Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your input. :)
You sound like a bit of a dick once or twice in this article but I can suck it up (oh man, that pun was totally unintended, and interesting),
I just speak my truth and offer what value I can. Many people in the comments loved how I spoke. Regardless, you're welcome to label my communication in whatever makes you happiest. Epic pun, btw. ;)
and admit that not only are you right, but you are pretty good at this.
Thank you!
I'm not saying the people arguing with you are entirely wrong,
Yep, some of them have valid points, others can't see the forest for the trees, and a few missed the point almost entirely. :) It's all good. I addressed most of the relevant arguments in the comments, (literally wrote pages of text to clarify things for objectors), but I'm at peace with people not coming around to my view.
but we have far too much of THAT perspective and not enough perspectives like yours (few who have actual talent anyway). And so, yeah, I'm with you. At least right now when our numbers have been stuck for a year.
I feel similarly here, and I appreciate you saying so. Thanks again and wishing you a great day! 🙏
Glad you didn't take the dick comment personal. It was just about a few lines, but I understand you are going for maximum impact. I generally find that kind of approach overly aggressive, unpleasant or fake at times, but it works, and so far nothing else has, so....
I totally agree that there is way too much stress put on censorship resistance. We don't want to appeal solely to those who are deplatformed.
I understand what you are doing and I respect it, particularly because most people with your opinion and skillset haven't stuck around long enough, or done a good enough job at making their point. I do wish you'd focus on community as much as money, just to get people coming here with a better attitude than "YAY FREE MONEY", though money is the ultimate icing on the cake.
This community has been through a lot. We have had our system tested by scammers and spammers and we are better for it but in the process we lost 90% of our user base in 2018 due to the scams that dominated the platform for half a year (bidbots etc.), and then we were smashed again when our reputation for "FREE MONEY!" attracted the king of scammers to come and dominate the network with his endless resources. These challenges allowed us to improve, but demolished our momentum. We do not want to make the same mistakes again.
Thanks for this article.
Heh, yeah it's all good, really was an epic pun, tbh, and I can understand people preferring different communication styles. A lot of people didn't like Eminem's aggressive raps, but like you said, it works.
Agreed. Especially when targeted consumers. If targeting the deplatformed, then sure, lead with free speech or w/e. :)
Thanks I appreciate it, and you've touched on the main point of my post. Which was to wake people up to truly effective marketing, and highlight that the marketing that's been done in the last 5 years is... more like 'pretend marketing' or 'play-marketing.'
That's a totally reasonable desire, I respect it, but you're the first one to state it reasonably, respectfully, and gently.
Like, picture it from my perspecetive... I've been here 2 months, and made about 2 posts on Hive marketing, so I'm not sure a 'focus' can even be declared yet, lol. If I eat pizza twice in a month, am I 'focused' on pizza? lol, maybe if people didn't jump all over my ideas, asked nicely, and gave me some time I'd contribute other marketing proposals or brand direction. lol.
This is exactly why it should be 'done again', the way something succeeds isn't by giving up on Hive's biggest USP, it's by using it boldly, failing, learning, improving, getting back on the horse, and doing it better next time.
So many people here hate 'weak hands', but they get burned in their marketing efforts once or twice and suddenly they're risk-averse forever and give up on Hive's biggest killer app to date:
Swiping-feeds as a money-making opportunity that basically never existed before. World first.
Anyway, sounds like we're on mostly the same page, and I appreciate your insight and perspectives, thanks for sharing here, and wishing you a great day. 🙏