All good, good sir. Do whatever suits you of course. :)
The point of this post isn't that anyone should turn Hive into their job, it's a post about marketing Hive in an effective way that actually makes an impact in the market. There are many ways to do this, and I have illustrated one of them. I hope that makes sense :)
I love that you are inspired from so many places, and I encourage you always to do whatever feels best to you. I appreciate your comment and input here, thanks again! 🙏
There are disadvantages to being interested in things all over the place. You can't really market yourself as one thing or even a couple of things without closing the door on other things. Well you can but, it doesn't seem to be very effective. For awhile I made different accounts to break up some of my interests. That didn't work out too well. That is why since I have returned to writing I have not resurrected any of my other accounts.
Indeed, there are pros and cons to most everything. :)
I encourage everyone to explore, experiment, and find what works best for them. For some that's intense focus on one subject, for others it's a wide variety of things. For others somewhere inbetween.