back where we dont want to go.
Even if whale upvotes were worth 2 cents Hive still has value! It still solves the same problem. Im starting to think, more and more, that we should completely strip upvotes from the base chain and give out inflation based on investment put in. Move the upvotes to layer 2.

Look, ive been very friendly to this guy. He has been kissing my ass since he came here. Hes taking the same approach Jerry Banfield had, Ryzes website looks exactly the same and sends out the same message as Jerrys did. They both have the same approach to things, the same sugary attitude.

Dont be fooled by it.
Making money here from upvotes is a bonus, not the focus and the ideas shared in this post need to die.
Making money here is a supplemental message to the overall message. Not the main one.

Nice imagery. They lay out is certainly along the lines we need.

However, this community has only ever marketed itself with one message. Post earn. There has never been a different marketing model. Not for 5 damn years. I can’t support more of it. It’s entirely the wrong message. It’s been tried. Constantly tried literally for years, It is the wrong message entirely. If ur here just to earn, ur not here for the right reasons. It’s highly frustrating to watch as all these centralised platforms sit here and take ‘censorship resistant’ market share away from us (and hundreds of thousands of users as well) and at the same time, none of them are decentralised or censorship resistant. The numbers on these alt platforms speak for themselves. Telegrams recent user explosion should have been ours, but we have never once, not for one single day in five years focused on censorship resistance or true account ownership. Not even once. That ship (as well as the tried and tested (and still struggling ‘post blog earn’ messaging that we are still plagued with as a community have pretty well sailed.

I would like to see us spend one day just one day trying to communicate true account ownership and censorship resistance to the ppl on telegram who are now being censored there too.

This is so powerful that we can literally restart the debates that have long been censored or cancelled in the west and are as a result leading ppl with no option but towards civil war.

As far as I can see hive is literally the only remedy on the planet to this polarisation of society.

Great imagery. Wrong message imho (which has been constantly tried for 5 years now). Against which I have advocated for at least 4 of those years. Please move us away from blog post earn. It died 4 years ago.

Thanks for ur contribution. It’s pretty fucking awesome. But I don’t think u are aware that this messaging has really been tried to death already

 3 years ago (edited) 

Sounds good man, I appreciate your perspective.

It's not the messaging that failed in the past 5 years, it's the execution of it.

But you're definitely entitled to your opinion, beliefs, and approach. When it comes down to it, two human being's mastery of a subject are never equal. One of us knows more about branding, messaging, and marketing. The other doesn't. One of us could execute the growth of Hive better. One would do worse. Judging by your comment, you believe the former is you. So be it. :)

But I'm open to whatever 'the community' wants. If you think your branding approach is better, go for it man, but others may disagree with you:


Thanks for your input and wishing you a great day man. :) 🙏

Can u explain the explosion of telegram sign ups in the last 6 months? This is proof that ppl do care about censorship resistance and we should have been positioned to funnel those users to hive. Instead we continued for 4 years with post blog earn. So those users never came here (yet). I don’t believe anything about myself. I’m just giving u the last 5 years of being here. When ppl don’t get ‘supported’ they leave. It’s been tried by a lot of very smart ppl. U can take it or leave it. But u must consider the following:

  1. if u are going with blog post earn, how do u retain users when it is clear that they leave. Just look at 5 years of on chain data. It’s all there. How do u plan to retain them if they came for rewards and don’t get rewarded?

  2. Why did blog post earn fail for 5 years straight? What will be different about the messaging this time? And why will this produce different results?

  3. How do u prevent accusations of fake marketing and buyers remorse when u tell ppl blog post earn but u know that 95% of them will earn zero?

  4. How do u reduce the amount of shit posting / cat pictures / vote begging / circle jerking that will occur when selling hive in this way?

I’m not trying to be difficult, honestly. These are all things that will happen as a result of blog post earn. They are all things that have been happening for the last 5 years. How do we prevent these things from happening again with such a message?

Again not being difficult, these are legit questions based on actual on chain observations from years of data proving that this is what happens. If going further blog post earn or some alternative but similar messaging, need to be aware that this is the behaviour it induces in users if they come for this marketing call

 3 years ago (edited) 

It's ok if they come here and see if they post shit content then they leave. But it will also attract smart bloggers who can see the clear value. Isn't it better to get 1000 people in, let the 900 "tire kickers" and "shit posters" come in, be disappointed, and then go so they leave the 100 great content creators and people who get it? Because then those 100 great users can spread the word and bring more great users like them? People share good stuff and things they love ❤️

Another thing to bare in mind when marketing a protocol - it is not a platform. Blog post earn is a marketing slogan for a platform. This may bring in times of users if done right (retention is a different issue however).

Hives protocol allows us to market to platforms and users. U bring in one decent platform to integrate the true ownership account system here, u just added 300k users over night. Getting one platform to integrate hive allows us to skip user by user on boarding and indirectly on board users of platforms without them even really knowing they are using hive. An example of this is here

Most of these users n the comments are not interested in or do not know what hive is, but one content creator integrated the tech into his platform and boom hundreds of new sign ups. None interested in rewards, none are a retention risk as a result. They are more faithful hive users than most bloggers who come for the rewards, and the don’t even really know they are using hive

Another thing to bare in mind is that web3 is about to start trending. Or words to that affect. Blockchain is going to put the concept of web3 into the minds of normies in the same way it put DeFi there. I hope we can capture some of that market. Particularly as the hive protocol is web 3 and have been that fully functioning as such for years now and has never been marketed as such. So as these other fake web3 platforms and protocols come on line, it would be nice to be positioned to say to their users ‘hey look at hive we have been web3 for years now, we just never marketed ourselves as such’ to which most ppl will respond; “oh we thought u guys were that blogging platform which rewarded ppl in crypto” to which Many old school hivers respond; “FFS we are the first mover web 3 protocol pls stop calling us a rewards platform, we are a protocol not a platform”

The main marketing gaffe was steemit inc calling the main platform on the steem block chain steemit.

Naming was too close And every one thought steemit was Steem. They didn’t realise that there is a protocol there underneath steemit the platform and so even to this day 99% of users still think that hive is a fork of a blogging platform where u might earn some rewards some day for posting.

Ex users should know that this is a protocol upon which platforms are built, which is why this drawing is so important:

And so we did with Hive and
After reading your comments here, and all the confusion between Hive (the protocol) and (the social platform), I now truly believe we should sunset it (the website, not the blockchain 😁).

Of course, we need more influencers on Hive!

And censorship on centralized platforms has provided us with a golden opportunity. Indeed, Telegram got a major boost, but so did Parler, Signal, Viber and others. Why not Hive?

Why do you think we missed the boat? Didn't we try the "censorship resistant" message? Decentralized?

Do we have any success stories?

I don’t think we have ever tried the censorship resistant account ownership route. Not ever

I think the fear of this approach is that it is very similar to the approach that was taken in the early and middle days of Steemit. It drew in huge amounts of users, each and every one determined to rip the arse out of the platform (ok not all but there were a lot.) Quality (ever subjective of course) was perceived to have gone out the window and people posted endless parades of shit to get what they were entitled to, what they had been promised, the rewards for using the platform.

Some were good at it and indeed ripped as much as they could before being rumbled for whatever scheme they were invariably involved in.

Others not so good, they rage-quit at what they saw as a scam. All these users on trending earning megabucks and I earn pennies. Its a scam!! etc.

It is a tricky one and I believe there is merit in promoting the earning aspect. But the bad happened and it colours perceptions of what such an approach could look like. Perhaps there lies the background to the negative commenters who reacted before. To quote that star gazing twit Carl Sagan You have to know the past to understand the present.

So it is a tricky one.

I like your mockup and have decided not to downvote you... ;OD

Yep, you raise totally valid points (ones I expected, tbh). And I totally understand the perspective and feelings on the matter that you've pointed out. All I can say is: Failing an approach once rarely means the approach is bad.

And avoiding the time-tested approach of a killer, buzzworthy USP out of fear of scammers is never a winning proposition.

In fact, because all of what you outlined happened in the past, Hive was spurred to implement a lot of anti-abuse features. Hive got better because of the experience. And hopefully now is in a better place to onboard the masses. But if not, the process can repeat: 1. Market well, 2. Get an influx of ppl, 3. Abusers find vulnerabilities in the system, 4. Devs patch it...

...voila, even better Hive, now with more users.

A more easily digestible example may be this: Plenty of Uber drivers complain that they "dont make money", and that "Uber is a scam" but that doesn't stop Uber from growing through bold messaging.

There will always be a vocal minority whining about how a platform is a scam. Hive can either make peace with that and grow, or fear & resist it, as Hive dies a slow death.

These are the only options. Grow or die. :)

Anyway, you rock, I appreciate your input, and thanks for taking the time to comment. Definitely food for thought here. 🙏

(And lmao, you're too kind regarding the dv, good sir. 🤣)

I think that is a very good point that there are now more ways to combat said abuse and perhaps we are better placed both as a platform and a community now compared to then.

I do agree with you on this approach. Grow or die. Would we rather dress as a chicken and be set alight knowing that our final moments were hot, smoky, golden-feathered glory or smoulder feebly in the dark before eventually winking out.

I know which one I would choose.


Yes! Seconded! This is how to really understand the past, not by writing off that approach, but by learning, improving, and tackling it again, better prepared! Glad you're feeling it.

Would we rather dress as a chicken and be set alight knowing that our final moments were hot, smoky, golden-feathered glory or smoulder feebly in the dark before eventually winking out.

Man, I always love the 'crunchy' imagery in your writing. So good. I'ma have to try my hand at it some day, probably won't out-do the master, but it'd be a fun gig. :) 🤣 🙏

Lol. Yes you should give it a bash, its much fun!

It's on the list. :) 👍😀🙏

Carl Sagan's like so0Ooo before Twitter.

He would have loved it. He was made for the Twits!

...5 months later... 👀💤will things ever change? I still haven't come across one person IRL who knows what the hell Hive is 😂Great article though @ryzeonline !PIZZA

Yeah, if you read the comments on this post (they're probably the most interesting comment-section I've seen on Hive, tbh)... many "high-ranking" Hivers were not receptive to my suggestions, so I didn't really expect such narrow-minded leaders to create much growth in 5 months, if at all, but I hope they figure something out. :)

Glad you liked the article, and thanks for the Pizza! (The sequel is pretty epic too: 3 More Hive Marketing Approaches (Ode To The Whiners!) haha.) 🙏

I would perhaps take this one step further and say that 90%+ of folks won’t even care about Hive as an ecosystem, at least not until they experience their first Hive site/app/game. I fear even relying on something as complex as the intermediary step of in any kind of marketing funnel is detrimental.

I’d love to see some individual front ends & apps (and yeah, you can just call them apps because no one knows or cares what a dapp is!) pick this up & run with it. I feel they should be at the forefront of marketing, supported by the community and DHF, and their individual successes become Hive’s communal success.

Hive is a component, it’s infrastructure. The closest analog I could think of for marketing Hive itself would be a campaign like Intel Inside. But in some ways when it comes to reaching out to the masses I feel like marketing Hive itself is akin to a site or application emphasizing in their marketing the fact that they’re hosted on AWS. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

I think @peakd, @ecency, etc. should really directly take advantage of your strategies here, because the first marketing stumbling block we hit is when we say ”Hey! Your videos would be great on 3Speak… Lemme tell ya all about Hive!” - Instant “Huh?” moment & tiny aneurysm occurs in the new recruit’s brain!

Blog post earn is kind of appropriate for peak d and as platforms (assuming that is how they want to go) but marketing hive is different.

Marketing hive as ‘blog post earn’ is like the same as marketing http as ‘post ur photos and get likes and sponsorships ’

Exactly. The best place for marketing Hive is on a business level and I'd love to see some kind of team there helping recruit existing communities & sites and handling their Hive conversion. However when marketing to the end user/masses we should be marketing the end product, and that's not Hive.

For sure would you advertise https to internet users? Or would you market it to app builders / tech companies?


I have only been in for a few days, so I have little experience.
My opinion on this talk is that HIVE is not a social network (it should not be considered a "social network").
The comparison should be made with Twitter and Facebook (nowadays).
Therefore HIVE is as much a social network as the street market.
You would never call a street market "social network" (but it is).
HIVE is an ecosystem based on personal blogs. and bloggers can create and join groups.
Everything you do has an "internal cost" and this is limiting for the mass of users who are used to using Facebook and Twitter. It's a disturbing limit.
If HIVE tries to acquire users from "other worlds" with the force of the "earn money" message, in my opinion it is a huge mistake.
HIVE is a blog-based ecosystem: every blogger is a creator of content (which may or may not be liked, voted or not), but mainly it is the desire/need to have something personal to tell.
The average user doesn't have "personal material" to tell.
So... the average user has no time/want/need to have a blog.
The average user comments "for free" knowing that after 5 minutes they will talk about something else and that comment will be lost and forgotten.
The average user who prefers to repost memes, messages, images that are not his own, can use Minds, Facebook, Twitter..even Tumblr in most cases. And can be happy with that, "talking" with friends and parents and political niche.
But I think it's a mistake to try to "expand" HIVE by forcing the focus on "making money".
You just attract the wrong population and destroy the ecosystem.



I came here, back in 2017, to forget about being diagnosed with an incurable disease; Multiple Sclerosis. Sure I thought about the "money" end. But that was last on my list... I figured if it happened, it would. Then... like M.S. does, it hit, and I was away for awhile.

When I came back, I was introduced to the people of @theterminal and realized there was a wonderful energy when you help people. Not soon after, I was given the role of P.R. Moderator (... and I didn't even take offense your post lol) because I was reaching out to other groups to aquire help for new people coming to the Blockchain.

I'm old-fashioned... I see someone interested in learning about #naturalmedicine, so I jump in the Natural Medicine Discord Server... introduce the new person, and explain they are looking for information... boom. My Building Positive Bridges... moniker. Much like my #thoughtfuldailypost movement... it's about helping new users to HIVE.

So what am I trying to say? There are people here, trying to make a difference. But as @brittandjosie stated,it's going to take all of us!

Appreciate the shout-out my friend...

!LUV @tipu curate !giphy One

Thank you so much for sharing your story, it speaks volumes!

A small note that may be worth considering:

Lots of people join lots of things for lots of reasons. Many people become Uber drivers just out of boredom, or on a dare, or to 'control their schedule' more. But it never stopped Uber from marketing themselves as a way to 'earn money with the car that sits in your driveway all day.'


I love @theterminal and found such great energy from everyone there already! And as I said in my post, I want to see the PR people raise their hands. I didn't know that you were a PR Mod, but I do now, and I'm thrilled about it! You do a hugely valuable service for Hive, reaching out to other groups and bringing people on to the blockchain.

I love the old-school way, I love the personal touch. I've never said a bad word about it. Building Positive Bridges is wonderful and appreciated.

I simply wish to add my branding and marketing knowledge alongside that. My post was made to help with that outreach. One well-crafted message, executed well, and placed in consistently visible areas, can work wonders to grow any project or brand. It's great public outreach. I hope that came across, lol. :)

So what am I trying to say? There are people here, trying to make a difference. But as @brittandjosie stated, it's going to take all of us!

Brilliant sentiment, and I totally agree, and my contribution on this topic has now been committed to the blockchain, hopefully people benefit from the wisdom within it, but if hivers don't resonate, so be it.

I guess we'll see, lol.

Regardless, I really appreciate you, all you do for Hive, and taking the time to comment here. Thank you and wishing you a great day! 🙏

Love this gif, ty :D 🙏


Great post.

I pulled out my hair for years trying to get Hive (and Steemit before it) to act more like a business. To no avail. Nice to encounter someone who knows something about marketing. Speaking of which, go take a look:


I'm glad you enjoyed the post, and I understand the hair-pulling to no avail (just look at the other comments on this post, lol.) Nice for me as well to encounter someone who 'gets' it.

Hehe, my first post ever on Hive was a poem:

I've also sung/rapped here on Hive:

Annnnd I've proposed Hive contests:

LMAO 🤣 It appears we have quite a bit in common. Thanks for the link, and I'll say more over on your post, shortly. 🙏

Hey man, marketing enhancement is a fantastic idea! Cleary from the timber and tone you've set with your post, you're the man for the job! As a longtime member of HIVE, I'm happy to inform you that; You've just gotten hired onto a decentralized team of coders, misfits, rebels, and troublemakers! We will gladly accept your donation of enhanced marketing materials for further review. Please register at GitLab if not already registered. Your idea seems to pertain to project 211. However, please start at the comments/issues section to get started! We'll have our decentralized crew of movers and shakers review your mockup! Welcome to the super duper secret club, once you register, you're in! Just try and keep it on the DL, you dig? We can't have everyone joining all at once!

Ayy, glad you like my lil post on marketing enhancement. :)

I'm mainly a teacher, doing my best to teach people about branding, marketing, copy, persuasion and more. I'm not sure the people who need these lessons most are actually getting them though, judging by some of the comments, lol.

That said, I'm honored to be 'hired' and include in such a great bunch as this:

a decentralized team of coders, misfits, rebels, and troublemakers!


This post contains quite a bit of marketing material donations, and I'd be honored if anyone reviews them, lol.

In the meantime, I joined GitLab and checked out 211 and the comments/issues section. Not 100% clear what's going on, but I'm in, and that's a start :D

(And don't worry, despite what today's post may suggest, I'm a keep-it-on-the-DL kinda guy anyway, lol.)

Thanks for the kind words, invitation, and vote of confidence, I appreciate you! 🙏

You're welcome! 🙏
Keep on a ryzein!

You too! Wooo! 🙏

 3 years ago (edited) 

P.S. I joined, but felt a bit confused on exactly what to do in the /issues. There was a select project button, but I didn't know what project to select. And even if I did, what would I write? And I could just upload my 4 mockups/examples, but I really feel the accompanying articles contain a lot of context, background, and marketing wisdom that would need to be read to understand them correctly, so just uploading the mockups alone seems... less than ideal.

Anyway, just wanted you to know I appreciate what you've provided and that I did my best to figure out how to best proceed. :) Rock the day, @thoughts-in-time ! 🙏

Hey Ryze, now that I think about it. The change that you are shooting for might be more applicable as a condenser change. The condenser or the frontend is the portal whereby you view the hive blockchain content; It is kind of like a web browser is to the internet. Hive is a lot of different things to different people, and the social media aspect is just one of those things. So, for example, if you take a look at 'hive[dot]blog'—you'll notice on the upper right it says: "What is Hive?" The link points to an external link that is

I think another or potentially better hyperlink they could have up there is: "What is hive[dot]blog?" Instead of it being an external link to, it could be an internal link where 'hive[dot]blog' can explain the social media aspect of itself to the visitor. could also link to this page if they wanted. Let me show you an example of what I believe to be a successful condenser level issue that caused a change on

This issue right here, I think this is what led to the creation of collections on I am not 100% certain, but it may be what led to those. And you'll notice that picked up that change before hive[dot]blog got around to it. Sorry, I missed this response all those days ago. So instead of where I first directed you, your landing page may be more fit as something that explains the social-media aspect of 'Hive.' More specifically, issues for the hive condenser.

I hope this helps some, please let me know. At its core, issues are a glorified suggestion box for movers, shakers, and idea people. Seeing as how the project is a decentralized and collective effort, this means anyone with the ambition and ability to describe the idea to the coders and the coders can make it happen. I don't know what happens after one creates an issue, if it gets voted on or how exactly that part of the process works.

Yep, condenser change sounds like it's on the right track. I explored it as marketing for / PeakD in the comments-section as well as in The Sequel , but it may have gotten buried in the noise. Anyway, I totally agree with your idea here.

Thanks so much for linking to the issue, that's a great example for me that inspires me to submit my own.

Also, the metaphor of /issues as a suggeestion box is extremely helpful. I have a much better grasp on it now, and will put together something to submit, likely next week.

Sorry, I missed this response all those days ago.

All good, I appreciate this response greatly, regardless of timing! You rock :) 🙏

Woo! Issue submitted in the 'hive condenser' repo you suggested. You can check it out here: Condenser Issue 142

Thanks for all your help! 🙏


I'd love to be proven wrong. I'd love someone to call me out and show me god-tier talent in these areas. Because if they do so, we'll have at least one more Hiver who understands persuasive communication and audience-building.

True but commitment to is a thing, so i will pad myself on the shoulder because i have been here every single day and blogged every day. That must be noted. And no i dont have the other 5 you mention. But i am happy does that count.
Tagging could indeed get you into trouble, but a teacher to the needy as you are and a fast climber in hive and rep is worth responding to.

I'm a bit like Leonardo Da Vinci. A renaissance man. I'm good at many things.
Modesty is a thing :)

But i agree and i say go be the rev to spread the gospel of hive
And I never made 61 hive in 32 minutes so many agree with you thats for sure


Yes, commitment and consistency are huge, and I absolutely love what you do here on Hive. It's impressive.

As for tagging, I've posted many pieces here on Hive, none of them over tag. This one felt completely necessary. This issue affects all Hivers. I should've tagged more, tbh.

I've been a modest 'good boy' for most of my life. It has gotten me nowhere. It just makes people ignore my value, dismiss me as a 'normal person', and assume they're better than me at certain skills when the truth is the exact opposite.

I would never try to tell you how to engage a community consistently. You know why? Because you're waaaaayyyy better than me at it. If I wanted to learn how to consistently engage a community, I would ask you for help and listen to every tip you had. And I wouldn't want you to be modest about it. I'd want you to tell me loud and proud "J, I am great at engaging a community consistently, I run a discord, I rank on engagement league, and I can help you."

The world needs more people standing up for themselves, their skills, and their value, not sheepishly playing small and downplaying the things they're actually good at.

"If you can't celebrate your own value, how can you expect anyone else to?" - Me.

Whatever the case, I appreciate you very much, and I'm thankful you encourage me to spread the "gospel of hive" (lol, great line!) and I'm thankful some people agree.

Thanks again @brittandjosie for your understanding, awesome gifs, and thoughtful comment, wishing you a great day! 🙏

I will just do it!


I am great at engaging a community consistently, I run a discord, I rank 2 on engagement league, I am the girl with ideas, I miss recognition but envy is everyones right and I am an hive addict and I can help you."

On a serious note I agree with meesterboom it is an approach we saw on Steemit aswell I say we can try again and hope we learned from earlier days. But it’s gonna be a tough one. Thank god for Leonardos like you 😉

And I always appreciate the comments

Woooooo! That's what I'm talking about! You rock! I know it, you know it! Let's tell the world! :)

(And that image, omg, epic!)

And I'm glad you and @meesterboom see the value in what I'm suggesting, and are willing to try again. Growing any brand is 'a tough one', but you only pull it off by getting 'back on the horse', not fearing past results. (At least, that's my experience. <-- a touch of modesty 🤣🤣🤣)

There are a lot oldies and new hivers that can maybe help and why do you not make a proposal and let hivers vote and do your magic

Thanks @brittandjosie ! Actually, @tobetada must be thinking along similar lines as yourself, since he suggested a proposal as well.

I may consider it, but like I told him:

I'm a consultant, a teacher, an advisor. I closed my web design company a long time ago. I know my 'place' and what I love to do, which means I'm likely not a fit for dealing with all the 'politics' of proposals and getting things implemented.

But who knows maybe I'll team up with someone and let them handle that stuff? Perhaps @cynshineonline wants to do it? (She inspired this post, helped me edit it, and more.)

Anyway, a proposal is definitely food for thought. Much appreciated! :) 🙏

I'm dying to get Hive to grow. I haven't shut up about it to You LOL. I'm happy to help it happen. But without Your help I can't do it. No clue where to start but You know me...the forever student who drools over learning and sharing and showing off the things that I love the most. That's why I do what I do.

I loveeeee helping! 🙏❤️

YESSSSS! Shine that light nice and bright. I hope more and more people start to tell people when they're good at something and not hide you. You're amazing at engagement and consistency and more!

Plus you make amazing smoothies that make me hungry at 1am when I should be sleeping LOL!

Keep being you. You're amazing.
Sooooo much love,

I love the visuals and I think that has been sorely lacking here on the blockchain...Your posts combine it all, great content with fantastic visuals to help bring the message home.

@taskmaster4450 and myself have been talking about this for weeks now on our podcast, I just can't help but think Hive is being marketed wrong.

Do we sign up for Netflix....Or sign up for AWS? The technology behind the content delivery system isn't what sells the subscriptions. However Amazon does benefit from the added business Netflix and others bring to their company.

I just feel like the real opportunity are the individual apps. You are bang on about the decentralization argument, the masses don't care. They care if they can use it, and if their friends are using it as well.

And that comes from a killer app or two, using Hive's tech. If the communities and applications drive the adoption, I believe this blockchain wins big time.

Thanks for the discussion though, it's very much needed :)

Thanks for the kind words!

Sounds like you and taskmaster get it. Hive is being marketed wrong. (Well, at least wrong if the goal is rapid growth.)

Do we sign up for Netflix....Or sign up for AWS? The technology behind the content delivery system isn't what sells the subscriptions.

Excellent example, thank you, kind of wish I used it in my post, lol.

Killer apps would help for sure, but it's the equivalent of using 'Candy Crush' to market 'Facebook.'

Facebook had to market itself first, Candy Crush was just a bonus surge of users.

I'm all for a killer app, I really am, but it is a band-aid solution for a platform that is already failing to market it's own value.

I hope what I'm saying makes sense, but if people still want to bark up the 'killer app' tree, I applaud and encourage it, and wish them luck :)

Thank you for the excellent discussion too, you're the first one to mention killer apps. :D 🙏

Damn, man, you're on fire!

I've not really followed your marketing posts, but I've taken the time to eat this one up, chewing deliberately.

In the beginning, though, I agreed with you that I for one wasn't good at all the 5 points. I'd say I'm not good at design and marketing, but I'm good at the rest. Same time, in the beginning, I was saying in my mind, this ryzeonline guy has to be the only bee I know good at all these 5 points and few sentences into the post you said it! That you were the only one you knew good at these stuffs. You bold motherfucker!
But you right, and you're an honest motherfucker too.

This landing page you've made is perfect! I'd say Hive should implement it right away! (With only a little edition) When I joined Hive in 2017 when it was still Steemit, there was a lot of talk about mass adoption and it seemed like we were all working towards one goal which was making hive mainstream like Facebook! I wasn't around for most of 2019 and 2020 but now I'd agree with you that talks and efforts towards becoming mainstream has dwindled. Although I must commend all the stuff some of us are doing especially on Twitter, hive can still use a lot of these suggestions you're making.

Further, when I said 'with little editions' above, it shows I have a couple disagreements. My disagreement only has to do with the fact that Hive shouldn't be marketed with so much focus on the monetary rewards. Why? Because monetary rewards is not really a promise hive can fulfill. The fuck am I talking about?

For creators and investors there's a chance to make money on hive, but how about the not so good Creators? And how about the many times good Creators would fail woefully at getting visibility/earnings? How much would be made? Wouldn't the amount made be so little that people would roll their eyes and feel failed whenever they look up and see hive promising to be a rewarding place?

So the edition I think would be right is striking a balance, the balance should be in form of a statement that says there is a chance for making rewards and then point to the fact that hive has peculiarities which you need to learn about in order to understand how the rewards work.

Posted via

I appreciate you taking the time to eat and chew this post, man. :)

lol, yeah, I don't really want to straight out say I'm good these things, but many people have been talking to me as if I don't know my s**t, so I kinda had to say it, lol. Hahah, I'm glad you're feelin' it bro, and yes, I know you're good at some of them, and I totally respect that.

I'm honored you feel Hive would benefit from my landing page approach. If they don't want to go mainstream, that's fine too, this pitch isn't set in stone, I made it merely as a teaching example, so people can understand what 'persuasive messaging', branding, and design really is.

Regarding the monetary rewards, you may want to see my other comment above where I address this:

Fiverr markets itself as a way to make money, but most people fail on Fiverr. Fiverr still grows. Uber markets itself as a way to make money just by driving around, but most drivers fail on Uber. Uber still grows. YouTube markets itself as a place to earn money for posting video content. Most YouTubers fail. YouTube still grows.

Hive can, and should, do the exact same thing. 🙏

You make a strong point with this reply. I also followed the link to read the other comment. These replies have really tackled my misgivings, but balance still has more merits, don't you think? What would you say about my talk about balance? Remember I'm saying we should still market it as a rewards social media because that is what it is but we should make it clear that it is more of a chance and that one needs to learn how it works first. This way it would be really balanced, is what I'm saying. You have reasons why this approach is less meritorious?

Posted via

I'm glad my point spoke to you somewhat.

What you're describing is basically 'hedging words', and it's most often used by when people are afraid of offending others. Hedging has it's place in contracts and terms of service, but hedging has almost no place in bold, brand-messaging.

But the whole point of brand messaging is to offend people. Eminem offends Christians and conservatives, he doesn't add 'balance' to his language. Early Mac commercials made fun of Windows, they didn't 'balance' their messaging to avoid people's misunderstanding.

It would take me a long time to explain branding, copy, persuasive messaging, resonant language, audience-niching, and so on, but maybe this diagram will help a bit:


I hope this addresses your concerns, but if not, it's fine, I wrote this to teach people, not as an actual proposal for Hive. I'm fine if people disagree and still want to use timid language. :) 🙏

Okay, now would you say the reasons for this hedging doesn't seem worth it? Remember the reasons for the hedging when it comes to hive is that we don't want the wrong People here for the wrong reasons, the hurt it would do to the platform would be grave as we've seen from experience.

Posted via

What is wise to aim for is many people, increased visibility, increased attraction. Then you allow the 'wrong people' (tirekickers seeking easy money) to get annoyed and leave. This is how all big success stories grow.

I explained this in another comment:

Fiverr markets itself as a way to make money, but most people fail on Fiverr. Fiverr still grows. Uber markets itself as a way to make money just by driving around, but most drivers fail on Uber. Uber still grows. YouTube markets itself as a place to earn money for posting video content. Most YouTubers fail. YouTube still grows. Hive can, and should, do the exact same thing.

Hope this is clicking with you, but as I said, if Hive wants 'hedgier', tamer messaging, they're welcome to do so. I simply offer my wisdom, people can accept or reject. :) 🙏


omg, this landing page is amazing, I think something like that can really create interest and desire to join Hive. Blockchain 3.0, while super important for us, is not interesting enough for the average social media user. Would it be possible to AB test this version in our ongoing marketing campaign, @lordbutterfly @therealwolf?

Not really. This landing page could maybe be used for something like a Hive tribe or a frontend.

Im not in charge of design but hes free to present this to Wolf or Mahdi. etc.

Implementing a design change would be a lot of work and the effect negligible honestly.

I like the design, the enthusiasm of @ryzeonline and i understand that its very easy to get excited over an epiphany you feel you had but this isnt really "marketing".

If Ryzeonline wants to work on actual Hive marketing, i need someone to reach out to podcasts and get a few of our dapps and investors a guest spot.
That would help build Hive brand awareness and promote Hive.
We can put his zest to test.😉

I meant it can be used as a landing page for an ad campaign first, i.e. when a user clicks on a Hive ad, they get redirected to this landing page instead of the default landing page of If the new landing page turns out to work better than the existing, it can also be merged on

Theyre not redirected to default page.
Theyre directed to the landing page for ad campaign. See the update 12.

I wouldnt be willing to change the landing page. Wer not reducing Hive to just "make money here".
Thats stupid, doesnt work and i dont want to be selling us short.
Making money is the bonus, not the main point.

I offered help to do just this but your piss poor attitude about all of this made me not reply to your dm on discord.

@ryzeonline is only offering his help and ideas not at all telling anyone what to do OR saying this should be done. He has DECADES of marketing experience and has led MULTIPLE businesses to success. And it took him less than 10 months too.

Good luck with your marketing.

Im fairly sure i never talked to you before. If i have i apologize if i cant recall. Are you new here, because i know most of the folks that follow hive related content?

As i said, i like Ryze enthusiasm but he does make a lot of bold claims here and when you start throwing big statements around like he clearly is here in this post, sometimes people will respond in a similar manner.
Its just how things are.

Its been made clear time and time again that this kind of message is not the message we want to send out.

Its a bonus, not the focus.

 3 years ago (edited) 

LOL ok well I msged you about helping you with marketing and giving you lots of ideas on how to get attention for FREE and you replied to me in Discord so if you wanna pretend not to know who I am all good.

and the problem is whatever message you're sending out about Hive now is clearly not working or it'd be showing. the proof is in the pudding and you clearly stated you've not been able to in 10 months in a recent marketing update. Soooo yeah

@ryzeonline makes bold claims because he has the experience to back it up. He has run successful businesses and campaigns. So he can say this with confidence because he knows how to grow and get eyeballs. Do you? if so where's the results?

Its a bonus, not the focus.

then what's the focus? Because from the marketing I've seen, I can't tell what it is. All I could tell from your posts and updates was that you believe people want to be paid to talk about Hive.

again, wishing you lots of luck with your marketing.


You mean this?
I just saw a question and responded with "yes".

Im not sure why youre trying to portray this one word dm, i genuenly didnt recall happening, as us having some kind of conversation?
Even saying that youre not going to reply to my dms because of my comment here? Huh?

You do know this is coming off really strange?

Anyways, we can use all the help we can get.
Not this kind though.
We need the kind of help where folks are willing to pick up the shovel and get to digging. 🙂

Have fun.


I see you couldn't answer my questions. All good.

Wishing you much success in all you do...😊

Years of blood sweat and tears in this comment. And if anyone is good at ruffling feathers LBF specialises in assholery when he wants to

 3 years ago (edited) 

clearly he's great at assholery.

But it never bothers me when people can't see the value that's in front of them. 😉

😅That is true though.

I didnt appreciate the arrogance in this post. Folks coming in talking down the whole platform because they made a couple hundred dollars in their first 2 months here. Flying high like they understand what Hive is and should be about.
He has the BEST Hive marketing EVER and he hates marketing?! Thats how great he is. lol
And his idea is changing the marketing message to "make moneys here."

Id say assholery is warranted in this case and i genuinely dont recall talking to his gf/friend/sister. I did not lie there.


Thank you, I poured a lot of love into it.

It's just a mockup, so someone would have to be enthusiastic about translating into CSS/HTML and launching it as a mobile-ready responsive landing page, but if that was done, it could certainly be split-tested. 🙏

I love this proposal and hope it gets tested at least. btw it's a bit blurry on @peakd, even if zoomed in, could you somewhere upload it in full-res?

Truth pills are hard to swallow, but Hive statistics speak for themselves and prove your point:
image (Credit to @arcange)

We've had our moments, but we've failed to engage the audience. We celebrate "the increase in the quality of content" and congratulate ourselves on a job well done, but in reality we are losing users and sinking into obscurity.

If we zoom out and look at Steem's history, we can clearly see that Steem's only success was achieved when the marketing message was bold and shameless, promising great rewards for just posting on Steem.


These charts cover very different time periods, but, boy, do they look the same!

We need to find a way to show new users love and make them feel comfortable and free. We need to encourage experimentation, remove boundaries, let the community breathe freely and try new things.

Yes! Thank you good sir! Exactly so!

I'm simply aiming to speak truths about branding, copy, marketing, and messaging. Simple truths about effective persuasion on a larger scale.

The spikes in 2017 very much speak to what I'm talking about, bolder, more resonant messaging results in increased growth. It really doesn't seem like rocket science to me, and it's tough to argue with charts like that, imho. Thanks so much for sharing them.

We celebrate "the increase in the quality of content" and congratulate ourselves on a job well done, but in reality we are losing users and sinking into obscurity.

Yes, because 'quality content' is nothing without promotion, buzz, visibility, eyeballs. Vincent Van Gogh has set the world on fire for decades with his 'quality content'... but he died minimally known and minimally embraced.

We need to find a way to show new users love and make them feel comfortable and free. We need to encourage experimentation, remove boundaries, let the community breathe freely and try new things.

I love this attitude, and to add to it, we need a significant chunk of 'new users' to actually do this with. :) 🙏

Yes, sustainable business models that restaurants are willing to pay into in exchange for reviews and Seo boosts from hivers would be a far more realistic solution

A good thing does not need paid reviews in my honest opinion. business model is an example of a sustainable model that brings new money into the chain

HIVE inflation is just a subscription service - redistribution of wealth from HIVE holders to active authors and curators.

Proof-of-brain consensus is great, but without a sustainable external demand for HIVE tokens, the system simply deflates over time.

Finding ways to make Hive attractive to businesses is the key to the growth of the Hive ecosystem.

Businesses are more likely to buy HIVE than users. We just need a proper business proposition.

Yes for sure. Been saying this for years too. Also very hard to get bloggers to understand it when they earn from investors money.

With spk network we anticipate that platforms will accumulate large amounts of speak so that they can earn broca gas tokens daily in order to give their users a free feel experience.

The financial incentives are what set Hive apart from all the rest. What's the point of not using our primary advantage?

The "primary advantage" becomes a disadvantage, if it is used as a main part of the marketing. It will mostly attract the wrong (selfish and greedy) people, like in the case of Steemit and the Steem blockchain.

All the influencers I know are selfish (they promote their brand) and greedy (that's how they make their living).

Fighting influencers may not be the smartest strategy.

You do know that this clearly proves the opposite. lol

We do not want the user numbers to be tied into token price!!! THATS A REALLY REALLY BAD THING.
Thats why the main appeal for using Hive should NOT be the monetary incentive for posting.

I personally also sit on this side of the fence, while token demand increase for more resource credits as network affect takes hold is good, it is more anti fragile to have sustainable business models supporting the token price as well

These charts show the standard attrition rates after a marketing push. In fact, most of the time, you should expect a much steeper drop after a marketing boost.

Marketing and bold messaging should be a sustained effort, not an occasional event.

The reasons for attrition on new social sites are many: lack of established influencers (besides the crypto hype), lack of critical mass of users ("my friends aren't here"), poor mobile experience (lack of engaging notifications) as well as any negativity (downvotes, imposed policies, tribalism, lengthy power downs) and general complexity.

Lower-than-expected payouts on posts is not the main problem. Other successful social platforms have none at all.

So even small rewards are infinitely better than nothing.

Also, these charts clearly show that everything we did afterwards didn't work and still doesn't.

That's why I think the points made by @ryzeonle are so important.

These charts show the standard attrition rates after a marketing push

No they dont. These charts clearly show a token price to user number correlation.
Theres nothing clearer.

Steemit had almost achived mass adoption. At one point it was a top 500 website in the world. Because people were using Steemit for the completely wrong reasons that melted away quickly.
Just like this guy.

User numbers are tied into price and wer trying to change that.
Just promoting "make money here" is not the way to do that.

Once the bear market hits and if Hive drops to 5 cents. You think this guy will stick around? Hes a dollar chaser. He makes embarrassing selfhelp nonsense youtube videos.

These people are here for the wrong reason spreading the wrong message that will ultimately screw us all if adopted.

The crypto winter didn't just have a negative effect on Steem's audience. Bitcoin conferences and meetups also lost their visitors. But the tide has turned, crypto-currencies are back in the spotlight and new people are flocking to the market.

The goal of crypto is to align people acting in self-interest for mutual benefit.

It is the perfect time to capitalize on that.

Building a business on the assumption that people will act against their self-interest is ... well, risky.

As for "this guy," I hope he stays. Hive is a better place when creative, smart, energetic people join us. And I hope he is rewarded for his sincere efforts. I found his contribution very informative and deep.

I also hope to continue to enjoy your wisdom and insights on Hive.

Bitcoin conferences and meetups also lost their visitors.

Exactly. But we dont want to follow the movement of market capitalization like every other crypto is doing when it comes to user numbers..
We want our users not being dependent on it. That is what we should be focusing on since price does not affect the true Hive solutions. That is the same no matter the price of Hive.

The adoption of crypto-currencies comes in cycles. And sure, downward trends are painful. But the overall growth is staggering. Why would we want to disconnect from this cycle?

Today, the number of crypto-currency users is similar to the number of Internet users in 1997. There is a long way up ahead of us and it is very important to take advantage of this wave.

Of course, there will be market fluctuations in both directions, but the long-term outlook is excellent. The technology is proven and the adoption of crypto-currencies is imminent.

Now is our time to shine, be bold and get over that adoption chasm!

Well... so far the comments on the Facebook ads aren’t looking so hot.




Thanks so much for sharing these screens @daltono , it's very interesting to see this feedback.

A lot can be learned from these comments to improve messaging & marketing towards more positive results, hopefully whoever is spearheading that ad campaign is able to do so. :) Wishing you a great day! 🙏

Granted the comments are from people who cannot even decipher the difference between there and their — the sad thing is, that is majority of people these days.

I can see how intelligent people wish to market in the ways that they see best fit. We have tech capable of so much. It would be wasteful to not spread the word about Hive’s list of capabilities.

While doing so, we must not forget that the average Joe is not going to go for some of these fancy words we are so fond of using. They simply do not understand and will make everything into a joke.

Money is no joke, money talks. People will cling to money in pretty much every situation, even betraying their own friends and family for it. Talking about the potential for “Social that pays” would work on a higher percentage of people rather than exclaiming that we are censorship resistant. If you’re plugged into the idea of losing your online social history, then sure it’ll seem like a lot of other people are too. The fact is that more people care about how much money they are making instead of how much freedom they have to speak online.

BOTH are important and reasons why Hive should be adopted by many. It’s a tough pile of cookie crumbles to sort through. I hope our community can come to a balanced approach on the matter.

You've made great points here in my opinion, good sir.

“Social that pays” would work on a higher percentage of people rather than exclaiming that we are censorship resistant.

This single sentence basically sums up what my main point was. It seems pretty tough to argue with imho, but people did it anyway, lol.

BOTH are important and reasons why Hive should be adopted by many. It’s a tough pile of cookie crumbles to sort through. I hope our community can come to a balanced approach on the matter.

My newest post addressed this exact thing. It offers 3 alternative marketing approaches: one for devs, one for influencers, and one for free speech & 'the deplatformed.' It's kind of a sequel to this one that you're welcome to check out if interested: 3 More Hive Marketing Approaches (Ode To The Whiners)

Either way, I really appreciate your contributions and take on this topic, and wish you a great day! 🙏

Where to start?! Hmmm...

People like/upvote/reply/comment on posts because of emotion triggered. It aroused interest, joy, surprise, anticipation. Heck, this post even pushed me to get up and move to the laptop to read and comment. And that is saying something because I had a long night binge-watching on Netflix. lol

I might still be dreaming in bed, but if this were a 50k HBD proposal on the Decentralized Hive Fund, I will easily lend my support and vote for it because I believe it is worth that much.

Those who know... know...

Now, I'm ready for that really strong brewed #coffee to wake up the senses. :)

I agree that emotion rouses people towards engagement, which is my whole point. Hive(.Blog) could really use an emotional marketing message at it's core. This is branding and PR 101.

I take it as high praise if my post can spark someone to move to the laptop after a long night of binging on Netflix, lol. :)

Thank you for seeing the value of what I've offered here, I really appreciate it.

Those who know... know...

I'm picking up on that from the comments section on my post, haha.

Thanks for the luv and pizza, and enjoy your coffee! 🙏

I didn't read the comments this morning but am now browsing through some. Having this huge amount of attention via the comments section kinda validates the value of the post. Quite an entertaining comments section!

To add my two cents in, there are vastly different approaches one can take to marketing Hive, and all of this is valid of course, but marketing the front-end (video, blog, or games) to consumers is the most superior path to take, in my opinion. Why? Because we want mass adoption. Because we want a mind-blowing increase of active users. Because this is the most efficient way to do it. Targeting the biggest demographic isn't a bad idea.

Of course, like in life, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We can debate, discuss, argue, and exchange ideas on the best way to market Hive and the merits/demerits of each approach but none of it matters if we don't get to test it out in the real world. A song, movie, or book will only become a hit once the consumers decide to make it so. With the power of their choice, which is quantifiable.

So, if the "Eminem" of the Self-Help World will kindly release a Hive Marketing album, we can let the consumers decide if it's a hero or a zero. We already know that @ryzeonline has the chops to do it. Let the people outside of Hive decide if this really is The Best Hive Marketing EVER.


This will just bring trolls and spammers mostly. Clearly ur right ntentions herw are good and make sense. But in practice this will bring spammers more then anything. I really hope this isn’t happening coming forward

Thanks for commenting and sharing your perspective.

I addressed your concerns in many of the comments, if you're interested. :) 🙏

I checked out a bunch 👍
You clearly are on team Hive and want what’s best here.

I believe I am, lol, and thank you for saying so! Wishing you a great day! 🙏

we obviously need this; there might be some disagreement, but without visibility we ain't gonna be flying. So how do we get this rolling? Have you thought about making a proposal?

Thanks for saying this @tobetada , I appreciate it. As I said in my post, there's always a vocal minority of haters who can't see the bigger picture, but it's hard to argue with "Hive needs visibility", right? :)

As for getting it rolling, I love you asking about this. It seems like a clear next step.

That said, I'm a consultant, a teacher, an advisor. I closed my web design company a long time ago. I know my 'place' and what I love to do, which means I'm likely not a fit for dealing with all the 'politics' of proposals and getting things implemented.

I'd love to name someone I believe is up to launching this brand direction. I imagine there are plenty of people on Hive who could take the mockup I've made, whip up the CSS and HTML with some mobile-responsive breakpoints into a decent live webpage. Unfortunately no name is immediately springing to mind. I'll keep an eye out though, and if you have any ideas, I'm all ears. Thanks for the great comment! 🙏

Great to have you here on Hive :) We need this kind of energy here, it gets things moving

Great to be here (and I imagine it'll continue to be :D)

Thank you! I love fast, smooth-flowing energy that gets things moving. 🙏

I will check it out and see what I can learn about it. I can tell you that I haven't been writing here with the idea of turning it into a job. I use it as an outlet for mind worms that won't be silenced until I write them.

However, there is merit to trying to help HIVE out as a whole. If I can internalize and use some of these techniques and help out HIVE then that is worth investigating.

If I was trying to treat this as a job, career, etc. then I'd certainly want to market myself better and more. I'd also likely make videos and such.

The things I am interested in seem to be all over the place. I can't predict what is likely to inspire me. There are some areas that I definitely lean heavier towards and am more likely to talk about but, I can't really predict when that mind worm is going to start winding around in my head about some topic/thought.

I appreciate your work though and will look it over a couple of times and give it some time to sit in my mind.

All good, good sir. Do whatever suits you of course. :)

The point of this post isn't that anyone should turn Hive into their job, it's a post about marketing Hive in an effective way that actually makes an impact in the market. There are many ways to do this, and I have illustrated one of them. I hope that makes sense :)

I love that you are inspired from so many places, and I encourage you always to do whatever feels best to you. I appreciate your comment and input here, thanks again! 🙏

There are disadvantages to being interested in things all over the place. You can't really market yourself as one thing or even a couple of things without closing the door on other things. Well you can but, it doesn't seem to be very effective. For awhile I made different accounts to break up some of my interests. That didn't work out too well. That is why since I have returned to writing I have not resurrected any of my other accounts.

Indeed, there are pros and cons to most everything. :)

I encourage everyone to explore, experiment, and find what works best for them. For some that's intense focus on one subject, for others it's a wide variety of things. For others somewhere inbetween.

I did try to do a more format focused and news aggregation thing years ago on steemit. I did it under my @newsagg account.

I did a daily news aggregation and I tried to provide left, right, center, and steemit sections so that you could get a lot of the headlines from the day from different points of view.

I had a template I used and it was formatted with some more work in it. I also used a lot of Ben Garrison art in the title images with the permission of his wife and him.

Here is the last post I did in that format:

EDIT: I had a template so I could do one of these in 1 to 2 hours daily. I was doing it because I already would be looking at many news sites daily to do what I kind of described as trying to triangulate the truth. Since I was doing already I thought I might as well turn it into a post. Yet making those posts daily took a lot of time and when I made $0.44 off of them it eventually became not worth that extra time it took me to make them. I'd spend 30-40 minutes looking at news as opposed to the 1 to 2 hours.

That's a very cool idea! "News from many views!" It'd be cool to get perspectives from left, center, and right. Very bright of you to have a template to speed up creation.

If something doesn't feel worth it to you, it makes sense to move on to something that does. 🙏

It also was a "soul suck" to produce that. I identified through more than a year of doing that every day some sites I was ONLY going to so I could present all views. I came to truly despise and but I still visited them and read their articles each day.

When I stopped the aggregation I stopped visiting those two sites. That doesn't mean I don't still look at left leaning sites, just not those two. Also in the year+ of doing that I can assure you that the legacy media is very heavily weighted left. Since I still pay attention to legacy media some I am still getting hammered by it from there.

I did try not to be biased on those posts, but I am human so of course I failed sometimes.

I know some people liked the posts. The account did okay but it was not popular enough to justify the amount of time it required.

I respect the effort you put into it, and I'm also glad you stopped doing something that was a "soul suck."

I tend to have a knack for spotting biases, so I do my best to navigate what's out there as best I can, but like yourself, I'm human and fail from time to time. :)

I was pretty good at it but when you do it every day of the week and you see it day after day we all have bad days. It definitely could be tough to stomach some days on top of whatever life was throwing my way for the day.

It was valuable. I kind of hoped someone would pick up where I left off as being able to go one place that aggregated some of the top topics from different perspectives to me was valuable and could potentially save people a lot of time.

Yeah, I could see that happening, kudos to you for wading through it in order to create value for others. I believe tries to do something similar?

Interesting... I wonder when they came into existence.

Hi. Precisely these days I have spoken with @eddiespino There are going to be a conference on art, NFTs and blockchain. Hive is going to be present through @eddiespino and other people who will participate live. Those days a Twitter campaign is being prepared to try to become a TT. If you want more information, I can tell you

That is very interesting, @gicartalacant , I appreciate it! I'd love to know more about this conference on art, NFTs, and blockchain. Thank you! 🙏

Es muy interesante, @gicartalacant , ¡te lo agradezco! Me encantaría saber más sobre esta conferencia sobre arte, NFTs y blockchain. ¡Gracias! 🙏

There are two days of two hours each. They are scheduled for mid-July. I asked Eddie for help because he speaks Spanish. They have not yet been officially presented. There will be a press conference and guests in person and virtually. It will also be communicated through Hive. I think it would be a good idea to join forces. If you give me an email or a more discreet form of communication, I can give you more details. Do you speak Spanish?

Son dos jornadas de dos horas cada una. Están previstas para mediados de julio. Pedí ayuda a Eddie porque habla español. Aún no han sido presentadas oficialmente. Habrá una rueda de prensa e invitados de forma presencial y virtual. Se comunicará también a través de Hive. Creo que sería una buena idea unir fuerzas. Si me das un correo o una forma de comunicación más discreta, puedo darte más detalles. Hablas español?

Two days for mid-July, sounds really interesting. I don't speak Spanish but Eddie is great at it, and helped proof-read the Spanish translation of my Beginner's Guide To Hive. He also got me collaborating on a project for SPK. Great guy. :)

My partner @cynshineonline handles all email and conference related-issues, perhaps you'd like to coordinate something with her? (She speaks Spanish if that matters.) 🙏

Dos días para mediados de julio, suena muy interesante. No hablo español, pero Eddie es muy bueno, y ayudó a corregir la traducción al español de mi Guía para principiantes de Hive. También me hizo colaborar en un proyecto para SPK. Un gran tipo :)

Mi compañera @cynshineonline se encarga de todos los asuntos relacionados con el correo electrónico y las conferencias, ¿quizás quieras coordinar algo con ella? (Ella habla español si eso importa.) 🙏

Thanks @ryzeonline and yes omg @eddiespino has been soooo cool and so helpful.

@gicartalacant you can email me at [email protected] and we can talk and coordinate ❤️

Gracias @ryzeonline y sí omg @eddiespino ha sido taaaan genial y tan útil.

@gicartalacant puedes mandarme un email a [email protected] y podemos hablar y coordinar ❤️

Hi. Good morning, from Spain. I'll sen a email with more information. Thank you 🙏.

Genial. Y puedes escribirme en español si lo prefieres

Posted using Dapplr

Thanks 😊 I'll contact her


you are surely a man of many skills. Hive is unique mostly because you can earn from what you do regularly on a custom website. This uniqueness is the selling point of Hive to attract a lot of users.

I have invited a lot of users on Hive. Infact, almost a 100 people, while I got about 30+ people onboarded on Hive the first month I started marketing Hive but the issh (issue) is, Hive is a complex area, many would give up on their few days of coming in. When people come in, the come in mainly for the purpose of earning alone and leave almost immediately if they don't get what they want since it is their sole purpose of joining.

With the number of people I onboarded on Hive, only very little number of people stayed active while others left and that reason is because I was focused at marketing and onboarding. Following up with the newbies, advising them, and supporting them was something I could not do, most especially when I am a student myself.

So, I noticed more people leave Hive because they don't really get the motivation to keep going then I felt my efforts was wasted moreover, I focused on onboarding and could not even maintain consistency posting and engaging as marketing is time taking. So I decided to change my approach towards supporting the blockchain: I focused on building my account, and supporting newbies who just come in to Hive so they would not give up in their few days of joining (especially my country men). So, I came up with the Newbies Initiative which I started running last year September and has now grown to get support from @aliento @theycallmedan, to help the newbies and guide them on their first month on Hive. @eddiespino has been a big help for me on this initiative, if not, I would have dropped it as I am very much busy than ever in school and only get about an hour, sometimes more to spend on the blockchain before leaving.

You should check out @newbies-hive to know more about the initiative. We just created the account as a general account to run the initiative instead of doing it from our personal accounts.

Anyways, the fact that Hive pays really draws down a lot of attention and audience but people would begin to leave when they don't get what they want. Moreover, Hive has a very few whales, less than 25 I think while there are hundred of thousands of accounts on Hive. Definitely, the marketing would bring more investors into the platform and even help a lot of people in a country like mine (Nigeria) if we have a whale from our country too.

Great designs and point made. Thanks for tagging me, I appreciate it. Sorry for the little bit of story in the comment as well.

Thank you good sir!

I agree, that uniqueness is the selling point.

And I congratulate you and applaud you on your amazing Hive-Onboarding efforts! Wow, 100 people invited, with 30+ onboarded in the first month, is fantastic.

Yes, I've done my best to solve Hive's complexity by writing my giant Beginner's Guide To Hive, and just today @cynshineonline translated it into Spanish.

People leaving is 100% fine. Many people on Hive act like people getting annoyed and leaving is the end of the world.

It's not. It's called 'attrition rate', and it's fine to have a high one. The main thing is are we gaining enough to make the losses worth it? And with Hive sitting at 200,000+ active users, I'd say the answer is yes. And I bet we'd gain even more with my approach to branding.

So I decided to change my approach towards supporting the blockchain: I focused on building my account, and supporting newbies who just come in to Hive so they would not give up in their few days of joining (especially my country men).

I respect it. And if this is getting better results and creating a better, more enjoyable life for you, I totally encourage it.

The Newbies Initiative sounds awesome, I'll check it out! I love how active you are even with school and I appreciate you taking the time to share your story and input here. 🙏

And with Hive sitting at 200,000+ active users, I'd say the answer is yes.

Where are you getting these numbers? Hive doesn't even have 50k monthly active users.

It did in 2017, when the messaging was about money ;)

It was still the same messaging in 2018 and 2019.


Totally agree with this. As is often heard, there's no such thing as bad publicity, and that's exactly because of the reasons you mentioned. Would love to see this approach tried out!

Haha, yes a common phrase that probably has a place in this discussion, lol. :)

To have it tried, others are free
And some commenters disagree
I guess that we will get to see...
eventually :D 🙏

@ryzeonline as one of the 2017th Generation of Hive/Steem user, have seen so many discussion about marketing. But this time we added more and more quality content creators like you sir, thus creating, a more fertile ground of discussion. I believe that discussion for "improved marketing strategies, and funding" should be pushed from all sides. It is true that many got irritated or hurt in feeling when, fellow users contradict the other, this is very much a sign of quality engagements. And this time, as I continue posting my simple life on Hive, I see huge improvements on content and very stable payouts to those who really persevere.

From your point of view, I also agree(and support, since it is also the words I am using to invite my friends)) to the strategy, that let us push for "earning from content", plain and simple. yes, there will be many dissapointed users but, still many will try to discover and make creative approach to let this blockchain works for them.

I have been onboarding new users since the start of my account, and yes, its hard for them to stick on the platform. Even up to this day, I am still trying to look for a new recruit that would be better and more passionate and skillful than me.

Hive as a dying platform, is still very far from the future. BUT the community and its funding facility can device multiple promotional, marketing projects anytime starting now. and it is proven that majority supports it.

I suggest @ryzeonline that you keep this idea pushed to the community, and soon, out of the vast ocean of Hive, there will some pickup of this idea and put into action.

All content and ideas by users on Hive is not wasted. It is an evolving value soon to be realized. It will just took many implementations and tweakings (and HF's) and ofcourse more and more marketing projects.

** The stream of comments from this post is a evidence that we are ready for this. Let us take small steps every minute, then... after 360 days, take another small steps forward,ALWAYS.

My hive experience has been great i mean im not best nor worst paid, but I appreciate hive not for what ive earned but the ideas i've come up with using blockchain. the thing now is growth, actually a lot of people dont see the opportunities right now with hive, i plan to drop the next level of hiphop on this ecosystem im willing to invest in hive with a dream of a lifetime i believe it can change the system as well as social media

Thanks for sharing! I agree there's lots to appreciate about the blockchain. (This post is mainly focused on Hive.Blog and the social aspects of Hive, because that is what appeals to consumers.)

Looking forward to your hiphop bro, please tag me on your next release, love to hear it. 🙏

most def bro looking to get beatzchain started asap i got a coming coming here soon


by the way when i looked into your post and other comments I've noticed something that i haven't too much seen that i believe, even though some people dont get too much with rewards one thing i wish hive would do for their sake is be more simple for new comers it seems if we could be more easy and still be secured it would be a huge leap for our milestone! you seem like a good business man i myself have plans for hive, i want to bring a product that can be lucrative for musicians from the rewards and creating equity for them being an asset... So I've chose Hive to bring these ideas to life, it'll take an investment but there's plenty of that with anything people to do to run business.

I totally agree. I hugely wish Hive was simpler, easier, and clearer. It's actually nuts how complicated it is. That's why I wrote my Hive Beginner's Guide, to help simplify it.

you seem like a good business man

Thank you! I love business, I've run many businesses, I've helped build a business empire to 3,000,000 subscribers (Evan Carmichael), and I wrote a guide called 'Business Is Simple.' So it's really nice when someone recognizes my passion, talent, and experience for it.

i want to bring a product that can be lucrative for musicians from the rewards and creating equity for them being an asset...

I love it, wishing you huge success with it, and it sounds like you're willing to invest your time/energy/passion into it. Respect. 🙏

I appreciate love to work with talented well minded people here

Not a single one of Hive's 200,000+ 'active users' has demonstrated a high degree of skill, experience, or wisdom in these.

This is probably the result of the bad marketing (money earning) of Steemit.

If people aren't talking about you, they're burying you in the other messages out there, and you're invisible.

Honestly? This is what most of the people are experiencing on the Hive blockchain nowadays.
Because almost everyone is focusing on content creating, not content consuming.

Do we want Hive to be invisible?

Because right now, it might as well be.

It literally is. With most of the posts on it. The average number of comments per post is 2-3, and most of those comments are bot comments. This place is like a ghost town. This place looks abandoned from the outside perspective.

Hive has enough content-creators, devs, and investors hanging around.

This is absolutely true. I would even say that there are too much content creators. We need much more content consumers.

And as an example, this post you're reading is controversial & polarizing to some degree already.

Divide and conquer.

OK, that wraps it up. Thanks for reading, I appreciate you.

Let us say "peace out". This phrase is also controversial (some people say that this is "a rude way of saying "goodbye").

Thanks for taking the time to reply with quotes, I'll aim to do similar:

This is probably the result of the bad marketing (money earning) of Steemit.

'Probably' is not a recommended way of assessing past failures, but if Hive wants quality branding/marketing people, there is a way to achieve that, and rewarding them financially for their valuable skills is definitely a solid, time-tested approach.

Honestly? This is what most of the people are experiencing on the Hive blockchain nowadays. Because almost everyone is focusing on content creating, not content consuming.

I agree with you. And what I've proposed here is by far the juiciest, most appealing, most effective consumer-targeted campaign to date, if you've seen materials more likely to grow Hive's consumer-base, I'd love to see it.

The average number of comments per post is 2-3, and most of those comments are bot comments.

Based on this, I clearly know something about visibility, this post got 204 comments in a single day. And I've only been on Hive for 2 months, with other posts performing similarly, even when I only had 24 followers... Perhaps all of us should listen to the obvious visibility expert? ;) 🙏

This is absolutely true. I would even say that there are too much content creators. We need much more content consumers.

I'm glad we agree! My campaign is aimed towards solving this issue.

Divide and conquer.

In a manner of speaking, yes.

Let us say "peace out". This phrase is also controversial (some people say that this is "a rude way of saying "goodbye").

Heh, yes, peace out indeed, and I think it's a fine way to say goodbye, thank you! 🙏

Get paid for hitting that like button!

Was one of the nonames sentance ....

Closer :)

It's a great sentence :) 🙏

Fucken this shit right here is gold.

You got my vote. Not much but you got my vote.


Thanks so much @akumagai , every vote counts, and I really appreciate it! Wishing you a great day (and great gif, lol) 🙏

ummm where's the proposal link

lol, a few people have suggested I make a proposal, but I'm a teacher / advisor / consultant, not really a 'proposal' kind of guy, gotta stay in my lane lol :) 👍😀🙏

Great post and great designs! I am just a new user who joined after Steemit went south.
I think the real value, rather than paying users, is paying content creators like you ~
The internet now is riddled with ads, hidden marketing and sales pitches disguised as content:

  • social media posts constantly trying to sell something (brands or individuals)
  • ads embedded in mentioned social media (more "trying to sell something")
  • blog posts that try to sell affiliate material (so the user always wonders if this content is genuine or a clever ploy)

There is nothing wrong with creators trying to earn, people need money to live after all.
But the saturation of ads and sales pitches is slowly killing online content. Content consumers are fatigued by the barrage of ads (pop ups or built in the content) and creators are burned out by having to shill real hard to get by (which ultimately enriches the sales platform and not even the creator).

So Hive is kind of like... Patreon/Ko-Fi but subsidized by all consumers rather than placing the burden on paying subscribers or buyers. So people can get the quality that is normally locked behind a paywall for free, ad free.

The other pro vs existing platforms is the pay to curate model - Hive seems to have less junk content compared to Facebook, insta or other web2/web3 socials I have seen so far.

To sum up Hive:

  • support content creators
  • support to curate said content

And the end result is a platform that has high quality, original content that is accessible and free for everyone, yay!
Take this with a pinch of salt because I only joined recently, but Hive really feels different for some reason. Time will tell.

 3 years ago (edited) 

That's certainly one approach.

But I'm here creating valuable content, for peanuts, not because I want the money, but because I want the audience. People listen to me here. People engage with my work here. If you ask most good content creators if they do it for the money, they'll say "no, I do it for the audience."

Most good bands hates playing an empty room, but loves playing a packed stadium. Most good comedians hate playing an empty room, but would play a packed concert hall for free. Audience is far more attractive for true artists and talented content creators than money. I'd love to market to great content creators, but to do that, I'd have to tell them there was an audience of consumers here on Hive... which my campaign is aimed to get.

There is nothing wrong with creators trying to earn, people need money to live after all.
But the saturation of ads and sales pitches is slowly killing online content.

This is a good point and a great 'added benefit' Hive can tout for consumer-facing marketing. I'd happily add a section about this to the page, great idea.

Patreon/Ko-Fi but subsidized by all consumers rather than placing the burden on paying subscribers or buyers.

Another good point, and an interesting take, if I was marketinig to content-creators, which I'm not at the moment, because the majority of Hive's users are already content-creators.

The other pro vs existing platforms is the pay to curate model

This is what consumers do. They curate what they like. And Hive is the main platform that rewards this behavior, the rest of social media just turns consumers into product, letting them curate for free while stealing their data.

Take this with a pinch of salt because I only joined recently, but Hive really feels different for some reason. Time will tell.

All good, you had some wonderful ideas that I would appply if I felt Hive would be served by being more creator-focused at this time. :) Thanks again! 🙏

Well, you can write and you have ideas.

But I think more content creators and more audience does not solve this problem at all.

Better content creators solves the real problem.

Hive has a lot of content creators. Even more than content consumers I would say. There are many people here who never reads or interacts with other's content. Just post their cotent and forget about it.

If there are better content creators, who engage more audience, more and more people will come.

Only advertising it to more people won't solve the problem. Be that on the basis of decentralized platform, censorship resistant or social that pays.

Anyways, that's my point of view. Instead of advertising to masses about a new crypt platform, it would be better to pitch it small successfull content creators to join hive and create hive exclusive content.

And then pitch investors to invest more on this idea.


Marketing risks attracting abusive users, but without it we are not getting the good ones either. We have ways to encourage good behaviour and to deal with abuse. I think it's best to just get people signed up, but for now hardly anyone has even heard of Hive.

I get that many people will not make much, but it may be better than the big, fat nothing they get elsewhere. The freedom aspect will matter to some, but most accept that their data will be exploited by the big platforms.

We need to find the aspects of Hive that will attract more people. For me having something without ads that can still pay me something is great and I am a fan of open source. I am actually amazed that we have not picked up more of the open source community who are often using closed source platforms to socialise. Part of it is going where your crowd is already. Starting a community somewhere else can be hard.

Content creators also go where their fans are. Hive has the advantage that fans can earn too. I know efforts are ongoing to bring some 'influencers' on board. If even a fraction of their fans come across it will make a big difference. We only have a few thousand active users for now.



Hey @ryzeonline, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.


Wow so much good in this piece

Thank you for your kind words! 👍😀🙏

You sound like a bit of a dick once or twice in this article but I can suck it up (oh man, that pun was totally unintended, and interesting), and admit that not only are you right, but you are pretty good at this. I'm not saying the people arguing with you are entirely wrong, but we have far too much of THAT perspective and not enough perspectives like yours (few who have actual talent anyway). And so, yeah, I'm with you. At least right now when our numbers have been stuck for a year.

Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your input. :)

You sound like a bit of a dick once or twice in this article but I can suck it up (oh man, that pun was totally unintended, and interesting),

I just speak my truth and offer what value I can. Many people in the comments loved how I spoke. Regardless, you're welcome to label my communication in whatever makes you happiest. Epic pun, btw. ;)

and admit that not only are you right, but you are pretty good at this.

Thank you!

I'm not saying the people arguing with you are entirely wrong,

Yep, some of them have valid points, others can't see the forest for the trees, and a few missed the point almost entirely. :) It's all good. I addressed most of the relevant arguments in the comments, (literally wrote pages of text to clarify things for objectors), but I'm at peace with people not coming around to my view.

but we have far too much of THAT perspective and not enough perspectives like yours (few who have actual talent anyway). And so, yeah, I'm with you. At least right now when our numbers have been stuck for a year.

I feel similarly here, and I appreciate you saying so. Thanks again and wishing you a great day! 🙏

Glad you didn't take the dick comment personal. It was just about a few lines, but I understand you are going for maximum impact. I generally find that kind of approach overly aggressive, unpleasant or fake at times, but it works, and so far nothing else has, so....

I totally agree that there is way too much stress put on censorship resistance. We don't want to appeal solely to those who are deplatformed.

I understand what you are doing and I respect it, particularly because most people with your opinion and skillset haven't stuck around long enough, or done a good enough job at making their point. I do wish you'd focus on community as much as money, just to get people coming here with a better attitude than "YAY FREE MONEY", though money is the ultimate icing on the cake.

This community has been through a lot. We have had our system tested by scammers and spammers and we are better for it but in the process we lost 90% of our user base in 2018 due to the scams that dominated the platform for half a year (bidbots etc.), and then we were smashed again when our reputation for "FREE MONEY!" attracted the king of scammers to come and dominate the network with his endless resources. These challenges allowed us to improve, but demolished our momentum. We do not want to make the same mistakes again.

Thanks for this article.

Heh, yeah it's all good, really was an epic pun, tbh, and I can understand people preferring different communication styles. A lot of people didn't like Eminem's aggressive raps, but like you said, it works.

I totally agree that there is way too much stress put on censorship resistance. We don't want to appeal solely to those who are deplatformed.

Agreed. Especially when targeted consumers. If targeting the deplatformed, then sure, lead with free speech or w/e. :)

I understand what you are doing and I respect it, particularly because most people with your opinion and skillset haven't stuck around long enough, or done a good enough job at making their point.

Thanks I appreciate it, and you've touched on the main point of my post. Which was to wake people up to truly effective marketing, and highlight that the marketing that's been done in the last 5 years is... more like 'pretend marketing' or 'play-marketing.'

I do wish you'd focus on community as much as money, just to get people coming here with a better attitude than "YAY FREE MONEY", though money is the ultimate icing on the cake.

That's a totally reasonable desire, I respect it, but you're the first one to state it reasonably, respectfully, and gently.

Like, picture it from my perspecetive... I've been here 2 months, and made about 2 posts on Hive marketing, so I'm not sure a 'focus' can even be declared yet, lol. If I eat pizza twice in a month, am I 'focused' on pizza? lol, maybe if people didn't jump all over my ideas, asked nicely, and gave me some time I'd contribute other marketing proposals or brand direction. lol.

This community has been through a lot. We have had our system tested by scammers and spammers and we are better for it but in the process we lost 90% of our user base in 2018 due to the scams that dominated the platform for half a year (bidbots etc.), and then we were smashed again when our reputation for "FREE MONEY!" attracted the king of scammers to come and dominate the network with his endless resources. These challenges allowed us to improve, but demolished our momentum. We do not want to make the same mistakes again.

This is exactly why it should be 'done again', the way something succeeds isn't by giving up on Hive's biggest USP, it's by using it boldly, failing, learning, improving, getting back on the horse, and doing it better next time.

So many people here hate 'weak hands', but they get burned in their marketing efforts once or twice and suddenly they're risk-averse forever and give up on Hive's biggest killer app to date:

Swiping-feeds as a money-making opportunity that basically never existed before. World first.

Anyway, sounds like we're on mostly the same page, and I appreciate your insight and perspectives, thanks for sharing here, and wishing you a great day. 🙏

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Thanks as always! 👍😀🙏

You're welcome @ryzeonline, thank to you for your great motivation 😊👍

I feel the same way about you! 😁🙌🙏

I found this article useful, I will give it a try the concept discussed here. I am aware that most Hive users are not earning on their first posts but thanks for bringing that Youtube also is failing to make its profit to their users as well. I knew one of my friend who are posting on Youtube for more than a year just to be earning less than $100.

I guess we are one of the most active Hive promoter on Twitter and we manage a small community together with @threespeak @theycallmedan @eddiespino that uses and promotes the tags #HiveFixesThis in our tweets and manage an account that reports our Hive activity on Twitter posted on this account @hive-data. I discover this article enjoyable experience, let us see where it can bring us together 😉

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, @hiro-hive !

I'm glad you found some value in my article, and that you feel it may be worth a try.

I am aware that most Hive users are not earning on their first posts but thanks for bringing that Youtube also is failing to make its profit to their users as well.

Thank you for understanding this!

I guess we are one of the most active Hive promoter on Twitter

Wonderful! I love that! That's a very valuable thing for Hive. And I like the #HiveFixesThis tag. :)

I discover this article enjoyable experience, let us see where it can bring us together 😉

Yes, looks like you're experimenting with it already, wishing you lots of success and a great day! 🙏

I will read this post in this weekend, and I will say what I understand about it.

Looking forward to it! 👍😀🙏

100% agree.

I only joined hive in 2017 when I saw you could get paid just to post and comment. I thought it was really cool and then I stayed for the other apps and the vision. But initially earning is what got me interested.

I'm glad you agree, and thanks for sharing your story! I believe your story is common to many others, because consumers can recognize value.

Consumers can tell that Netflix is more rewarding to use than CableTV. People can tell that driving for Uber is more rewarding than letting their car sit in the driveway. And people can tell it's better to click 'like' & comment on Hive, where they're rewarded in small amounts of crypto, than it is on Facebook, where they click 'like' and are rewarded with nothing. 🙏

This is how we should be marketing, and I for one would support the shit out of this being the uniform strategy and landing page for HIVE.

Fact is, most average-Joe's don't give a fuck about censorship, blockchains, or any of the other shit we circle-jerk and pat ourselves on the back over.

And make no mistake, it's the adoption of average Joe's that will make this a long-term success. There's only so much market share we can gain humping the dead horse that is the usual shit we are out there with.

This is the way, and we should do it.

Fact is, most average-Joe's don't give a fuck about censorship, blockchains, or any of the other shit we circle-jerk and pat ourselves on the back over.

so true it hurts.

Sad but definitely the truth

I 1000% agree with every word of this comment! ❤️

Thank you so much @oblivioncubed , it's so refreshing to talk to someone who 'gets it.'

Fact is, most average-Joe's don't give a fuck about censorship, blockchains, or any of the other shit we circle-jerk and pat ourselves on the back over.


I appreciate you taking the time to show some support. Wishing you a great day! 🙏

You're speaking words that have been on my mind for a long time, and I know when to throw my chips in behind someone who knows more about a topic than I do.

I truly hope this gets the traction it deserves.

Much appreciated, bro, truly. And hopefully others are able to see what we see, and we all amp up the growth of this beautiful platform substantially. 🙏

This is how we should be marketing, and I for one would support the shit out of this being the uniform strategy and landing page for HIVE.

Advertise the platform with the money earning opportunity? A good way to doom it.

It's survived it twice before, and it's one of the bigger differences setting us apart.

Blogs are a dime a dozen, decentralization is something only folks who are saying shit that could get them deplatformed care about, being a blockchain is a super niche interest... What else do we have to reach out to the general masses?

If you have something better, by all means... If you don't though, I seriously doubt this would "doom us".

If earning wasn't at least a consideration half or more of us wouldn't be here. For damn sure we would have a lot fewer whales. So let's stop pretending we are all just super jazzed to be part of a decentralized community of bloggers and face the truth that this gives us a chance to earn from what we would otherwise be doing for free or not doing at all.

Community is fantastic, don't get me wrong, and I'm personally a big fan of the technology and the innovative ways we are using and improving the chain, but those aren't going to be great selling points for adoption.

Fact is we are too hard to get into and get started for those kinds of easy wins. We need to provide people a tangible REAL reason to learn enough about hive to make it worth joining, and I don't see a better suggestion than this.

What else do we have to reach out to the general masses?

Many more than just the blogging side actually. And we could have even more. There are already many dApps and games on the Hive blockchain. For example Splinterlands. Splinterlands even has an Android app, and it is also playable in a browser. The marketing should focus on content consumers, and the money earning opportunity should be secondary.

Splinterlands is a singular success story. Not one of our other games have had anywhere near the success of that one, and hoping we can hit that magic again isnt a marketing strategy.

I do 100% get what you're saying and I'm on side with the theory of it, but most of what is currently out there or is in known development isn't going to be an onboarding success story, which means that we are relying on a passive drip of people joining, and that's a war of attrition that sooner or later we lose, imo.

I appreciate your perspective, I just see it differently. Maybe there's some way we can leverage both sides.

We need more good projects before marketing.
Advertising the platform with the money earning opportunity may backfire, because most people will be disappointed by the low earnings, if any. A lot of people do not earn anything with their posts, because their posts do not even reach the payout threshold ($0.02).

@oblivioncubed has addressed things nicely I believe, but I'll add this:

We have the 'good project' already.

A project that blows FB, Twitter, and Instagram out of the water.

Hive.Blog, a social platform where you literally earn crypto for swiping and liking.

It's a marketer's dream. How could you NOT market this?

From my other comment:

Fiverr markets itself as a way to make money, but most people fail on Fiverr. Fiverr still grows. Uber markets itself as a way to make money just by driving around, but most drivers fail on Uber. Uber still grows. YouTube markets itself as a place to earn money for posting video content. Most YouTubers fail. YouTube still grows. Hive(.Blog) can, and should, do the exact same thing.

But I'm happy to agree to disagree, no skin off my back either way. Thanks again for all your input, wishing you a great day. 🙏

Exactly! It’s been done elsewhere and proven a epic failure option

It failed due to the execution and skill of the pilots, not the message or marketing approach.

But it's all good, you're welcome to your opinion, and I to mine, and I'm happy to agree to disagree. Wishing you a great day. 🙏

That comment was from before we talked.
But I agree👍

Ur good people 🤟

lol, oops, apologies, thanks for clarifying. :)

And so are you! Wishing you a wonderful day! 😀🙏

Good points 👍


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