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RE: Long promised update on my life: big news and big changes

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago

I was looking forward to this post! Ohhhh congrats on the baby and wedding soon! How exciting! I understand all the demand that pregnancy brings and especially if you are not in your home country, so send my greetings and encouragement to your future wife. I want to know if she's Latina too :D , but I understand if it's personal.

It's part of life my friend, to be born, to grow, to reproduce.... Someone told me: don't worry, everything will come together, and well it will be the same with you. Many blessings to all 3 of you! It won't be easy at all, but you will be great parents for that beautiful baby that is on the way and will also have lots of love, I'm sure of that. A hug!


Thank you very much Evelyn! I wanted to write this post as soon as I saw yours but we decided to wait a bit and then, everything got so busy! No, my fiancee is not Latina but she would love to be! :D When we lived in Latin America, she totally fell in love with that part of the world, the culture, the climate, the food and everything :) So if she could choose where to be born again, she would definitely pick Latin America ;) I cannot wait for the moment where all of us (you and Pawel and your kid and us and our kid) will meet :) Thanks for your lovely comment and encouragement. Saludos & abrazos! :)

I understand you, don't worry. For a moment I thought she is Latina but I was wrong but I am sure she is very nice, and it is true the food is delicious in Latin America. I was going to say the same thing, I can't wait for us all to meet and with our babies, it will be exciting. Big hugs! Regards!

Congratulations again! We will be parents! 🤗

Well, she is here on Hive too but she didn´t want to be tagged in the post, she doesn´t like too much attention :D No worries, you will meet her ;) Yay! We will be parents! :)

I know who shee is but I won't tell...

Yeah, it´s not a secret, most of my close friends here know anyway ;) She is just a bit more reserved when it comes to posting personal stuff so she asked me not to tag her here...

i get it.