Hey there my Hive friends and followers!
I have been meaning to write this post for long weeks and I´m glad that I finally got to do it. I have been here on Hive for more than 5.5 years and as far as I remember, my activity was never as low as it has lately been. If it was just temporary, I wouldn´t probably bother you (and myself) with it too much but it´s highly probable that my old Hive routine will be affected in the months and maybe even years to come as well and that makes me feel like I owe you guys some explanation...
Real life update
The biggest news is that me and my fiancee are expecting a baby. We have known it for a couple of months already and while we have been trying to enjoy this very special and blessed period in our lives, it has also been an incredibly demanding and busy time for us, especially for my lovely fiancee of course. Some of you might also know that we are not from the same country so to make things easier for us, we will also be getting married very soon and, for certain reasons, not just once actually but my fiancee asked me not to be too personal in this post so let´s just leave it at that.
I also don´t want to be too specific about all the medical check ups, screenings, authority appointments, calls, emails etc. that we have been through lately but trust me that for us, a couple that has been living a pretty much carefree and minimalist nomadic lifestyle for many years, this hectic period when so many different things need to be taken care of is a new and quite challenging experience. On the top of that, my fiancee has been trying to do her best at work here in Prague while me... Well, let´s leave it for the next paragraph...
Hive update
Most of you probably know that I have been trying to be a fulltime Hiver pretty much since the very beginning of my journey here on the blockchain. However, as I already mentioned in this post written on the occasion of my fifth Hive birthday last year, it was quite obvious even back then that I could not maintain that fulltime status for much longer for the reasons mentioned in that post and the current happenings have only accelerated the process.
Because of all the recent news and changes, I have much less time for Hive but at the same time, I need much more money to cover all the real life expenses, which means that I will be looking for some other job, unfortunately. We might also move away from Prague soon so maybe, I will just try to cover the interim with some temporary gigs and part times and find the new job after we move. But either way, I will not be able to keep up with what used to be my happy daily Hive routine for years and I´m sorry about it guys :( It has already been kind of weird and sad not to be able to keep up with all the Hive happenings, to check out your posts, to comment and curate, to post my own content, to have convos with you on Discord etc. and I know it will take some time before I get used to this fact and this new reality but it´s what it is...
What also makes me sad is that I will most probably have to withdraw a part of my Hive Power that I have been building so proudly and organically for years. In fact, I already powered down and sold a few thousand Hives a couple of weeks ago and ironically, I was just about to hit that long awaited 50k HP milestone and become an orca before that. It had already happened to me some 2 years ago. I was at some 45k HP back then in summer of 2021 when I urgently needed to cover some things with fiat so I had to hit that power down button for the very first time and it felt really strange and sad (I still remember that feeling) and it´s frustrating to know that I will have to do it again...
So yeah, that´s an update on what my present and future times here on Hive look like. Not really cool, I know, but I don´t lose my optimism and I hope and believe that at some point in future, when conditions are more favorable, I will be able to get back to my good old Hive days and routines. Until then, please pardon my lack of engagement here on the chain and keep your fingers crossed for us so that everything goes smoothly. I will keep you updated :)
A sunset shot that I took in my beloved Prokop Valley here in Prague some time ago and was saving it for another round of my Sunday sunset photography series but I will probably not get to that series anytime soon so I´m using it as a thumbnail for this post...
PS: I didn´t know what community this post should go into so I picked Loving Hive because in spite of all the changes described here, I´m still... Loving Hive ;)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Neuveríš, ale myslela som si, že to bude dieťa alebo svadba a ono sú to obidve naraz 🙂 Gratulujem a prajem budúcej manželke jednoduchý priebeh tehotenstva a lážo plážo pôrod! Moja švagriná mala nedávno taký rýchly pôrod, že skoro nestihli prísť do nemocnice. Po 15 minutách bolo bábätko na svete a všetko bolo úplne v poriadku, tak vám prajem aby ste to mali podobne 🙂
Predpokladám, že sobáš budete mať cirkevný a civilný, keďže vravíš, že ich bude viac, ale zas nemusíš mi to potvrdiť 😉 Prajem vám veľa šťastia, zdravia a lásky do spoločného života.
Plánujete sa sťahovať do nejakého menšieho mesta? Všetci známi, čo žili v Prahe odtiaľ utiekli hneď ako sa im narodilo bábo. Každý potom začne túžiť po pokoji dediny alebo menšieho mestečka. Nech teda už plánujete čokoľvek, tak hlavne aby ste tam boli šťastní 🙂
Dúfam, že si prácu nájdeš rýchlo. Stále poznám veľa ľudí v rôznych firmách v Prahe, tak mi daj vedieť, ak by si potreboval pomoc a opýtala by som sa ich či on niečom nevedia. Samozrejme to závisí od odboru v ktorom chceš pracovať.
Joj, teším sa s vami 😍
Moc děkujeme za přání! :) Ty první měsíce jednoduché nebyly, ale třeba už to dál bude jenom lepší ;) O těch sobáších (přiznám se, že tohle slovíčko jsem ještě donedávna neznal, myslel jsem, že i na Slovensku máte "svatbu" :D) si povykládáme až se někdy uvidíme, každopádně moc děkujeme za přání! V plánu je se přestěhovat se tam, odkud pocházím, tak uvidíme, jestli to klapne :) Moc děkuju i za nabídku pomoci se shánění práce, taky mám tady v Praze dost kamarádů a známých, takže to by asi problém nebyl, ale už se asi moc nevyplatí tu hledat a rozjíždět něco velkého... To spíš potom až se přesuneme. Ale bude to každopádně velký nezvyk po těch letech "hajvování na plný úvazek" :D :/
Hey. 😊
I've read your post a long time ago 😁 but didnt have the chance to leave a comment. And I didnt want to rush it. Now I have time and I came back.
First, congrats about the baby and the wedding! I know and I truly believe that you guys have had a hectic stresful period of time, besides a happy, full of emotions one. Its understandable, all the questions, the worries, the thoughts! But in the end you simply know: a child is such a blessing. I hope your baby will come on this world safe and sound. Thats
the most important.
I'm sure both of you, as a team, will find a way to work things out.
And my personal opinion is that you shouldnt apologize for not having as much time here on the blockchain as before. We all have lives, we understand you.
Now is about you, your family and the baby. Take your time and put your lives together as a whole. We'll still be here.
And why not, maybe you'll find some useful stuff on my blog related to baby activities and education hehe.
Really, congrats guys! I am happy for you, for having a baby. I'm sure you'll be a great dad, involved and caring. Same as you are here.
Take care! 🙏
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and leave such a nice comment here my friend, I really appreciate it ;) Well, rather than apologies, that post was meant to be an explanation. As you might now, I was trying to be a fulltime Hiver before. I used to spend many hours on this blockchain every day. I built a solid and active fan base of friends and followers here that I engaged with on daily basis. Now everything changed so I felt like I should explain why, that´s it ;)
Actually, I was already thinking about using some of your tutorials and home schooling materials ;) I always knew they were really good but soon, I will be able to actually use them and I cannot wait to do so :)
Thanks again for your kinds words, wishes and encouragement. Have a lovely weekend!
Yes, the word explanation works better, thats right. I just wanted to underline that we all understand why you wont be active as much as always were, and I'm sure all the community members and your friends and followers will get it.
I know you worked a lot, everyone could tell that only by scrolling your blog.
Keeping others involved and have a community of people who follows you is not the easiest job. So you definitely did great on this, and for that you are truly appreciated. You were and you are dedicated to the chain. Just because you wont have the same amount of time from now on, it doesnt mean a thing. You're still here, and that matters.
You'll find a way to put everything together and wheb the baby grows a little bit, things can become easier.
Though, the truth is, having a kid literally takes a lot of your energy, time and resources. In the first two years with my son, I was barely active. I dont know if in two years I blogged more than 20-30-40 posts. I'm sure you'll do great compared with me haha.
Anyways, I just wanted to tell that we appreciate you wrote this lovely explanation and shared it with us, now we know what are u going through and how your life goes at the moment.
Thanks again :) You know, it´s not just the baby on the way, we will also be soon moving from Prague, I will be looking for a job (unless Hive goes to the Moon :D) etc. Busy times ahead, especially after all those years where our only "problem" was to decide where to go next :) But we will manage somehow. I really appreciate your support and encouragement ;)
I understand all the changes (the baby, the move, the job, the lifestyle changes) and I can only imagine how stresful it is to adapt the new, I get it. So I really hope you guys will be ok. Well, I'm sure you will. You are a "phortunate" hehe.
And why not, lets hope that hive goes to the moon 😁😅.
Hugs for you both.
A veeeeery late response but... huge congratulations!!! I've been having way less time to interact here on Hive, and that means not going through some of my favourite bloggers nearly as frequently as I wanted, and this post slipped... until now!! Don't feel sorry for a second in having to change the way you are present here; a huge part of being able to be sucessful is the ability to adapt, and it seems you have your priorities straight! ;) Enjoy life and the new beginnings, and use your Hive as it best suits you, we all know how commited you are to the blockchain, and no point in accumulating if you can't use it, that's what the magic internet money is for. Happy for you!
PS. Congratulations on the Czech basketball championship as well! Here's a well deserved !BEER
Oh wow, thank you so much for this comment my friend! It´s so kind of you that you scrolled down all the way down to this post to catch up on what you have missed :) I really appreciate your kind words, wishes and encouragement! You even checked out that basketball post, wow! :D You are amazing :) Cheers to Portugal!
More than deserved! Still having limited time for Hive, but now for a great cause: vacations! Will try to catch up on all the comments soon. 😁 Cheers from Portugal! !BEER
Hey buddy, first of all I want to congratulate you on having a baby and the wedding, both are a very important step for you.
I am convinced that you will be able to overcome any situation and come back strong, but I think family should come first.
Take care!
Thank you so much my friend! Will do my best :) Cheers!
I will always support you with a kind word and a good thought.
I was looking forward to this post! Ohhhh congrats on the baby and wedding soon! How exciting! I understand all the demand that pregnancy brings and especially if you are not in your home country, so send my greetings and encouragement to your future wife. I want to know if she's Latina too :D , but I understand if it's personal.
It's part of life my friend, to be born, to grow, to reproduce.... Someone told me: don't worry, everything will come together, and well it will be the same with you. Many blessings to all 3 of you! It won't be easy at all, but you will be great parents for that beautiful baby that is on the way and will also have lots of love, I'm sure of that. A hug!
Thank you very much Evelyn! I wanted to write this post as soon as I saw yours but we decided to wait a bit and then, everything got so busy! No, my fiancee is not Latina but she would love to be! :D When we lived in Latin America, she totally fell in love with that part of the world, the culture, the climate, the food and everything :) So if she could choose where to be born again, she would definitely pick Latin America ;) I cannot wait for the moment where all of us (you and Pawel and your kid and us and our kid) will meet :) Thanks for your lovely comment and encouragement. Saludos & abrazos! :)
I understand you, don't worry. For a moment I thought she is Latina but I was wrong but I am sure she is very nice, and it is true the food is delicious in Latin America. I was going to say the same thing, I can't wait for us all to meet and with our babies, it will be exciting. Big hugs! Regards!
Congratulations again! We will be parents! 🤗
Well, she is here on Hive too but she didn´t want to be tagged in the post, she doesn´t like too much attention :D No worries, you will meet her ;) Yay! We will be parents! :)
I know who shee is but I won't tell...
Yeah, it´s not a secret, most of my close friends here know anyway ;) She is just a bit more reserved when it comes to posting personal stuff so she asked me not to tag her here...
i get it.
Hey mate, congratulations at first!
I won't be long since my time spend on Hive is minimal for the past year or so. But yes, you predicted things quite right, since I was at similar situation getting family and changing my routine few years ago. At first that didn't cut into my Hive time, but with second baby I almost cut it. Especially authoring.
Well the most important is that you find yourself what suits you most. You will see what life brings and don't think that you owe something to us Hive folks. You did a lot for the blockchain community.
Once again, congratulation to both! What a beautiful times awaits you!
Aww, thanks buddy! I know how little time you spend on Hive these days so I really appreciate that you still found this post and left such a nice comment for us here :) I know you recently posted an update too, I need to check it out! Hope everything is ok with you and your family. Greetings to Slovenia!
No worries man! I am checking Hive daily, my feed and some communities also.
So I am happy to read about you.
I still believe we will meet some day in Ljubljana when you will be driving towards Croatian coast...
Cool! Well, the problem with your idea right now is that I still don´t drive but this may change soon too :D ;) No worries Andy, we will meet up one day for sure, we have way too much in common not to ;)
Those are some big life changes.
First of all congratulations both of you. Try and enjoy this precious time as much as you can. 🤗
We will be here and just looking forward to any post you manage.
Crossing my fingers that the coming time all goes well. With the baby, finding a job and a place to live 🍀🍀
I do know about changes… so fully understand.
Have a wonderful day my friend 👋🏻😊
Thank you very much Little Bee! I should take some lessons from you on time management as I remember how you were somehow able to be here on Hive with us daily even during the busiest and most hectic times when you were moving countries etc :) Thanks again for stopping by, hugs and greetings from Prague!
Hehehe some moves I could manage my time well, the latest one I couldn’t as things didn’t go as planned hehehe the rental fell through etc etc etc now it’s sorted.
And finally I am around again.
Hugs and greeting back to you 😎
!HUGYou are so welcome @phortun 👋🏻😊
Glad to hear that! I need to check our your updates too! You are a moving hero! :))
Thanks 😊
Hahaha I wish… can’t wait to settle down. But one more move and… it’s maybe 😉
I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @phortun, you just got hugged. on behalf of @littlebee4.
(3/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
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I hope everything goes well in this new stage of your life @phortun! I don't have children but many friends do and I have seen that it is a big change in their routines, some disappear and you don't hear from them for months hahaha, but surely you will adapt gradually, the important thing is to remain happy :)
On the other hand, don't be sad to make power down, you have years building in the blockchain and it is logical that at some point you need to dispose of your earnings, many of us have done it and you should not feel bad about it. A hug!
Thank you Sofia! I have noticed the same thing with my friends who have kids. Many of them seem to be super busy all the time and it´s almost impossible to meet them up for a beer or something :D I hope I won´t be like this :D Thanks for your encouraging words about the power down too. I know, you are right, but it still feels sad to take something from what you have been building persistently step by step for years... I just hope I will not have to use too much of my stake, that would really hurt :D Will see. Greetings to Venezuela!
We all have a real life which could affect such platforms. I have also decided to spare less time on HIVE because I should and I don't have much time anyway.
I wish a healthy and long life for your baby ;) Take care.
Thank you my friend! I hope your break from Hive will not be too long though :)
I will be here no doubt, not as much as before.
Congratz on becoming a daddy , from experience i know those changes are costly take care of your new family , your hive familly will always be here i guess .
Aww, thanks for these kind words, I really appreciate it :) Greetings from Prague!
OMG chlapeee.. tak to Vam gratulujem!!!
uplne nova kapitola v zivote sa Vam zacne.. verim, ze to Tvoja komunita tuna na hive chape, ze to casovo nestihas a urcite sa tesi s Vami.. maaaan, Baby..
Díky moc, chlape! :) Já taky věřím, že tu budete, i když se vám už nebudu moct věnovat denně :) Měj se, zdravím do Irska!
What an exciting time for you and your family! I don't think you should need to be regretful about anything. I get you are probably beating yourself up about it, but leave that behind and dive fully into this new role that you are going to have a in a few months! Congratulations! Hive will still be here when you are able to make it back fully. I am confident of that!
Thanks man! I´m really amazed by the feedback from you guys :) The Hive Family never disappoints :) Hugs and greetings from across the pond!
Hey :) Congratulations on the baby on the way. I think it's great that you take the necessary time that they deserve to start a family and stabilize, everything will turn out well without a doubt. Sometimes the changes are not bad, so I wish you all the best in this new stage, I hope you get a job that you like and that the pregnancy is comfortable for your wife. Greetings ❤️!
Thank you for your kind wishes Laura! :) Yeah, changes are an integral part of life, we just need to adapt :) Saludos & abrazos from Czechia to Argentina!
Congratulations on the good developments in your life, my friend! It's been great to see everything you've been doing at Hive. It feels like I'm writing a farewell post right now, but I know it won't be. We'll all have developments in our lives and we'll still be part of Hive in the end. I hope everything goes well for you and your fiancé and that the Hive price goes up so much that you don't have to work for a long time.
Thanks mate but this is definitely not a farewell, I´m not going anywhere, I will be still here on Hive with you guys, just not as much as I was used to ;) I will at least try to keep my weekly contests alive for you guys, that´s for sure. Well, if Hive was at 10 dollars, that would solve a lot of things, not just for me but for all of us here on this amazing chain but I guess we need to wait a bit more for this moment :D ;) Thanks for stopping by man, cheers to Turkey!
Not a bit, we need to wait a lot for that haha. I hope it comes soon so we can be easily rich 😂
Thanks for your nice words, looking forward for your next posts, and cheers to Czech Republic!
Hej chlape, obrovská gratulace! Hlavně ať jste všichni tři zdraví!
No, co Ti budu povídat, bude to nářez... Takovej mrňous a hodí dospělýho člověka do takovýho kotrmelce... Ale na druhou stranu je rodičovství to nejhezčí, co vás může potkat.
Už se těším až si budu moct připít na jeho zdraví. 😉
Díky moc! Je mi jasné, že to bude emoční exploze, ono to vlastně pomalu začíná už teď ;) U nás je holt jen ten kontrast trochu větší, než to asi normálně bývá. Přece jenom jsme v těch posledních letech řešili většinou jen "kam to bude příště" a o moc dalších věcí se nestarali... Teď jsou to nové role, nové výzvy :) Ale nejak se s tím vším popasujem, to je jasné ;)
Jo, bude to jiné, ale bude to fajn. Nové výzvy, nové starosti a strachy, ale zase spousta nových radostí a lásky. Hele, ona to matička příroda celkem dobře vymyslela 🤣
Ale chápu ten Hive a práci. Ono žít sám nebo s partnerkou někde v low cost destinaci... Ono vlastně k tomu životu toho tolik nepotřebuješ. Ale ta mimina... To jsou žrouti času i peněz. 🤣🤣
Přesně :)
Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your baby! I wish you and your fiancee all the best during this special time. I understand that your real-life responsibilities will require you to focus on other things for now. I hope you will be able to find a way to balance your personal and professional life so that you can still participate in the Hive community. I look forward to seeing you back soon.
Thanks buddy, I hope to find some balance indeed :) Cheers!
Lovely sunset photo. It is very fitting with your post. The sun is setting regarding your active participation on Hive and it will rise with your offline life. Many, many congratulations to you and your fiancee. You are now embarking on yet another adventure. This one is the most fascinating and special of them all. It is understandable that many things will change. I understand how you feel but you will still be here sometimes. Your offline life will be so enriching - you will miss Hive less and less.
I totally understand your decision. I can empathise. I do not post frequently in order to maintain a good balance with my offline life. Good luck with finding a new job and adapting to all the changes. Please extend my best wishes to your fiancee as well - I will not do so on her blog.
All the best wishes.
Aww, thank you for these kinds words and wishes! :) I like your "sunny metaphor" too, very cool :) Not sure about the part with me missing Hive less and less though. I have spent many thousands of hours of daily engagement here and it will feel really weird not to be able to keep it up... Wil see how it goes :) Thanks again, I will give your wishes to my fiancee as well. Greetings from Prague to Amsterdam!
Haha - I understand. Having spent so much time on this platform - you will surely miss it.
Oh friend, what a beautiful post... Don't worry, life is like that and we all tend to change and evolve!... And "a baby" is something beautiful, congratulations and blessings to you, your fiancée and that wonderful baby on the way!... BRAVO!...
I have always known that you are one of those "special souls" that can be found in #Hive... So I am glad and send my best wishes for great personal growth and wonderful years to come...
I send a big hug friend @phortun and remember: "You are a great person, so everything will always turn out very well"...;)
!discovery 33
Aww, thanks mate! This is such a sweet comment :) But I cannot agree, I´m not special here, it´s just that Hive has given me so much over the years so I have been just trying to give something back... Thanks for your support and encouragement my friend, I really appreciate it ;) Have a lovely day!
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Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/5)@phortun! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp.
Best of luck with the new life! I'm sure you'll be able to find a balance between working for fiat, being a parent, and being a Hiver sooner or later, even if it'll take some trial and errors. 👍
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(6/10)@phortun! to your account on behalf of @treefrognada.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Thanks! That´s what I´m hoping for! :) I cannot imagine my life without Hive, I got attached too strongly to this amazing community over the years so no worries, you will not get rid of me that easily! :D
Enjoy this precious time period!
Thank man! We will try :)
Congratulations! That is such a beautiful news! But I can imagine it also comes with a lot of stress. However, I believe you can figure it all out! Having a baby must feel so magical, I really can not imagine how beautiful it will be!
Thank you Sascha! Yeah, it has been a lot of mixed emotions so far but I´m sure the positive ones will prevail, it´s a blessing after all! :)
Tak ať se vám daří
Děkujem! :)
First many many congratulations to both of you. There can be no greater happiness for parents as we all know that having a child is the greatest blessing in this world. Both of you should have a lot of fun doing these things together. It's been five years since you've been working on this platform, that's a long time and it's great that you're still working as hard as you are today, because people worked hard in the beginning. They do and then after a while they don't do it that way.
Thanks for your nice words and wishes. Well, I would say it was more like years of having fun here rather working hard but I know what you mean ;) Thanks for stopping by again. Cheers!
Most welcome. Cheer's.
Congratulations on your new baby. I wish your fiancee a smooth journey to delivery.
It's certainly quite a lot of change, and we will definitely miss you.
I do know you'll have a part of you here yeah?
Sorry about the second power down that's inevitably about to happen. But you'll build again, I believe in you.
Good Luck with the new jobs and other new arrangements in your life going forward.
All the best.
Thanks for your kind and encouraging words. You will not miss me, I will still be here but just not every day ;) Oh and you are right, I´m definitely going to make up for what I will have to take ;) I´m proud of my Hive stake and will start working on growing it again as soon as I get a chance... All the best to you too!
V první řadě gratulace největší Vám oběma! Ať si tuhle novou jízdu užijete.
V druhý řadě potom ještě teda gratulace i Opavskýmu basketbalu k nový generaci... :D
Díky a díky! :D
It happens, life tends to change a lot and good are those who accept those changes and move on, First of all, I would like to congrats you and your fiance for having a baby. It's my suggestion that you guys should get married as soon as possible.
It always makes you sad when you had to power down some of your hives to bear your expenses, I'm also doing the same this time, not having any job, just relaying on some money I have left and hive earnings. I wish you best of luck with your new life @phortun
Thanks man! Yeah, it hurts when you have to withdraw something from what you have building for so long but that´s life... I´m determined to make up for what I will have to take when I´m back. Cheers! :)
Wow... congratulations on the new baby already on the way. Sometimes things does not just work as planned and then we will have no choice than to press the power down button...it's always painful, I never powered down anyway but I know the feeling especially when you are intentional about Ur HP growth
Hopefully u will be more engaging again when you settle down very well with your offline activities
I wish you all the best
Thanks for your nice comment. Yeah, hitting that button is painful indeed. Maybe you did that too in the past and forgot about it because with your rep number, your stake should be higher but it´s not important ;) I really appreciate you stopping by and leaving these kind words for me. All the best to Nigeria!
Congrats to both of you! I know you will be successful in whatever road you want to take
Thanks! :) I hope so :D
It is normal to have some challenges and it is normal to sort them all with money. It is your HP and you can do anything that you love with it...
I am sure that you will build it in a fee months or weeks
That´s right. Thanks for swinging by.
I can't really wait to see the beautiful baby 🥰
Neither can we :) Thanks for stopping by!
Loving Hive ❤
I'm sure you will be back soon and get to that 50k.
Enjoy everything new in your life.
Congrats on the baby 😍
Thank you! I hope so! I was this close two times already, I need to make it on the third attempt :)
Great news for you. Having baby is very responsible and quite challenging experience of life.
No matter how much busy you are, having time for family is very much important. Our family is our power and we should spend full time with family, our loved once. Enjoy Memorable periods of life.
Have a great day dear.
These sound like wise words. Thanks for sharing your experience with us :) Have a nice day too.
Congratulations!!! Do your thing and take care of the baby. There will always be HIVE to earn when you'll have the time to dedicate for content creation. Good luck with your plans!
Thanks man! Sounds like a reasonable advice :) Cheers!
Congratulations for the good news!
Good that you have been a full time Hiver, so far. Currently, it is not easy due to the bear market the in cryptocurrency market.
I know that is hard post regularly when you have a full time and demanding job.
Best wishes in you future endeavors.
Thank you for the encouragement my friend :) Yeah, the bear market is getting a bit too long and frustrating but we have been there before and we know that the bulls will come, sooner or later ;) Saludos to Chile!
Velká gratulace Tobě a @liltammy. Držím palce, ať všechny nové výzvy hravě zvládnete a zažijete spoustu rodinných radostí.
Moc děkujeme :)
Congratulations for the beautiful news!! :) good luck with everything :)
Thank you very much! :)
Awe, it's an important milestone!! So happy for you @phortun. Wish you all the best as you begin this new chapter in your life and I hope that it will be filled with joy, happiness, and endless amounts of love. :)
Aww, thank you for these kind words and wishes Trang! :) Hugs and greetings to Australia!
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My thoughts on Hive and how it has devolved, and why I'm quitting after being here from day 1.
What does it have to do with my post?
It doesn't have anything to do with your post. My goal was to spread awareness.
Don´t comment on posts you don´t read...