Very nice Ryze, oh my, what have I done!? Just the other day, because of certain blockchain bastards—I said I wouldn't wish this place on my worse enemy. And now it seems you've submitted some very high-quality marketing materials, and people are going to have to learn the hard way just how much reality-bending it takes to acclimate to HIVE. Bring it on, like flies flying on in to check out that pretty blue light! I can feel the electricity in the air!
LOL, the truth is, this place truly does double as a Telenovela when it's not just being HIVE. It's all in the approach and how you decide to look at it. Great video, btw! You're very welcome, happy to help out. Hopefully, it'll draw the right eyes. I'm also slightly hopeful that a certain small fraction of our active userbase will get cured of their antisocial personality disorders overnight. But shit, I'd settle for decent landing pages too!
~ 🙏 ~
P.S. Give it time. You'll notice that many here have a very love-hate relationship with the platform. It's coded very amorally like mother nature, and since the "code is the law," people will justify the most heinous shit just because they can. dPoS is the law of power, and that means that you can do whatever you can do with your power just because you can. The truth is, we need an intelligent solution to solve the antisocial aspect of this social media monstrosity. However, for whatever reason, the Devs can't seem to either get motivated or creative enough to solve it. Anywho, as with anywhere; The good people can make this place a pleasure to hang around, and the assholes sometimes make it hell. That said, may the buyer be aware.
Glad you're feeling it, man. And lol, yeah, I totally get the love/hate thing. I'm good at what I do (teaching), so I guess we'll if anyone learns from what I offer and implements my marketing wisdom, or if they continue on the same old way. :)
The video took quite a bit of effort to make, so I'm happy it's resonating with people. Haha, feels like a telenovela sometimes.
I'm also hoping to 'cure' some antisocial behaviors, will I succeed? Who knows, lol.
Code may be law, but laws are written by people. ;) Buyer-beware indeed. Anyway, as always, you rock, I appreciate you, and thanks again.
P.S. For further marketing/onboarding help, I've been working on my beginner-friendly crypto-glossary for over a week now, and it should help a lot of beginners... just waiting on 's proof-reading magic, but I may just post it uncorrected and let people yell at me in the comments, lol. #staytuned :) 🙏
You rock, Good Sir!
"P.S. For further marketing/onboarding help, I've been working on my beginner-friendly crypto-glossary for over a week now, and it should help a lot of beginners..."
Oh that's fantastic! I can't wait to read it, I definitely need to brush up on crypto!
~ 🙏 ~
Totally mutual!
Here it is, 100,000+ character-count so I had to break it into two parts:
Hopefully it'll help you, it may not be perfect, but I learned a lot writing it. 🙏
Wow, Ryze, this is amazing!
Quite the masterpiece!
Thanks man, I poured a lot of love into it, 'ppreciate the reblog <3 🙏