
It's survived it twice before, and it's one of the bigger differences setting us apart.

Blogs are a dime a dozen, decentralization is something only folks who are saying shit that could get them deplatformed care about, being a blockchain is a super niche interest... What else do we have to reach out to the general masses?

If you have something better, by all means... If you don't though, I seriously doubt this would "doom us".

If earning wasn't at least a consideration half or more of us wouldn't be here. For damn sure we would have a lot fewer whales. So let's stop pretending we are all just super jazzed to be part of a decentralized community of bloggers and face the truth that this gives us a chance to earn from what we would otherwise be doing for free or not doing at all.

Community is fantastic, don't get me wrong, and I'm personally a big fan of the technology and the innovative ways we are using and improving the chain, but those aren't going to be great selling points for adoption.

Fact is we are too hard to get into and get started for those kinds of easy wins. We need to provide people a tangible REAL reason to learn enough about hive to make it worth joining, and I don't see a better suggestion than this.

What else do we have to reach out to the general masses?

Many more than just the blogging side actually. And we could have even more. There are already many dApps and games on the Hive blockchain. For example Splinterlands. Splinterlands even has an Android app, and it is also playable in a browser. The marketing should focus on content consumers, and the money earning opportunity should be secondary.

Splinterlands is a singular success story. Not one of our other games have had anywhere near the success of that one, and hoping we can hit that magic again isnt a marketing strategy.

I do 100% get what you're saying and I'm on side with the theory of it, but most of what is currently out there or is in known development isn't going to be an onboarding success story, which means that we are relying on a passive drip of people joining, and that's a war of attrition that sooner or later we lose, imo.

I appreciate your perspective, I just see it differently. Maybe there's some way we can leverage both sides.

We need more good projects before marketing.
Advertising the platform with the money earning opportunity may backfire, because most people will be disappointed by the low earnings, if any. A lot of people do not earn anything with their posts, because their posts do not even reach the payout threshold ($0.02).

@oblivioncubed has addressed things nicely I believe, but I'll add this:

We have the 'good project' already.

A project that blows FB, Twitter, and Instagram out of the water.

Hive.Blog, a social platform where you literally earn crypto for swiping and liking.

It's a marketer's dream. How could you NOT market this?

From my other comment:

Fiverr markets itself as a way to make money, but most people fail on Fiverr. Fiverr still grows. Uber markets itself as a way to make money just by driving around, but most drivers fail on Uber. Uber still grows. YouTube markets itself as a place to earn money for posting video content. Most YouTubers fail. YouTube still grows. Hive(.Blog) can, and should, do the exact same thing.

But I'm happy to agree to disagree, no skin off my back either way. Thanks again for all your input, wishing you a great day. 🙏

Hive.Blog, a social platform where you literally earn crypto. for swiping and liking. is anything, but definitely not social. The average number of comments per post is 2-3, and most of those comments are bot comments. This place is a ghost town. Just look around.

It's a marketer's dream.

Rather a bad dream. Nightmare. At least in its current state.

How could you NOT market this?

Rather how would you? The number of users is slowly increasing, but the number of active users is not. In fact it is decreasing. Nowadays I have more than 1200 followers, but most of them are inactive. They left the platform long months/years ago.

How would you market this? Continue the ruining and dooming what Steemit started?

This place is a ghost town. Just look around.

Yes, because of a lack of consumers, which my suggested campaign is one way of solving.

Anyway, we're clearly have different views, and I applaud you for sticking to yours, I'll leave it at that and won't be engaging further on this topic as I have other commitments. Have a great day! 🙏

this is kind of how i feel really. I don't feel like this project blows other social media out of the water at all. Its slightly difficult for me to comment because I just don't really like social media, it all feels like hard work to me, but my feeling is that to have success as a social media platform you need to have a lot more shiny aesthetic vaccuousness, comedy, youth, and 'coolness'. The cavalry is not coming. The 'cool' people are NOT on their way.
But wait!
Who cares?
@starkerz is right that what we really want is to pull more platform developers to integrate hive in to their ecosystems and whatnot, so that we continue to fortify ourselves in the INTERNET 3.0
Forget marketing an awkward social media platform full of crypto nerds and blog geeks and just enjoy the fact that we've got a great place to hang out and be super cutting-edge UNCOOL while the new paradigm is building around us.
Its always going to be a bit clunky in a community led thingy right? Lots of argument and indecision and meandering around while the lambo's speed past us in the fast lane.....WHO CARES? This is what we are, and then suddenly you look round at leofinance and youre thinking, hold on, this is actually pretty amazing...somehow we've got a platform that is embracing the newest trends in defi, on OUR blockchain! I sure there are others but i dont bother to look around much....
Ive been here since august 2017. Its pretty much always been amusingly crap in a frustratingly promising sort of way, but Im still here. No-one else who ive ever got involved has ever stuck it out. No-one, in 4 years. I cant even convince other crypto friends to join, let alone normal social media people. Why am I still here? Because of me. It takes a very specific person to actually keep kicking around here. I don't think thats going to change very fast so honestly @ryzeonline I wouldnt bother harboring any delusions about this platform. Its the equivalent of walking in to the science club at school, seeing a few genius kids with their high IQ's giving in-depth explanations about the power of quantum to a few slightly unhappy looking kids who just wanted to play with butterflies and thinking...hmmm....this would be an EXCELLENT place for a party! Lets make posters!
My advice is just keep enjoying doing what youre doing until the moment youre not enjoying it, then stop and do something else that feels right. If you like making posters, keep making posters. But dont imagine your actually going to be helping anybody. If the cool kids ever do turn up, the geeks will probably just move to another room and change the name of the club.
deepest acceptance, effortless furtherance

Exactly! It’s been done elsewhere and proven a epic failure option

It failed due to the execution and skill of the pilots, not the message or marketing approach.

But it's all good, you're welcome to your opinion, and I to mine, and I'm happy to agree to disagree. Wishing you a great day. 🙏

That comment was from before we talked.
But I agree👍

Ur good people 🤟

lol, oops, apologies, thanks for clarifying. :)

And so are you! Wishing you a wonderful day! 😀🙏

Good points 👍
