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RE: The Best Hive Marketing EVER (By A Guy Who Hates Marketing)

I think the fear of this approach is that it is very similar to the approach that was taken in the early and middle days of Steemit. It drew in huge amounts of users, each and every one determined to rip the arse out of the platform (ok not all but there were a lot.) Quality (ever subjective of course) was perceived to have gone out the window and people posted endless parades of shit to get what they were entitled to, what they had been promised, the rewards for using the platform.

Some were good at it and indeed ripped as much as they could before being rumbled for whatever scheme they were invariably involved in.

Others not so good, they rage-quit at what they saw as a scam. All these users on trending earning megabucks and I earn pennies. Its a scam!! etc.

It is a tricky one and I believe there is merit in promoting the earning aspect. But the bad happened and it colours perceptions of what such an approach could look like. Perhaps there lies the background to the negative commenters who reacted before. To quote that star gazing twit Carl Sagan You have to know the past to understand the present.

So it is a tricky one.

I like your mockup and have decided not to downvote you... ;OD


Yep, you raise totally valid points (ones I expected, tbh). And I totally understand the perspective and feelings on the matter that you've pointed out. All I can say is: Failing an approach once rarely means the approach is bad.

And avoiding the time-tested approach of a killer, buzzworthy USP out of fear of scammers is never a winning proposition.

In fact, because all of what you outlined happened in the past, Hive was spurred to implement a lot of anti-abuse features. Hive got better because of the experience. And hopefully now is in a better place to onboard the masses. But if not, the process can repeat: 1. Market well, 2. Get an influx of ppl, 3. Abusers find vulnerabilities in the system, 4. Devs patch it...

...voila, even better Hive, now with more users.

A more easily digestible example may be this: Plenty of Uber drivers complain that they "dont make money", and that "Uber is a scam" but that doesn't stop Uber from growing through bold messaging.

There will always be a vocal minority whining about how a platform is a scam. Hive can either make peace with that and grow, or fear & resist it, as Hive dies a slow death.

These are the only options. Grow or die. :)

Anyway, you rock, I appreciate your input, and thanks for taking the time to comment. Definitely food for thought here. 🙏

(And lmao, you're too kind regarding the dv, good sir. 🤣)

I think that is a very good point that there are now more ways to combat said abuse and perhaps we are better placed both as a platform and a community now compared to then.

I do agree with you on this approach. Grow or die. Would we rather dress as a chicken and be set alight knowing that our final moments were hot, smoky, golden-feathered glory or smoulder feebly in the dark before eventually winking out.

I know which one I would choose.


Yes! Seconded! This is how to really understand the past, not by writing off that approach, but by learning, improving, and tackling it again, better prepared! Glad you're feeling it.

Would we rather dress as a chicken and be set alight knowing that our final moments were hot, smoky, golden-feathered glory or smoulder feebly in the dark before eventually winking out.

Man, I always love the 'crunchy' imagery in your writing. So good. I'ma have to try my hand at it some day, probably won't out-do the master, but it'd be a fun gig. :) 🤣 🙏

Lol. Yes you should give it a bash, its much fun!

It's on the list. :) 👍😀🙏

Carl Sagan's like so0Ooo before Twitter.

He would have loved it. He was made for the Twits!