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RE: The Best Hive Marketing EVER (By A Guy Who Hates Marketing)

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago (edited)

Nice imagery. They lay out is certainly along the lines we need.

However, this community has only ever marketed itself with one message. Post earn. There has never been a different marketing model. Not for 5 damn years. I can’t support more of it. It’s entirely the wrong message. It’s been tried. Constantly tried literally for years, It is the wrong message entirely. If ur here just to earn, ur not here for the right reasons. It’s highly frustrating to watch as all these centralised platforms sit here and take ‘censorship resistant’ market share away from us (and hundreds of thousands of users as well) and at the same time, none of them are decentralised or censorship resistant. The numbers on these alt platforms speak for themselves. Telegrams recent user explosion should have been ours, but we have never once, not for one single day in five years focused on censorship resistance or true account ownership. Not even once. That ship (as well as the tried and tested (and still struggling ‘post blog earn’ messaging that we are still plagued with as a community have pretty well sailed.

I would like to see us spend one day just one day trying to communicate true account ownership and censorship resistance to the ppl on telegram who are now being censored there too.

This is so powerful that we can literally restart the debates that have long been censored or cancelled in the west and are as a result leading ppl with no option but towards civil war.

As far as I can see hive is literally the only remedy on the planet to this polarisation of society.

Great imagery. Wrong message imho (which has been constantly tried for 5 years now). Against which I have advocated for at least 4 of those years. Please move us away from blog post earn. It died 4 years ago.

Thanks for ur contribution. It’s pretty fucking awesome. But I don’t think u are aware that this messaging has really been tried to death already

 3 years ago (edited) 

Sounds good man, I appreciate your perspective.

It's not the messaging that failed in the past 5 years, it's the execution of it.

But you're definitely entitled to your opinion, beliefs, and approach. When it comes down to it, two human being's mastery of a subject are never equal. One of us knows more about branding, messaging, and marketing. The other doesn't. One of us could execute the growth of Hive better. One would do worse. Judging by your comment, you believe the former is you. So be it. :)

But I'm open to whatever 'the community' wants. If you think your branding approach is better, go for it man, but others may disagree with you:


Thanks for your input and wishing you a great day man. :) 🙏

Can u explain the explosion of telegram sign ups in the last 6 months? This is proof that ppl do care about censorship resistance and we should have been positioned to funnel those users to hive. Instead we continued for 4 years with post blog earn. So those users never came here (yet). I don’t believe anything about myself. I’m just giving u the last 5 years of being here. When ppl don’t get ‘supported’ they leave. It’s been tried by a lot of very smart ppl. U can take it or leave it. But u must consider the following:

  1. if u are going with blog post earn, how do u retain users when it is clear that they leave. Just look at 5 years of on chain data. It’s all there. How do u plan to retain them if they came for rewards and don’t get rewarded?

  2. Why did blog post earn fail for 5 years straight? What will be different about the messaging this time? And why will this produce different results?

  3. How do u prevent accusations of fake marketing and buyers remorse when u tell ppl blog post earn but u know that 95% of them will earn zero?

  4. How do u reduce the amount of shit posting / cat pictures / vote begging / circle jerking that will occur when selling hive in this way?

I’m not trying to be difficult, honestly. These are all things that will happen as a result of blog post earn. They are all things that have been happening for the last 5 years. How do we prevent these things from happening again with such a message?

Again not being difficult, these are legit questions based on actual on chain observations from years of data proving that this is what happens. If going further blog post earn or some alternative but similar messaging, need to be aware that this is the behaviour it induces in users if they come for this marketing call

 3 years ago (edited) 

It's ok if they come here and see if they post shit content then they leave. But it will also attract smart bloggers who can see the clear value. Isn't it better to get 1000 people in, let the 900 "tire kickers" and "shit posters" come in, be disappointed, and then go so they leave the 100 great content creators and people who get it? Because then those 100 great users can spread the word and bring more great users like them? People share good stuff and things they love ❤️

Another thing to bare in mind when marketing a protocol - it is not a platform. Blog post earn is a marketing slogan for a platform. This may bring in times of users if done right (retention is a different issue however).

Hives protocol allows us to market to platforms and users. U bring in one decent platform to integrate the true ownership account system here, u just added 300k users over night. Getting one platform to integrate hive allows us to skip user by user on boarding and indirectly on board users of platforms without them even really knowing they are using hive. An example of this is here

Most of these users n the comments are not interested in or do not know what hive is, but one content creator integrated the tech into his platform and boom hundreds of new sign ups. None interested in rewards, none are a retention risk as a result. They are more faithful hive users than most bloggers who come for the rewards, and the don’t even really know they are using hive

Another thing to bare in mind is that web3 is about to start trending. Or words to that affect. Blockchain is going to put the concept of web3 into the minds of normies in the same way it put DeFi there. I hope we can capture some of that market. Particularly as the hive protocol is web 3 and have been that fully functioning as such for years now and has never been marketed as such. So as these other fake web3 platforms and protocols come on line, it would be nice to be positioned to say to their users ‘hey look at hive we have been web3 for years now, we just never marketed ourselves as such’ to which most ppl will respond; “oh we thought u guys were that blogging platform which rewarded ppl in crypto” to which Many old school hivers respond; “FFS we are the first mover web 3 protocol pls stop calling us a rewards platform, we are a protocol not a platform”

The main marketing gaffe was steemit inc calling the main platform on the steem block chain steemit.

Naming was too close And every one thought steemit was Steem. They didn’t realise that there is a protocol there underneath steemit the platform and so even to this day 99% of users still think that hive is a fork of a blogging platform where u might earn some rewards some day for posting.

Ex users should know that this is a protocol upon which platforms are built, which is why this drawing is so important:

And so we did with Hive and
After reading your comments here, and all the confusion between Hive (the protocol) and (the social platform), I now truly believe we should sunset it (the website, not the blockchain 😁).

maybe a name / brand change, as a website its highly useful :)) (for simple users like me anyway ;))

Of course, we need more influencers on Hive!

And censorship on centralized platforms has provided us with a golden opportunity. Indeed, Telegram got a major boost, but so did Parler, Signal, Viber and others. Why not Hive?

Why do you think we missed the boat? Didn't we try the "censorship resistant" message? Decentralized?

Do we have any success stories?

I don’t think we have ever tried the censorship resistant account ownership route. Not ever