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RE: The Best Hive Marketing EVER (By A Guy Who Hates Marketing)

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago

You're not marketing the protocol. Your marketing the dApps, the protocol is a feature.

Cisco doesn't market CDP. CDP is a feature and is a unique feature to Cisco at that. Just like Hive protocol is a unique feature to Hive dApps.

Yes, the protocol is sexy and techie types get all geeky giddy over it, but nobody cares outside of techie types.

People just care that the product works like it is advertised to work and they receive value. Most importantly, that their friends and family are using it too.


Ur missing my point. is the protocol. Marketing as post and earn is the same as marketing https as a place to post ur photos.

Instagram is marketed as a place to store ur photos but it uses http. is a place to post and earn but marketing hive like this is like marketing http as a photo display front end

I'm not missing the point, I think you are missing mine. Which is, you shouldn't be marketing hive the protocol to the masses. That should be targeted to a specific target market.

Your right, the masses don't care about HTTPS, CDP, or They care about seeing the secure web page they want to visit, receiving the internet traffic they are supposed to receive or using that cool dApp flavor of choice and it working and sharing it with others. They don;t care how the sausage is made. Only that they receive value.

more Eyeballs on content will lead to more people knowing about and all its potential.

you shouldn't be marketing hive the protocol to the masses.

Well said.

They don;t care how the sausage is made. Only that they receive value.

Also well said.

more Eyeballs on content will lead to more people knowing about and all its potential.

Yet another point well said. I'm so glad you 'get it' @joebrochin , and thank you for taking some of the 'explanation-duties' off my plate. I appreciate :)🙏

U have completely misunderstood what hive is. It’s sad to see a new guy with talents like urs leading ppl down the same path we were lead down by steemit inc.

Pls stop suggesting to market hive as post and earn it is a protocol . If u want to market some of the dapps here, post and earn is applicable. But marketing the protocol as u are proposing in ur blog above is completely misleading and misunderstood

My understanding, state simply and clearly. Fairly sure it's correct. is a revolutionary decentralized ecosystem / architecture / protocol / whatever.

Hive.Blog is a consumer-facing social platform (dApp) built upon said architecture.

Guess which one CONSUMERS care about, and guess which one I'm MARKETING.

If I'm wrong about any of the above, I'll happily own it, but to me it's a more than adequate understanding of the situation. And believe me, I'm someone who prioritizes understanding higher than anyone I know, that's how I understood SPK in a couple hour-long chats, where it takes others years.

One of us is better at the skill of understanding than the other. If I've failed here, I apologize, but I'm fairly sure I'm the one understanding things well.

Either way, happy to agree to disagree and keep moving forward man, I'm not on some crusade to get everyone to see things my way. 🙏