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RE: The Best Hive Marketing EVER (By A Guy Who Hates Marketing)

in Loving HIVE ❤4 years ago

Content produced using the Hive protocol attracts eyeballs who search for content. While searching for content they eventually find other apps...

Eventually, someone who is a developer and/or works in or owns a business looking for content, or notices the eyeballs running to the content and other apps, also sees that Hive protocol offers more potential. The business people then will use those tools to in turn innovate and create things.

Rinse and repeat.

The focus should not be marketing to more content creators, more developers, more business owners, or more investors. It should be marketing to more content consumers and curators who share what they find and share their experience outside of the blockchain. The rest will come.


This sounds like a potential marketing strategy for about 5 dapps that are built on hive. Not a strategy for hive the protocol.

We will have to agree to disagree. This could apply to almost all the dApps on theycallmedan's infographic as far as I can tell.

Yes. It can apply to the dapps as a marketing strategy, maybe. But it does not apply to hive the blockchain protocol upon which the dapps are built

You're not marketing the protocol. Your marketing the dApps, the protocol is a feature.

Cisco doesn't market CDP. CDP is a feature and is a unique feature to Cisco at that. Just like Hive protocol is a unique feature to Hive dApps.

Yes, the protocol is sexy and techie types get all geeky giddy over it, but nobody cares outside of techie types.

People just care that the product works like it is advertised to work and they receive value. Most importantly, that their friends and family are using it too.

Ur missing my point. is the protocol. Marketing as post and earn is the same as marketing https as a place to post ur photos.

Instagram is marketed as a place to store ur photos but it uses http. is a place to post and earn but marketing hive like this is like marketing http as a photo display front end

I'm not missing the point, I think you are missing mine. Which is, you shouldn't be marketing hive the protocol to the masses. That should be targeted to a specific target market.

Your right, the masses don't care about HTTPS, CDP, or They care about seeing the secure web page they want to visit, receiving the internet traffic they are supposed to receive or using that cool dApp flavor of choice and it working and sharing it with others. They don;t care how the sausage is made. Only that they receive value.

more Eyeballs on content will lead to more people knowing about and all its potential.

you shouldn't be marketing hive the protocol to the masses.

Well said.

They don;t care how the sausage is made. Only that they receive value.

Also well said.

more Eyeballs on content will lead to more people knowing about and all its potential.

Yet another point well said. I'm so glad you 'get it' @joebrochin , and thank you for taking some of the 'explanation-duties' off my plate. I appreciate :)🙏

As an example, I came to Hive in this same way, just referred, looking at content, started creating content here myself (already doing it off-chain), and now using Exxp and Hivepay on an off-chain site. I am looking into other dApps as well and waiting to see what else is developed.

You probably came to or peakd. U did not come to hive the blockchain protocol

Exactly, but I found non-content related Hive stuff that I could use, like Exxp and Hivepay. If I liked games, I would play Splinterlands or something. If I was into investing a great deal I might jump onto those apps.

What I am getting at, is that I came here through the content side of the hive and found that it is much, much more and still learning.

Others have done the same, I know this for a fact. Others will continue to do the same.

Embrace the content platforms as they are the entrance to your funnel that is the rest of Hive.

The entrance funnel to the hive protocol ( is having an existing app with 500k users integrate the protocol, such that the users don’t even know they are now using hive. The entrance funnel for some of the apps on hive is post and earn. The idea of marketing the hive protocol as post and earn is confusing and has lead to the hive brand going into obscurity. It is the very reason we are not a recognised top 20 coin. Everyone already thinks we are post and earn and they do not realise hat hive is much much more than this

Cool. Your still not getting it. You still keep mentioning posting and earning. Forget posting and earning content creators like me. Which I don’t earn crap and could care less about earning rewards. We need people who consume that can be rewarded for consumption.

Users aren’t going to integrate shit, devs integrate stuff.

Users read, comment, invest, record fitness stats, pay bills, message, check sports scores. They can do that anywhere. Why do it on the hive blockchain? Because they can earn some pennies, which is more than they get from any off chain source, period. Get rid of that and this place is nothing.

Anyway, you feel your right, I know I’m right. So I will be done with this conversation. Stay the course and IF hive is still around in 5 years let me know how it’s going. If it’s going like it is now I’ll probably be on the blockchain that got it.