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RE: Long promised update on my life: big news and big changes

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago

Hey mate, congratulations at first!
I won't be long since my time spend on Hive is minimal for the past year or so. But yes, you predicted things quite right, since I was at similar situation getting family and changing my routine few years ago. At first that didn't cut into my Hive time, but with second baby I almost cut it. Especially authoring.

Well the most important is that you find yourself what suits you most. You will see what life brings and don't think that you owe something to us Hive folks. You did a lot for the blockchain community.

Once again, congratulation to both! What a beautiful times awaits you!


Aww, thanks buddy! I know how little time you spend on Hive these days so I really appreciate that you still found this post and left such a nice comment for us here :) I know you recently posted an update too, I need to check it out! Hope everything is ok with you and your family. Greetings to Slovenia!

No worries man! I am checking Hive daily, my feed and some communities also.
So I am happy to read about you.
I still believe we will meet some day in Ljubljana when you will be driving towards Croatian coast...

Cool! Well, the problem with your idea right now is that I still don´t drive but this may change soon too :D ;) No worries Andy, we will meet up one day for sure, we have way too much in common not to ;)