A veeeeery late response but... huge congratulations!!! I've been having way less time to interact here on Hive, and that means not going through some of my favourite bloggers nearly as frequently as I wanted, and this post slipped... until now!! Don't feel sorry for a second in having to change the way you are present here; a huge part of being able to be sucessful is the ability to adapt, and it seems you have your priorities straight! ;) Enjoy life and the new beginnings, and use your Hive as it best suits you, we all know how commited you are to the blockchain, and no point in accumulating if you can't use it, that's what the magic internet money is for. Happy for you!
PS. Congratulations on the Czech basketball championship as well! Here's a well deserved !BEER
Oh wow, thank you so much for this comment my friend! It´s so kind of you that you scrolled down all the way down to this post to catch up on what you have missed :) I really appreciate your kind words, wishes and encouragement! You even checked out that basketball post, wow! :D You are amazing :) Cheers to Portugal!
More than deserved! Still having limited time for Hive, but now for a great cause: vacations! Will try to catch up on all the comments soon. 😁 Cheers from Portugal! !BEER